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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. Basing it off Build gives the same problem as Strength, since after a certain point weapon weight just doesn't matter, and the same problem as CON in that certain characters just get horribly screwed over. I see Build as being the worst of both.
  2. Interesting stuff about Romney's campaign. I mean, Romney is not new to campaigning. He's run for governor and in two presidential primaries. I'm surprised at this level of incompetence from him and his staff. Makes me wonder if he was really up to managing an entire country when he couldn't even run a campaign.
  3. Pairing Azel is the only way to make use of Volcanon: not that there's anything wrong with having Azel!Sety use Volcanon and giving Holsety to Arthur. Might be worth keeping Sylvia unpaired just to get the Berserk staff. After all, Restore/Sleep/Silence are also in limited supply.
  4. I think Vaida is incredibly cool and more FE ladies should have short hair.
  5. but if he's gone can we call him Horio?
  6. Sue technically has the best offensive growths in the whole of FE6, and her offensive bases aren't bad either (better than Lance's, for instance). She has an acceptable weapon type and a horse that doesn't take full terrain penalties. So yeah, on paper, she's a good unit. She just joins on the wrong side of earlygame.
  7. In ranked, my cavs were quite a way off promotion by that point. Maybe level 13 or 14?
  8. because all the characters must be in the 16-25 target demographic who wants to look at a bunch of OLD people anyway
  9. Fatigue is only a real issue for staff users, who usually have awful HP (and using staves builds fatigue fast).
  10. what is it with FE12 tier lists and not having dolph i know he's the most utterly forgettable and useless turd imaginable but rly Also, why is Abel below Est? I get that Abel isn't going to blow anyone away coming so late and so weak, but Est seems to be even worse.
  11. According to this site, if you don't pass the Silver Blade down Blume has it.
  12. It's silly to argue with Life. He's already made up his mind that everything that Obama says about Israel is a lie, and that all of his support towards Israel is just a smokescreen, and that he wants Israel to be destroyed.
  13. I should point out that bonds and financial markets don't work that way. Government bonds have a fixed maturity, usually around 10 or 20 years, so it's not like China could decide they want their 1 trillion back and the US would have to pay them tomorrow. They'd have to pay over the course of the next ten years. And the US government loans it's money from many sources, both domestic and foreign. China only makes up a tenth of it.
  14. Oscar won't reach 20/12 until very late in the game. That's like, Chapter 25 or 26 or something.
  15. Don't forget Liz, who is about the same age as Donny.
  16. You can also use Butterfree, which has a 97.5% accurate Sleep Powder, instead of Breloom, Amoonguss or Parasect.
  17. you people are ignoring the REAL question will Hillary Clinton be able to beat Paul Ryan in 2016?
  18. No, I mean that if Ike gets a 8 in combat and a 7 in support, that implies that a unit with really really good supports but literally no combat ability is just as good as a unit with combat ability but literally no supports. Which is misleading. Do you really want to tell players that supports are just as important as being able to fight? Well, quite aside from your bizarre choice to disregard rescue-dropping even though it can help get BEXP, which any player should be keen to get, you completely missed my point. Boyd has a 7.17 and Marcia has a 7. It's fine if you think, for whatever reason, that Boyd's combat is part of him being better, but it's crazy to suggest that his supports have more weight in this decision than his combat. Yes, it does. Movement affects their EXP gain, which affects their combat. It does give a boost in combat. I found that Marcia, for example, had some of the best combat abilities in the game because it was so easy to overlevel her with BEXP and CEXP. The Tomahawk is only useful in low turn count playthroughs. It doesn't actually improve combat ability. Enemies are no less dead when you kill them from 2 range than 1 range. 2 more strength is enough to overcome the gap in the strengths of their respective weapon types, and Ike wins in virtually every other statistical area as well as having a better mastery. Yes, because he does have combat, he just fights through other units. Is that really that hard to understand? What does not being able to fight on his own matter? If it was necessary for Boyd to be on the field in order to use Oscar, does that mean that Oscar gets no credit for fighting? Why is it that Oscar gets a boost to his combat rating for his high avoid, even though it requires other units to be on the field, but Reyson doesn't get a boost to his combat rating for his Galdr ability because it requires other units to work? Does this mean that Rolf and Shinon will also get a zero because if they fight on their own, they'll be surrounded and trapped? It's not a concern I raised. Or, perhaps, it might be that it is because you haven't put much thought into the criteria in this list. I would probably be okay with this if you just got rid of the ridiculous "utility" rating which makes no sense and you clearly haven't thought about at all, even though it would produce a different list. I think the problem is that the units so far have utility scores that are way too high for units whose only form of utility is giving situational support bonuses late in the game. Like Boyd, for instance, getting a 7/10 for... giving Titania a +1 attack boost, when we might not even be using her that late in the game.
