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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. Wow you people are REALLY nitpicking. I forgot how petty the SF community could be sometimes.
  2. Except that every FE villain ever does stuff like that, all the time. I doubt Etruria is that attached to Clarine. Why is that a problem? Sure, but it still makes him look better for negotiations if he can blame everything on Zeiss. And it's not like he diverted any units to finding Zeiss. Yeah, because uh, wanting to kill Cecilia and Clarine is somehow completely ancillary to defeating Roy.
  3. Janaff's gauge is a non-issue since he transforms on turn 1, giving him 7 turns of flying utility. Ok, he can't take on huge waves of enemies without untransforming, but can Sothe?
  4. waaat Soren/Skrimir, Ike/Boyd, Ike/Ranulf, Gatrie/Shinon, Lucia/Elincia, and Caineghis/Giffca are all pretty viable pairings in my opinion.
  5. y u hating on narshen he's faaaabulous also how do you know he's incompetent
  6. The problem with fanfics is that fanfic writers are lazy. They'll write 200,000 words on a potterfic, but at any point, will they go back over their work and improve it? No. Hence, most fanfics are stuck in permanent first draft mode.
  7. are you BLIND also thanks for reminding me how much better FE10's art style is than FE13's
  8. 0mg lute is 2 good she killed everything in the tower, 100x better than salegh buff salegh and nerf lute plz
  9. also trollface.png is so two thousand and LATE
  10. oh god it's like an episode of big brother he said she said shinori, play nice
  11. Except that Generals in FE8 already have Axes/Swords/Lances?
  12. So you're saying that you want to lynch Kay, not because of any rational reason, but because you FEEL she should be talking. Who are you to tell her how to play the game? Anyway, he wants to leave, and I'm happy to oblige: ##Vote: Furetchen
  13. The Jeigan vs Seth argument generally comes down to whether you'd rather Fire Emblem be a tough, difficult, challenging strategy game or whether it be a hand-holding RPG where the player can watch waves of superpowered enemies suicide into their godmode units. I see no reason why it can't be both. You could put in cheat codes, or you could put in an easy mode.
  14. No, he's only usable in 2-3, half of 2-E, 3-9, and 4-5. Hence, 3.5 chapters. Yeah, because they have more availability.
  15. Why not give every character 100 in every stat if you want it to be possible to solo the game with literally any character? I'm not sure what being low or high tier have to do with it. If anything, high tier laguz are affected more because they're expected to endure lengthy enemy phases and kill huge numbers of enemies. I would make the GM chapters more difficult.
  16. Or you could look at FE4, another game with no rescue-dropping option, in which mounted units also dominate.
  17. Because fliers have flight, which is useful. No it isn't. The actions of some individual player doesn't affect Marcia's tier position. I could play the game and refuse to use Mia's ability to wield any sword but Iron, but that wouldn't make her position on the tier list "go". This doesn't make any sense. Even if we only considered from chapter 18 and onwards, Marcia is still quite a bit better than Boyd having decisive advantages in movement for every chapter then on; in the cases of Chapters 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, and 28, a huge advantage since Boyd also has to deal with terrain. No, even without rescue-dropping Marcia is far better than Nephenee. Nephenee sucks in the boat chapters, the desert chapter, isn't really very good in the swamp, and even in comfortable indoor chapters lags behind a huge amount. These are all chapters where Marcia curbstomps her and this is just before Chapter 18. Moreover, because we're not rescue-dropping, Nephenee has literally no way around her mediocre movement. She is forced to stay behind the front lines and will never be able to contribute on the same level as Marcia. In fact, I would go so far as to say that without rescue-dropping, Marcia would actually be slightly better because there is no way that a foot unit can keep up with a flying unit without rescue-dropping. I think Mordecai would be a lot better, as well. With 9 move, he can constantly shove Ike forward and keep him level with other mounted units. I don't know what you are. Irrelevant, since 3-range combat does not help Rolf kill things faster than Tanith does. Like killing enemies. Are there things that Rolf does better? No, because he can only kill enemies and he does that worse than Tanith in 100% of scenarios. There is no individual action in this game that is necessary. Killing a unit with Rolf is never necessary. Killing a unit with a unit chanting by Reyson is never necessary. Aside from Ike, there is no unit in the game that is necessary. So he's only twice as valuable as every single other person on the team? I think you're underselling him, personally, but whatevs. Fine, you know what? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're a liar rather than stupid. If, if if if if if.
  18. Remember kids, you can also use lynches to pressure information out of people!
  19. The first and second maps have some mistakes and questionable tile choices. The third map, I feel is both consistent with the original FE9 map and cleanly executed. I also quite like the Western Isles tileset.
  20. If you think it would be possible for Anders Breivik to murder, what was it, 60+ people with a hammer or a steak knife, you are an idiot. Moreover, steak knives and hammers have important functions such as hammering nails and cutting steaks. I cannot think of any function for an assault rifle other than killing people. While I acknowledge the argument that some people view firearms as having intrinsic beauty and want to collect them, there are many beautiful things that can't be used to kill people. Try stamps. Then why is crime so high in America, which has some of the most liberal gun laws in the world? If guns reduce gun crime, you would expect America to have a lot less gun crime. America in particular has a history of bloody mass shootings such as Columbine, and more recently, the James Holmes killings. And I've said before that simply having a federal law against guns would probably be ineffective in America because it's saturated with firearms. That being said, Americans should acknowledge that one of the reasons they have high rates of violent gun crime is because of the prevalence of legal firearms. In theory, the mere legality of firearms isn't really a problem: it's that so many Americans own one, that they're so cheap and easy to purchase, and that even extremely high-powered firearms are available to the public. If it were a niche item, with only farmers and hunters owning single or double gauge shotguns and maybe a handful of collectors with other weapons, there would be no issue, but as it is, any nutjob can go into a store in America and load up on assault rifles, automatic shotguns, semi-automatic handguns, and ammunition to kill a thousand people. As James Holmes did. You should count yourselves lucky that he didn't kill more people, since he clearly had the means and the motive. I'd also like to point out that despite these liberal gun laws that you champion, it wasn't some brave armed civilian that disarmed James Holmes but the police.
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