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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. I think that complaining about HP not being "as good" as other stats is a bit disingenuous. I mean, HP isn't "as good" as other stats in just about every single RPG ever created. And it doesn't matter since you get more of it anyway.
  2. Boyd T is pretty good, but I was under the impression that it was possible (if pretty difficult) to get Haar to 32 strength, in which case he could have 4-turned 3-8. Or 31 strength, with a +2 coin instead of a +1 coin. It depends, I guess, on what coins you have available.
  3. Neither does Jill or Kieran ;) Wow, even dondon is saying that Aeine cares about LTCs too much.
  4. Nope, pretty sure I'm right about this.
  5. ##Unvote: Shinori ##Vote: Marth
  6. ##Unvote: Shinori ##Vote: Marth
  7. Marcia is actually really useful in 2-3 because she can take out the Horseslayer Paladin, and is only unit that can double promoted enemies. She's crucial for the 5 turn clear. Killing enemies is not a big deal: each enemy gives 100BEXP, which is about 3EXP for someone like Haar. He'll live. She's also pretty good in 2-E, I think. That's actually a pretty reasonable level gain, in my experience. Marcia flies and is therefore 100x more useful in 3-11, quite aside from the reality that she doubles everything and probably ends up winning offense, especially since it's possible to BEXP her strength
  8. You shouldn't have put an upper limit on the dimensions.
  9. Some of the treasures in the map aren't very useful and can be skipped. The only really important one is the Boots.
  10. I remember crunching the numbers for FE9 and it's not like that at all: it's good on Swordmasters and Snipers but mediocre for Paladins and Warriors and stuff, which is kind of exactly what we want. It makes Swords and Bows better, it makes forging hit on weapons a worthwhile endeavour, it makes +hit supports worthwhile... Yes, this was certainly true in FE10 where it seemed like as many abilities used Strength or Speed as Skill.
  11. I mean to have them coexist, so you could either wield a Silver Sword by having A Rank in Swords, or by having at least 20 skill (say). More than that, really, since it means that the marginal value of skill is high, even when you have very high hit rates already.
  12. This is a good idea. It should be noted that in FEs with skills, Skill is more important because it helps skill activation rates. Another way to help skill would be to let it work like weapon level in FE1/2/3. So if you had a high skill character, they wouldn't need to have a high weapon rank (useful for weapon types you gain on promotion).
  13. ##Vote: Shinori stupid anal voting rules
  14. Says the person who doesn't have a doctor or a driver on his team. Tell me how that argument works out for you.
  15. Terrible skills: Concentration (very situational, small boost), Luck+4. Top Tier: The various Expert skills except for Bow Expert. Essentially, Weapon Saver lets you use limited powerful weapons, but Expert skills are such a significant boost that it's comparable to using a powerful weapon. For example Silver Sword on an Expert has almost as much attack as Mercurius, with the additional benefit that you don't need to wait until A rank to use the Silver, you don't have to take the Mercurius away from another unit, and an Expert can still wield Mercurius occasionally for really tough enemies even if he can't use it all the time. So Expert skills should be close to Weapon Saver, except Bow Expert which is more limited.
  16. Camtech is like 8 years old, so like, orange juice or something?
  17. Yes! Our fearless leader! ##Vote: Shinori No hard feelings, eh, darling? ~( '3')~
  18. It's not that they don't want to improve. Even if a fanfic writer listens honestly and modestly to criticism and takes it all on board, often their attitude is "make the next one better". Nobody writes good first drafts. Not even the best writers in the world.
  19. Don't like the trim on 6, so I voted for 12 (which is also the manliest)
  20. Problem is that Gatrie isn't even the second or third best dude for the Boots. More like 20th or 30th.
  21. when are we going to go back to badges based on postcount
  22. Why is Bastian not in the bottom? 80% of the time (100% if you want to count Rhys) you will have a siege tome user already and have no use for him. AKA, 80% of the time he is a last round pick, certainly behind Lucia and Ulki.
  23. I tried playing this. There were no errors with the patch, I'm sure I was using a clean ROM, but in the first cutscene, the game glitched. When I skipped it and went straight to the prologue map, all of the characters had broken mugs and chibis, no units had any names, and when Siegfried levelled up the game hung.
  24. Vaida proves she knows more about tier lists than Snowy.
  25. I would say that if anything, Jill needs a nerf. -1 move to Jill and Haar. Do it mang
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