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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. I wish that Armour Knights were better, and that Swordmasters weren't in the games at all. I wish that Dark Magic would be enemy only like in FE4. I wish that the EXP system was more like a normal RPG. I like the map graphics in FE4 and FE5. I think they have a certain charm to them. I can't bring myself to hate those cute little Armours!
  2. It's pretty typical for Fire Emblems to have a sequel or follow up game. FE1, FE4, and FE6 all had games that followed up on the previous title and expanded the universe: even if not necessarily as a sequel.
  3. Since they picked literally the latest date possible for a Q1 release, I'm doubtful this is a concrete date.
  4. They're all worth using except for arguably Yuno and Karel: Karel comes almost at the end of the game and Yuno has stats that make her useless. All other prepromotes can be useful in the short or medium term, and a few, like Percival, are useful even in the final chapters.
  5. You know, why wouldn't you do FE6 since it's the Fire Emblem soundtrack most clearly in need of retouching? Not criticising your choice, just wondering.
  6. >MGS >realistic This is a series that has a guy that has hornets that live in his body and he can control them and when he shouts "Tommy Gun!" they arrange into a shape of a tommy gun and then he uses them to shoot bees.
  7. Even in Scyther's case where you might have to catch multiple until you find one with Technician? Or should we count it against Scyther that even if we do find one, it might have Swarm and therefore be less useful?
  8. Don't Pinsir and Scyther have a 1% appearance rate, and in the Safari Zone no less (so it's not even like you can grind while looking for them)?
  9. Treck is dark blond, and Nono is pale blond.
  10. Why would you even want to deliberately have Edward take damage so that you can waste experience on Micaiah or Leonardo?
  11. They're not. I barely even touch Aran and Zihark. They're decent units, don't get me wrong, but not essential for anything. That's actually impossible without giving Aran stat boosters. Aran is tricky because he has a significant chance of being doubled by enemies if his speed is low. Depending on what level he is, he can actually turn out to be a liability and even if he is at a good level he relies on a certain degree of luck because he's only useful if he gets good levels (in comparison to someone like Nolan who is less reliant on getting good levels). Nolan is more durable and hits harder than him in Part 3, and requires less training and is faster and generally beats him in every conceivable area. Aran has a far tougher time gaining levels than Jill or Nolan (and it's not super easy for them to begin with), trust me. Aran is going to be the one who needs to be babysat and needs feeding. The tier list as it stands has evolved out of a specific style of play. It assumes the player is competent, knows the fastest way to get things done and does so. Aran struggles to keep up with other units in such an environment.
  12. What an intelligent and insightful post. Psych, are you all right?
  13. "Two belts to make extra sure everything is tied together" lol
  14. Mordecai is fine to use, by the way. He's not great, but he's decent enough, and if you can activate Resolve on him he turns into a monster.
  15. I don't really care what their reasoning or intent was. Someone at IS decided to put in a 10 year old girl who walks around in lingerie, who you can court and fuck (and has the mentality of a little girl too in case otaku pedophiles get boner-killed by women who are capable of independence or maturity). Even if he had the sense of mind to write in a torturous and belabored explanation for all this, it's still super fucking creepy and not something I like to see in my game. There are a million and one ways for Nono to express her "personality" that don't involve being dressed up like a piece of meat at the market.
  16. Then you're not very good at the game, because Zealot can easily kill enemies in Chapter 9, leaving most enemies on single-digit HP or ORKOing outright. I really don't see how people can find Zealot hard to use in the Western Isles. Obviously he's bad in Sacae/Ilia/Bern and pretty mediocre in Etruria, but he's good in Ostia and the Western Isles.
  17. I didn't know the entirety of FE13 took place on the beach. In that context, the clothes of every other character now seems somewhat inappropriate.
  18. Funny you should mention it, because I've also been losing my respect for Final Fantasy.
  19. He's adorbable? But not so much that I'd actually like, use him.
  20. (but yeah Fire Emblem used to be classy and respectable (or at least more so). I feel like I have less respect for Fire Emblem now?)
  21. No, that's all awful. Treck will remain a cavalier. Yes. I always use Treck. In fact, he's my favourite character in the game. And I don't really think he needs a massive nerf, just for the sake of having a soldier.
  22. He is an red unit, and in my experience you usually have to kill red units. A natural assumption, I think.
  23. Bosses with stats that high are just stupid. No boss should be harder to kill than FE6 Gel. Or FE7 Lloyd.
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