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Everything posted by Anouleth

  2. I'd think Ashunera would be up there, since she was the one who originally created all life. Narga is supposed to be very powerful, enough to be worshipped as a god, but he didn't actually create all life.
  3. Are you serious? Boah is a very decent character in FE1, being tied for the position of second fastest character in the game at base level. His high WLV and good base movement also elevate him above just about every unpromoted staff user in the game except for Lena (for obvious reasons). Along with Wendell, he's the only magic user that can use Starlight at base level, but unlike Wendell, he doubles Garnef with it. He's certainly far better than the likes of Norne! Norne is not even in FE1, which demonstrates just how useless she is. (Even in FE11, Norne is a horrible character, or at least she would be if she existed in Hard Mode. Not only do you have to give up other characters (usually better ones) to get her, but when you do, she's just an inferior version of Gordin and Castor who have better strength. Boah, on the other hand, is a pretty acceptable filler staffbot in a game where you want lots of staff users.) I'm not opposed to you removing Boah for whatever reasons, but you are wrong to suggest he is more insignificant than Norne either in gameplay or story terms. I mean, I haven't played FE11 a lot, but I never felt compelled to kill off four characters to get her in any of my playthroughs. Hardly different? An extra point of movement speed and different terrain penalties is not a minor difference.
  4. Boyd. I always found him pretty boring in FE9, but then I gave him transfers and a forged Hand Axe in FE10, and he transformed my life. I can also safely say that IkexBoyd has now surpassed IkexRanulf as my favourite pairing for him.
  5. Well, Seth also has better stats, because he'll end up with a huge level lead (because of all that other stuff). In efficient runs he usually ends up capping his level. Gerik can't really catch up in terms of stats, even if you ignore that efficient playthroughs usually promote him straight away (which makes it downright impossible for him to catch up with Seth).
  6. Fire Emblem does not have shields. Yeah, but there's nothing more complicated than that. Elements don't really interact with each other in a significant way, either. Also, "elemental affinities" are arbitrary. They're more like star signs than actually being associated with classical elements. calm down, bladehero
  7. That's for many reasons, partially because many RPGs don't give you a lot of appreciable choice until the very late game. Take Final Fantasy 9, for instance. You don't get to pick between a lot of characters until 2/3rds of the way through the game. Even then, characters really do not become significantly better or worse over the remainder of the game (for example, Quina, probably considered to be the strongest character, doesn't really become "stronger" over the rest of the game). Moreover, there aren't really enough characters in most RPGs to have a meaningful discussion (whereas Fire Emblem has something like 50 characters per game). Other SRPGs, though, do attract tier listing discussion. There's a tier list for Pokemon Conquest (which does indeed take into account factors like fast evolution and earlygame performance, which redeems pokemon like Carnivine.)
  8. This is my Seth: 30HP 14STR 13SKL 12SPD 13LUK 11DEF 8RES So good! best character in the game! oh thank god because we were all totally on tenterhooks waiting for your next trenchant opinion about this 15 year old game
  9. Why would thieves be attacking you anyway? Thieves usually don't have aggressive AI (quite aside from them being rare enemies).
  10. If SuperLuigi doesn't want us to endlessly dissect every tiny change he makes, well, he shouldn't have made this thread. Don't you mean the lower right side (which you can leave until later anyway)? The left side is actually fairly open and contains no 1 tile chokepoints. And you've closed up the left side. The Arena has been pushed up closer to the big door, an Armoury has been put two tiles to the right of it (where there was before nothing), and you've put another Armoury above and to the right of it. You've also placed another wall above the original wall, this time forming chokepoints. In terms of ratio of traversable to none-traversable tiles, the preview of your map is indeed "more crowded" than the original map, although of course the rest of the map might indeed be more open. Edit: Try not to double post. :) eCut~
  11. Best: FE10 4-E-1. Worst: FE7 C25(E)/C27(H) Jerme's map. There's a reason everyone avoids this map.
  12. You know, if I didn't know better, I would think that Knives were made deliberately weak, as if Thieves aren't supposed to be dedicated combat units!
  13. I think the map of Chapter 7 is pretty much fine as it is?
  14. Stupid strats? I personally quite like it when the game encourages me to think outside the box and pursue alternative and unorthodox strategies.
  15. Well, I can't imagine why you'd have Boah show up just to not be playable. It's not like there are any other prepromote Bishops in the game anyway, while there are a ton of other Cavaliers and a couple of other Archers (as well as a prepromoted Hunter). So I can't really imagine why Arch would say that Boah is unlikely or very unlikely to be playable, or more unlikely than Frey/Norne given that Boah has a less common class (only prepromoted Bishop) and a greater storyline presence. Which makes me wonder if Malledus will be returning.
  16. Boah is a far more plot relevant character than Frey or Norne. Or make it impossible to save all five of them?
  17. I don't really have any feelings about knives.
  18. On NM, it should be perfectly reasonable to do it with Rolf, Shinon, Mia, and Ike. I'm sure drafters have done so before.
  19. You know it was funny because last night I was thinking about how Helios could have gotten Tailored, especially since he was such an obvious target N2.
  20. Also that day phase was 1 and a half hours long and took place at five in the fucking morning
  21. It says "your normal one", meaning Shiki's normal role. By which, I take it to mean that it doesn't include a kill ability, especially since roles with unlimited killing ability aren't really that common anyway, and I imagine the mafia killing ability would be tied to the mafia rather than an individual's role.
  22. Let me tell you that there are very few units in FE12 that can ORKO with a 1-2 range weapon, and even then, it's not for long (like, a powerlevelled MU can do it for a short while but against capped enemies it's impossible). Even in FE11, I can't say there are many units that ORKO reliably at 1-2 range. FE10? Well, yeah, but it's simply impossible for many good units, and an important part of LTC is training those few units that can potentially do it with good movement (like Jill and Haar). Sure, but while pretty much anyone can /soften/ with Javelins in FE12, the number of units who can 2HKO is exceedingly slim. Even 2HKOing with Steel is not easy. For example, Cavaliers in Chapter 2 have 32HP and 6DEF. You'd need 19 strength with a Javelin to 2HKO.
  23. Ok, as far as I can tell, we're looking for the source of the second mafia kill. That was probably Rocker, on every night except Night 1. When they must have used another way to kill, like a 1 shot nightvig (so there would be 1 kill tonight). Scorri fits that bill pretty well, but there's the complication of her "selling out" BBM. But if you plan to throw away your night action every single night, and you have BBM fire off his masshook on N1... then why keep him around when you can sell him out for Town Credibility Points? So I think it's worth considering.
  24. Does anyone mind updating me on recent developments here?
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