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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. Well, you could always try and get Iote's Shield, but I suppose the additional turns spent in that chapter (which has many strong enemies) would probably outweigh any turns saved by going Dark Pegasus.
  2. What does that have to do with my point? No matter what Obama signs in February, that isn't going to prevent jobs from being lost in January. Things take time to happen. It seems completely unreasonable to expect anything more. So are you saying that if Reagan had more power then he'd have been able to reduce unemployment? Because that's awfully reaching. And we don't know if that was good or bad. Maybe if Ronald Reagan had more freedom to implement his policies, things would have been worse. Maybe they would have been better. Short of being psychic, we can only really guess. Hence my point about how it's impossible to "prove" whether an economic policy succeeds or fails. Because a real experiment is practically impossible in economics, it's impossible to prove anything. The unemployment rate we see is not a percentage of all 300 million Americans. Many people are not counted in the unemployment rate such as students, the retired, children, people who care for their family, or people in prison. It's a ratio of the number of people who have jobs to the number of people who are looking for jobs. So not only is that 0.1% potentially just a fluctuation in random noise, as happens almost every month in every year under every president, it indicates tens of thousands of people rather than millions of people like you imply. Well, that seems reasonable. I consider it extremely unlikely that the Benghazi attack happening right after the release of that youtube video is "just a coincidence". Well, acts of terror typically are premeditated. I struggle to think of an act of terror that wasn't premeditated, in fact. Because of their nature, surely such a thing would be impossible? I have to say, I'm really confused by all the Benghazi stuff. I mean, we don't even know for sure who did it, right? And in a case like this, the President is reliant on his intelligence service. So basically you don't think Obama is trustworthy, because he makes your spidey sense tingle or something? Even though he hasn't actually told a lie in this case? Just because he didn't go out of his way to spell out that yes, acts of terror are premeditated, in case any remedial English students were watching?
  3. I think that's a nice idea but I question if there's really enough stuff to talk about and whether it would be actually interesting. I guess the update schedule can be adjusted to be either more or less often if there's a lack of material?
  4. Most: Gail (Pirate boss of FE12 Chapter 4) Least: Isaiya
  5. http://www.google.co.uk/publicdata/explore?ds=z1ebjpgk2654c1_&met_y=unemployment_rate&idim=country:US&fdim_y=seasonality:S&dl=en&hl=en&q=us+unemployment+rate It seems to be to be pretty similar. When Reagan took office in January of 1981, unemployment was at 7.5%. When his first term ended, it was at about 7.4%. Similarly, unemployment in Obama's first term began at 7.8%, and now, it's also at 7.8%. To me, it seems like this isn't really a vindication or a condemnation of either set of economic policies. If anything, it vindicates Obama because almost all of the rise in unemployment happened in the first few months of his presidency as a result of the 2008 crisis, before he could do anything to stop it. In fact, if you measure Obama's term as beginning in April, he actually reduced unemployment by 0.9% over the past four years. He can hardly have been expected to snap his fingers on January 21st and stop the increase in unemployment. The Stimulus wasn't even signed into law until February. Moreover, the supposition that Obama had complete legislative control is incorrect. Obama relied upon the votes of three Republicans to pass the ARRA. If it had been bigger, like Obama's economics team recommended, he might not have been able to pass it. As it is, there were many compromises in the bill, and even at the time Democrats complained that it wasn't all they hoped for. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29050187#.UJZlrWdqA_4 So, because Reagan was forced to compromise with Democrats, Democrats suck? Such a tiny difference, it barely matters. And a lot of that is due to Obama taking office in the middle of a huge financial crisis. Obama has had no control over Congress for the past two years, however. In fact, this has been the least active Congress in more than a hundred years of US political history. How do you know that all this won't be achieved in Obama's second term? In fact, evidence suggests that just that will happen regardless of who wins.
  6. Tanith, Muarim, and Reyson could all be added to that.
  7. Except that Thracia 776 had very high unit growths. High unit growths don't mean much. FE10 and FE12 had very high unit growths, yet they offered a high degree of difficulty (very high in the case of FE12). Also, it's a myth that FE8 had high unit growths. And even if it was true, what makes it easy is Seth, not Eirika having better growths than Lyn or whatever.
  8. I don't think that anything has really been "proven". As always, it might have been even worse without the stimulus. Certainly, the economic situation is worse in Britain than in the US (GDP in Britain is still behind it's pre-crisis peak, while in the US it's slightly above), despite a government with an entirely opposite fiscal policy. Whether that's due to the specific fiscal policies of the two governments, or due to other factors outside of the control of the governments is still up for debate.
  9. Why Wrys below Katarina? He has almost the entire game to accrue positive utility, and even when Katarina appears she's not that much better than him. Dolph isn't on the list.
  10. Maybe it would depend on the nature? I don't know what kind of levels are assumed for fighting Zapdos, either. If you have a low level team, it could easily end up taking a long time due to Zapdos' high base stats (although thankfully Zapdos only carries one damaging move).
  11. Crimea and Daein broke from Begnion about 240 years before the events of PoR. Phoenicis and Kilvas came about 15 years before that, and Gallia was formed about thirty years before that. While we don't know much about what happened over those years, we can assume there were periods of internal strife. http://serenesforest.net/general/timeline10.html
  12. I beg to differ. hint: this is her hair colour I'm typing in
  13. I might be underestimating the Legendary Bird of Thunder, but I don't think it has much of a sense of humour. I certainly don't think it would be so mean spirited as to laugh at the stats of another pokemon. Well, I've only just noticed this, but apparently rarity is not counted against pokemon (in the first post).
  14. Well, I think the idea is that with Lightning Speed, you can be more aggressive with your super-MU, being able to position her better to take out more enemies on enemy phase and to reach bosses faster. I don't know how reasonable it is to go Dark Pegasus with MU, though. It would probably depend on the difficulty, because I don't know if Dark Pegasus would be survivable enough on Hard mode.
  15. Wow, less than an hour? That's so fast /sarcasm It's not like Erika is even a particularly hard gym to hit. Just looking at the tier that Scyther is in, you can grab Butterfree, Pidgeot, Vulpix, and Zubat, all of whom won't have any trouble with Erika, and won't cost a fortune (although we might want to buy Vulpix a Flamethrower TM if we evolve it early, it's still significantly cheaper and we can put it off until later when we have more money). If you have to abuse resets in order for Scyther to be good, then Scyther isn't good. Anything that this tier list assumes should be doable in a similar amount of time on a cartridge.
  16. That is rarely a viable efficient strategy. Only Sigurd, Seth, and Titania are strong enough to remain good throughout the whole of their respective games, and there are very good reasons not to rely entirely upon Titania in FE9 efficiency. In recent years, Jeigans have actually been toned down, in fact, with Arran, Jagen, and Sothe all becoming useless towards the lategame.
  17. So, are you going to change the names in the FE13 section to match the localisation?
  18. I would prefer if there was some kind of penalty, even if it's only losing some gold or something, or maybe missing out on a Gaiden. There should be some middle ground between "no penalty" and "fuck you the unit's gone 4ever"
  19. Doesn't a gamecorner Scyther cost 110,000 dollars?
  20. people should have more shirtless dudes amirite
  21. Surely a "hurricane sandy" would be called a "sandstorm"?
  22. You don't ever have to feed Micaiah any BEXP, in fact the game is easily beatable with her almost at base level (I think mine was 5/3/2 when I finished the game).
  23. I'm not sure what any of that has to do with experience. Rafiel is far more useful than Micaiah and Edward put together, but it's still an awful idea to feed him kills.
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