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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. Yes. But your point is stupid. Often, things that are common sense are very difficult to prove, especially when it comes to subjects that are impossible to test. We can't do a controlled experiment on whether a nutter with a gun kills more people than a nutter with a knife. And without controlled experiments, it's very hard to scientifically prove anything. And it's difficult to just look over the list of existing cases and look for patterns since the sample size is very small. If you would suggest a way to make these kinds of attacks less deadly, what would you suggest? Your attitude seems to be pretty much "well we can't PROVE guns make these attacks more deadly so we should do nothing". I don't think the average person owns and is proficient with machine tools. Anders Breivik, James Holmes, and Martin Bryant were almost certainly not. Because my claims are so obvious that I don't really need evidence, and the evidence is practically impossible to acquire. Well, aside from a buttload of circumstantial evidence.
  2. who's callum and what's with that funky bors avatar???
  3. Replay value = overall quality. If the game isn't good, why are you replaying it? Also, keep in mind that the original Japanese version is probably easier than the English version. Normally, they make it easier in localisation, but maybe NoA were like "geez this game is already hells easy already no need to nerf it more".
  4. yeah you'd only be attracted to wolves and shit if they IDENTIFIED as a human and if you're not then you're transanthrophobic
  5. hahaha crash that's exactly what it is as if being bisexual wasn't already a load of meaningless crap (I find it hard to believe that literally every single woman at university is bisexual, because they certainly all say so), pansexuals feel the need to trumpet that they are also attracted to the 0.1% of the population that doesn't fall into the gender binary. just call yourself bisexual. and there are people who collect different labels like they're fucking pokemon
  6. No, it's best to be a demisexual aromantic bisexual.
  7. If you're talking about the heliocentric and the geocentric models of the Solar System, the key distinction of those two systems is whether the other planets revolved around the Earth or the Sun, not whether the Sun revolved around the Earth or vice-versa. Yes: that's common sense. In the absence of more exacting interpretation, the null hypothesis holds. I did a few posts ago. More "just testing you" bullshit.
  8. I would call my own logged playthroughs efficient. I don't care right now to trawl this board and find other playlogs to hold up as examples of what I would call efficient, but there are many others (p. sure Interceptor and Narga both have logs, but they'll be quite far back).
  9. oh I should ask what your favourite town is! I do like how the town themes were a bit more flavourful and fleshed out than in previous games, especially for Dungeon. uh yeah if you beat the entire game on heroic you're probably a lot better at it then I am since I mainly just fucked around in the campaigns.
  10. I am a fan. I think it has issues in comparison to other Heroes games: -Anemic single player with not many scenarios to pick from. -Lame campaign with too many cutscenes and too linear (if you're wondering, 4 had six campaigns that could be done in any order and 3 had even more campaigns iirc). Plus a forced tutorial! I'm also pretty sure that the Stronghold campaign is broken. -Many spelling mistakes. That being said, I think the graphics, music, and combat system are all amazing, as are the hero-building choices. Going back to other Heroes games where you can't view turn order or how much damage you'll deal is really difficult!
  11. The colours are... weird? I'm sure someone can put into words better than I can exactly what's wrong with the colours, but they might be oversaturated, and there isn't enough variance in his hair colours. You might want to think about copying colours off an existing FE8 sprite and tweaking them from there.
  12. "Characters are compared based on how they contribute towards an efficient playthrough." An efficient playthrough can mean many things aside from the absolute most optimal low turn count playthrough.
  13. Common sense. Five minutes of research with the eminent Dr. Wikipedia. You could have easily have interpreted it from the context. I would hardly say that building firearms is difficult because it requires a screwdriver and a hammer, it's more likely that I was referring to specialist tools.
  14. I don't think it's going out of my way to say that "guns are deadlier than knives" will be our null hypothesis here and the burden of proof is on you to provide evidence to show that knives are in fact deadlier than guns in the situation we are talking about. As it turns out, simple logic led me to the right conclusion. I don't need to know anything specifically about gunsmithing to be able to tell that these devices are too complicated for the average person to make in their basement, any more than I need to know anything specifically about microbiology to know that the average joe couldn't breed anthrax in their kitchen sink, or I need to know anything about criminal psychology to know that preventing people from going off the deep end is more difficult that just teaching "respect for guns" in schools. Yeah, that's why I mentioned specifically "specialist tools". That is not an obvious statement.
  15. ok this is one of the worst insults I've ever read
  16. Do I need to? Is this more "I WAS JUST TESTING YOU" bullshit? "I WAS JUST TESTING YOU" Kindly fuck off if all you're going to do is be deliberately disingeneous and play devil's advocate.
  17. On average, missing out on five levels on a character you plan to use in CC means you have to pay about 26,000 gold to get them to catch up in statboosters: but that's assuming that you give a shit about stats like luck and skill, or that this isn't one of the characters who might cap a stat at 20/15, so really it's probably closer to 20,000 gold. And with stuff like the Swiftsoles trick, you can earn 20,000 gold in a single level of the Ruins. They also have the potential of giving no stat gains.
  18. Choices are bad: it's basic economics, people!
  19. Yes, iirc it's Ephraim that taught Eirika how to fight (and Ephraim in turn was taught by Duessel).
  20. I don't need to say exactly where the line is. Personally, my values suggest that guns aren't worth letting people own. It's fine if you disagree and think that the damage to "freedom" or the impact on people who own assault rifles and automatic shotguns for sport or hunting or aesthetic value is less than the cost of having more gun crime, but my point in this thread has been that reducing the prevalence of legal guns will reduce gun crime, and unless you disagree with that statement, I don't see why you're continuing to argue with me. No, I really do think that most of the time, a crazy dude with a gun will kill more than a crazy dude with a knife or a baseball bat. I guess I don't know for sure, it just seems like it would be quite difficult. But judging by this, it does sound like specialist knowledge and tools are necessary.
  21. I doubt that the value from those alternative uses is greater than the value in reducing deaths from gun crime. Just because some knife attacks are deadlier than some rifle attacks doesn't mean that in general, a given person with a knife is less dangerous than a given person with a gun. Well, unless you have specialist technology and knowledge, constructing a rifle is quite hard. Unless you have the capability to make a barrel with helical grooves, the projectile won't spin and will be less precise, with a lower range, and be prone to tumbling, so you probably wouldn't be able to use standard rifle ammunition either (before the invention of rifling, firearms used round pellets which don't penetrate as well).
  22. You could just make Innes into a high-level Archer. That way, the player can pick whether to make him a Sniper or a Ranger (you'd probably want to give Sniper some advantages over Ranger, though, because it's a pretty easy decision atm). If you want to put in more dark magic users, why not give Lute the option to promote to female Druid instead of Mage Knight? It fits her background quite well, I think, certainly better than Shaman fits Natasha. [assuming you don't remove branched promotions]
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