  19. "The plot could use more twists". either a troll or an idiot
  20. That's impossible. No character in the game can get +5 attack and defense, let alone get avoid and hit bonuses on top of that. Moreover, supports only kick in towards the end of the game. We do not judge combat based purely on how good a unit is in the last chapter. At the same time, we should not judge supports based solely on their impact in the last chapter. Fact is, supports do not have as great an impact as combat does. Even if Sothe had Earth supports with everyone in the game, he would still never be considered better than Ike even if Ike had no supports. Yes, it is minor. Boyd supports Titania, Mist, Brom, and Ulki. He gives them more attack power, which is good, right? Because you gave it a 7? Except that Mist doesn't want more attack power, and Ulki hits fairly hard anyway and just has awful problems with speed and transformation so even +3 attack doesn't really improve his damage output, and Brom hits like a truck anyway and all of these supports take a while to set up, and Titania has a ton of other options and probably won't be in range anyway. And yet, apparently, these bonuses which ARE minor are so important that they make Boyd overall better than Marcia? I can't really imagine what kind of person thinks that being able to FLY is less "good" than giving bonuses to Titania late in the game. Like, I can understand if you think that Boyd having better combat than Marcia is more worthy of mention in the tier list than her flight. But better supports? Really? Can you really imagine using Boyd if he couldn't fight and you just wanted him for his "support utility"? Then they're not independent. It's not a skill, it's a core game mechanic. Characters with bad movement find it harder to enter combat, and thus end up with bad combat, just as characters with bad availability find it harder to enter combat and thus end up with bad combat, like, say, Tormod. Ike has access to Aether, Kieran doesn't. Ike gets stat boosts from his supports, Kieran doesn't. Ike eventually gets Ragnell. They should at least get the same score. Ike should really get an 8.25. I don't believe his combat is worse than Oscar's or Jill's either. Also, I think Reyson should get a 10 in combat. He can chant another unit and use them to kill an enemy, with almost limitless flexibility to always choose an ally that can ORKO. In fact, when he transforms, he can kill four enemies a turn, which is pretty impressive.
  21. That doesn't make any sense though. If a character had 0 movement, they'd have very poor combat because they'd be unable to engage many enemies on the enemy phase, and because they can't engage enemies, they'd end up underlevelled. So movement definitely has an impact on combat ability, just as combat ability has an effect on movement. I also don't really understand the utility category. Why does Marcia get only a 5 when she has amazing rescuing and dropping ability, which is certainly more useful than Boyd's, or in fact, anyone's support abilities (since supports aren't really very useful). And why is it given equal weight to the other categories? I think it's ridiculous that Jill is being put underneath Oscar for having, of all things, worse supports. I'd say the 0.25 gap between them for Efficiency is too low and the 2.0 gap between them for supports is too high. Why does Kieran have 0.5 Combat over Ike when Ike has better stats in every area for the entire game? It's true that Kieran has Hand Axes, but those are only useful for saving turns.
  22. The current tier list already does that. It makes it obvious that Titania is worth using (and she absolutely is) and makes it obvious that Rolf is not worth using, because whether a character is "worth using" isn't based purely on their stats.
  23. Why does Reyson get a 1 in stats when he's a powerful unit throughout his entire existence: in fact, possibly more powerful than any other unit in his chapters? Chanting is very powerful. He's also an excellent combat unit. I can think of no other character that can destroy four enemy units on the player phase. "I feel this way would allow for a more accurate representation of units" Er, what? The accuracy of a tier list has nothing to do with it's criteria. I could make an extremely accurate tier list that tiered units on the combined value of all the letters in their name in Scrabble. I think the word you are looking for is "meaningful". You think that such a tier list would be more meaningful for players who are not experienced enough to be able to use units to their fullest potential.
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