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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. You already have to do those things. The argument is that giving enemy archers 2-3 range excludes a wide range of strategies, that really shouldn't be excluded, and makes predicting and planning around enemy movements and actions more difficult. To make a comparison, in FFTA it is virtually impossible to predict who a given enemy Archer will attack on a given turn and what tile they will attack from because they have huge range and can practically hit anyone on the map. Now, that's not such a big deal since even a White Mage will probably only suffer a 5HKO or something from an enemy Archer, and FFTA in general places less emphasis on unit micromanagement and strategy and more emphasis on teambuilding and RPG elements, and it's fine if you think that FE should be more like FFTA (and less like Advance Wars), but it should be acknowledged that by giving all Archers 2-3 range you need to make corresponding adjustments to map design, statistical structure, and that it's a movement overall to a different sort of gameplay to what we've seen in the past from Fire Emblem.
  2. Valtome says that line in 4-2, where neither Geoffrey or Ike are around.
  3. Thing is that when people say "no homo", they're being facetious or ironic something like 100% of the time. As if they're lampshading the absurdity inherent in a phrase which purports to retroactively redact any homoerotic implications in the statement, but really just highlights and encourages such interpretations and reinforces their validity by expressing that they are apparent to the originator. In fact, I usually hear it being said immediately after the most outrageously gay shit ever, to take for example "I sure would like to fuck Robert Downey Jr., no homo." And I don't feel that there's any homophobic implication in making such a joke. If it had a previous, homophobic meaning, it's long been buried under layers and layers of meta and irony.
  4. Don't be ridiculous. Geoffrey isn't even in that chapter.
  5. I don't get what the number of books you have written has to do with whether or not this story would be best as a written work or a ROMhack. If anything, the fact that you have written in the past should suggest that you should write again rather than switch to an entirely different medium that imposes special constraints and requires far more time and effort, not to mention write in your non-native language (while your English is very good for a non-native speaker, you do make occasional mistakes and some jarring word choices).
  6. What? I don't know much about Romney's plan, but I highly doubt that adding 7 trillion dollars to the deficit is even possible. That would make the deficit 8.1 trillion dollars (the 2012 deficit is estimated to be about 1.1 trillion dollars), or more than half of the entire GDP of the United States. For that to happen, Romney would have to cut federal taxes to zero on all Americans, and then double the size of Medicare and Social Security.
  7. Ellen is certainly OHKOed by enemies with Hand Axes or Steel Bows in Hard Mode (hell, even Lilina gets OHKOed by them). Staff users in later FEs such as FE10 and FE12 are also frequently OHKOed, or 2HKOed and doubled (for example, Laura is ORKOed by all enemies in her starting chapter, and Micaiah is ORKOed by all enemies except for Bronze Lance Soldiers in 1-2). Some staff users in FE11 would also be ORKOed, I imagine. I'm sure someone more familiar with FE13 can elaborate, but Liz starts with 4 speed, which gets doubled by virtually everything in the early Lunatic chapters (quite aside from the risk of being OHKOed). Maybe you can fix her by doubling with another unit? I dunno.
  8. I was speaking about medicare and medicaid. Yeah, it's worse. Under Medicare and Medicaid, you're forced to pay for other people's health insurance, and nobody gets any choice in what insurance they get. But under Obamacare/Romneycare, you're forced to pay for your own insurance and can pick a plan that suits yourself.
  9. You know, if you want to write an epic story, Written Works is ====> that way.
  10. So when the government directly takes people's money and spends it on health insurance for them without asking them, it's okay, but when the government simply tells people to buy whatever health insurance they want as long as it meets certain minimum requirements, that's a gross invasion of individual freedom?
  11. Sorry about my inactivity, I didn't notice the phase ended. And sorry to Sage to not responding to him, but yes, he did imprison me, so he's as clear as I am.
  12. Partially, but it's important to note that there are more democrats than republicans in America. The reason why elections can still be close is because of lower turnout among democrats: democrats tend to have wider support amongst demographics that are less active, such as minorities and young people, while republicans have wider support among the elderly. Actually, the PPACA doesn't affect Social Security at all: and Social Security is itself the biggest redistributive scheme in the world. However, it does take a significant proportion from Medicare Advantage. That being said, Obama did harm the long-term solvency of Social Security in his 2011 payroll tax cut. Is that what you're talking about? Or are you talking about the longstanding practice of borrowing from the Social Security Trust Fund? That's questionable. Of previous US presidents, only five had previous business experience: Harding, Hoover, Truman, Bush 41 and Bush 43. It doesn't have that much to do with public speaking. In general, Democratic policies (such as immigration reform towards an amnesty system) are just more popular among the electorate than Republican policies (such as voucherised Medicare). As voters become more informed in the run up to the election, Obama will probably increase his lead. In general, Obama's victory was somewhat inevitable. Even now, he's still viewed favourably by a majority of the US population. Close examination of the economic fundamentals suggest that he is getting a slight boost from the economy. He's an incumbent. And his campaigning is strong. Even if Romney Super PACs have enough money to buy out all the airspace between now and November, Obama has a better ground game (which imo is more important). Link? Because looking at the schedules, Obama appeared on The View on September the 25th, while Netanyahu was only in Washington on the 27th and 28th. (and his name is Benjamin Netanyahu) It also includes Americans who pay into Social Security through FICA taxes, but don't earn enough to pay income tax, or who have tax deductions, and pretty much everyone in the country also pays state taxes, which include sales tax. As well as students. Link? Because there's no mention of such as thing in the PPACA, as far as I can tell. It seems to be primarily funded by taxes on certain high end insurance policies and by cutting funds from Medicare Advantage rather than somehow taking money from the Social Security Trust Fund (which as far as I know isn't even possible). Well, almost 70 million people voted for Obama. That's a pretty clear mandate for him to implement his policies.
  13. Replace Kirsche with Helios in the above post.
  14. But yeah, now that we know that Aere is mafia, Imma change my vote: ##Vote: Bluedoom I think it's already been pretty well-covered, the reasons for this, but I think that voting for Kirsche is still also a good option.
  15. Excellent. So yeah, I'm the vig from SFM, 2 shots during the day. I no longer have any shots, but I guess I used them well enough.
  16. Let's hope that Prims is right about Aere.
  17. I'd like to point out that just putting off the scum and SK from killing you doesn't actually help the town, since it just means they'll target other town members. Especially if you tell them.
  18. Probably because he joins at a high level with competitive base stats.
  19. Looking back at BBM's day 1 posts, it's interesting to see how he avoided making a meaningful commitment on voting Aere, but jumped around voting for Iris (in response to her voting for Kirsche), Prims and Elieson. With everything else, it's enough to make me: ##Vote: Kirsche
  20. Might be a cereal serial killer? Or perhaps a mafioso picked a mafia role with a double kill ability?
  21. Oh, I'd like to add that I spent all last night dancing furiously. I guess it's some sort of roleblock, but I was wondering if anyone remembered where the flavour is from. Shit, you're right. I didn't even think of that. Mafia with lynchproof and a governor? Possible, I guess.
  22. Care to elaborate? I'm interested in getting your full opinion.
  23. I guess we know what happened to the Day 1 Lynch.
  24. Long range bows really don't work when it's possible, in fact, common for squishy backliners like Clerics and Dancers to get 2HKOed by them. And flying midliners like Pegasus Knights and Wyverns also take a lot of damage from them. I think that having decently strong longbows is a good thing to have for Archers and Snipers, but for all bows to be 2-3 range? No.
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