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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. You, Prims, and er, I guess I don't really have a third. Oh, yeah, Elieson. I didn't vote D1 because I hadn't read up completely, I was tired at the time of posting, and because it was 17 hours before the end of cycle in which I couldn't post. The situation might have changed, and in fact, it did. I placed my trust in the other town players to reach a decision without my input. I was not exactly worried about the possibility of a no lynch (not that a no lynch on D1 has ever bothered me). And I didn't feel like voting just to earn Townie Credibility Points.
  2. Oh, and more to the point, the mafia has a much easier job of determining what games we picked than otherwise, because they know each other's draft picks. That is to say, that the mafia won't take that long to figure this stuff out on their own anyway.
  3. Perhaps it would be a good idea? More information generally helps the town better than it helps the mafia.
  4. also apollogies for lack of contribution yesterday, was at Eurogamer.
  5. For confirmation, yes (I remember because it was my role 0u0). We should also consider a possibility of a Mafia Governor (can stop lynches). I seem to remember one or two such roles around. Regardless, I think that lynchproof is a poor pick for a town player relative to the other options, like Doctor or Alliance Checker. If Aere really way lynchproof, he could have claimed it before the lynch (as I did in Pokemon Legendaries), but didn't. Why not? Very fishy. Or maybe he's lying about his role restriction, but still was Lynchproof. I think the chances of him lying about his role restriction are pretty high, since I doubt that with such an open-ended restriction he would have picked Lynchproof as a town player. Lynchproof is still a potent mafia role. It's very powerful in terms of tipping the balance in lategame as it gives the mafia +1 cycle. Governor is perhaps, less likely because if they had that ability it would be weird to blow it on the first cycle. Then again, what are the chances of the first lynch hitting the Lynchproof?
  6. Funny, because my level 2/1 Dancer Lara with her base stats in everything but luck and speed is also the best unit on my team.
  7. Elieson seems scummy, but I think everyone's twigged that. Prims also seems suspcious because of the pgo claim, and even if she's town she'll be some bullshit trash role, so I guess I might have been willing to vote for her. Not going to accuse Aere over calling out Elieson on his bullshit just yet but still kind of weird I mean it's no excuse to go around accusing people of being "defensive", as if town players should just bend over and accept their fate. I guess my opinion on him will ultimately depend on what Elieson turns out to be. (bolding player names for readability)
  8. Sorry I haven't posted yet, I didn't even realise this game started. I'll try to catch up and contribute something.
  9. Unless you are suggesting making Dancers literally the best combat units in the game, they will always be favoured for their dancing and not their combat. Note that I don't think that giving dancers weapons is really a bad thing. You might prefer the "flavour" of a dancer being able to wield a sword for limited self defense. And for many players it is quite fun to kill enemies with a unit that is ordinarily supposed to be frail and weak. But Astra is wrong when he says it's "hard to balance", as if Feena being able to use swords somehow completely broke FE12. In fact, it's very very easy to balance. I know that when I played Tactics Universe about a year ago, I never used Anakin to attack despite his viable combat, and he ended up promoting at level 8 or some other silly level, and then I proceeded to never use his staff rank either. The +1 move was appreciated, though. Weapons on Dancers: not really a good or bad thing. I find that hard to believe, since a level 20 Feena only has 15ATK with a Bamboo Sword. Staves? Better to have one dedicated staff user and dance them.
  10. iirc my strategy sent Hector up the right and wins in 8 turns, but I miss out on an item.
  11. I really don't see how it makes any difference at all. There has never been a dancer or bard with meaningful combat potential and even if they did you would want them to dance almost all the time anyway. And if you're going to give them incredibly shitty combat, why give them combat at all?
  12. And yet, the strongest weapons in the game are 500+ years old.
  13. unpromoted units? *vomits*
  14. yeah we don't want your sort around here you ltcer
  15. I hate how fanfiction always uses fruity pronouns. It's never "he" or "she". It's always "the redhead" or "the swordsman" or "the mercenary".
  16. my reasons are really no more or less valid than anyone else's.
  17. I liked Leaf because he has a nice map sprite. And Celice because he has nice hair. ;/
  18. He said specifically "you can throw her into a hallway and have a foolproof wall". In other words, implying that she's good at blocking chokepoints. He didn't mention being able to move into an open area and survive many attacks.
  19. There are plenty of other units in FE8 with just as good, if not better speed and skill. Almost anyone can stand in a chokepoint and tank, since you only need to be able to survive 1, maybe 2 attacks to be able to fill a chokepoint. Also, if you are not a fool, there is no need to have your units be fool-proof. The topic asks what people's favourite characters are, but there are many things that you can like a character for other than how well they perform in combat after you grind them to an extremely high level.
  20. I think FE10 NM is actually harder than FE9 HM.
  21. If there's an imbalance, that can always be addressed by raising weapon might relative to enemy defence.
  22. Sacrifice also heals status effects.
  23. More than 2 turns, since you don't get any Olivi Grass until Vika joins.
  24. Micaiah's growths are fine to do her job. If anything, I'd make her speed growth even lower so she could have more magic.
  25. No, I mean in the sense that you have to have someone stand in front of all those Generals in the south and kill them all on EP (except Septimus who is p. much impossible to ORKO on EP), that's what Boyd does that's very useful and Haar can theoretically do the same. You certainly don't need both, since I didn't use Haar for my 4 turn.
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