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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. So, I suppose you think Romney would be better because you think... he'll start a war that kickstarts the economy? And reneges on his promise to cut the deficit? I'm talking specifically about GM and Chrysler. These companies went bankrupt and were bailed out by the government, but they did lay off workers. Looking at the table on page 9, GM laid off about 33,000 workers, or a third of the workforce, and closed 11 of it's 51 plants in between 2007 and 2010. But you said that the US auto industry is sunk because it didn't lay off workers. I'm asking about this specific claim that you made. And while I don't know the specifics of how the auto industry is doing now, they're not going bankrupt any more, so I can only assume things are better. Apparently, GM is now turning a profit again for the first time in several years. Now, I'm no corporate lawyer, but I think that profitability is a good sign.
  2. Uh, really? In December 2008, Bush gave 17.4 billion dollars of temporary relief to GM and Chrysler (relief that Obama followed through on in January). That doesn't really sound like a healthy industry to inherit. I don't know exactly what the situation is in America now, but I don't think they still need government assistance. Moreover, "understanding business" doesn't really mean much in terms of being the president. Herbert Hoover built a company from the ground up, but presided over the biggest crash in US financial history. While Ronald Reagan was an actor who had no previous business experience and presided over a strong economic recovery. But they did lay off workers in 2008/2009. I'm confused. Are you saying that they should have fired more people?
  3. Oh, ok, I guess I was talking out of my ass then.
  4. Donny is supposedly almost the same age as Liz (according to their support).
  5. Anouleth

    FE8 skirmishes

    I don't know if it's possible in FE8, but in FE7 you can hack units such that they don't give EXP. It seems like it might be preferable to do that then just replace the enemies with maxed Dracozombies.
  6. Even without assembly, impressive things are possible. IIRC, Arch's hack only needed assembly to replicate FE5 FoW.
  7. Except that Knives do have crit on them? Aside from the 1-2 range Knives and the Bronze Dagger, every single Knife in FE10 has +critical. The difference between Knives and Swords in FE10 is a lot bigger than the difference between say, Lances and Axes in FE10. Knives have crit, forgeable 2-range, an anti-beast weapon, and generally better accuracy, while Swords have anti-dragon weapons, a stronger SS weapon, forgeable 1 range weapons, Blades subtype, a Brave weapon, and more Prf weapons.
  8. Surely it should be more like "I'll cut his throat"?
  9. It certainly seems better than stuff like Sol or Dual Support+.
  10. Marcus is the best axe user.
  11. Except they have roughly the same level, only Duessel has much better stats, with giant leads in HP/STR/DEF and similar speed. If Duessel's stats are "low", then Yuno's are "beyond abysmal". As I recall, Syrene's stats are fine to do her job, but if you wanted to use her for serious combat, you wouldn't be able to. Like, I remember that she doesn't double Wyvern Riders in her starting chapter with the Dragonspear, which is the only way she can 2HKO them. That's bad.
  12. Except that Heather and Sothe can fight. They might not be as good as dedicated fighters, but they can fight and deal damage. In fact, Sothe is an excellent damage dealer in FE10, all the way until Part 4. It's not like they're Dancers who are completely unable to attack. Or Mist who is even weaker than any Rogue. Or even Rhys who is impossibly frail and can never ever get attacked. Hell, in terms of combat, Sothe and Heather are amazing if you compare them to a lot of supposedly pure combat units like Lyre and Astrid - characters who, despite their flaws, still see use by some players, who presumably enjoy using them. And the weakest knife besides the Knife. And, let me point out that in FE10, Knives were almost as strong as Swords. A Silver Knife was actually better than a Silver Sword, except that it couldn't be forged and having a few less uses. In fact, a capped Volke only had two less points of attack than a capped Zihark, both with their best weapons.
  13. You might want to change the first post in the thread, then, because it still says that they're cameo roles.
  14. The map design feature in AW works because it lets you copy popular competitive maps (such as Mind Trap). In AW4 there was even a way to hack out the regular map selection (which could be used to remove awful maps like Fist Peninsula or Swan Cove from the rotation).
  15. Elite also means an earlier promotion, which is especially good for Arthur.
  16. The Spanish? Right, except that Duessel actually wins important stats by huge margins (HP by 8, Strength by 7, Defense by 8), and has 10 more CON so in practice, he's faster as well. Even before he gets Garm. If you want a character that's comparable to Yuno statistically, take Syrene or Isadora: except they're actually underrated, if anything.
  17. You're giving Roshea and Vyland cameo roles, so why not Cord and Bord? The game absolutely doesn't need another Merc (of which there are five). If anything, Arch is likely to cut some of them, like Samson and Caesar...
  18. I'm not really surprised, but I've seen similar images floating around on tumblr before.
  19. I wouldn't say it's useless. Certainly, Volke isn't going to kill entire armies on his own with a Knife, but he can weaken enemies, and when he does so he has a chance to Lethality them so you might get a kill when you do so. More to the point: why does everything have to be useful? The value that an element brings to a game is not the same thing as the value it brings to an efficient playthrough. Some players quite like using Knives, despite their drawbacks. They like the challenge, or they think it's cool. No different from players choosing to use clearly inferior characters. Some players like to use Myrmidon!Wrys. Some REALLY crazy players even choose to hack the game and reduce everyone's growths to zero!
  20. Which Leaf? Because FE5 Leaf is totally entitled to Life Ring + Speed Ring.
  21. Yes, the fact that they're an erogenous zone is completely irrelevant.
  22. I did this for Carlos Slim Helu. The richest man in the world gets 0 on this "privilege test" (taking Mexico as a -50 and Carlos Slim Helu as being Middle Eastern). Feel free to try it with other celebrities! Or even historical figures!
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