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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. I don't think it's a good idea to put Paragon on the GMs. Jill has a far greater impact on Part 3 or 4 turncount thanks to Paragon than any GM unit. It's true that Jill isn't always going to be used, but even then, it's pretty even between GMs and DB for Paragon.
  2. Anouleth

    Wii U

    I think that reviewers in general for vidya games are way too generous with high scores. Sonic '06 has a 46 on Metacritic. FORTY-SIX! What a bunch of jokers. Film critics are a lot fairer in this department, I think. When a film sucks, they let you know.
  3. >whining about level ups when you have Wolt and Sue with capped strength and Ward with 14 speed at level 16
  4. Anouleth

    Wii U

    Well, in Advance Wars and Fire Emblem it's a lot easier and faster to just use the stylus. I still say that I'm happy that the DS had a second touch screen. That's half true: blue is a subjective experience. Some people, like colourblind people and blind people, would not perceive the sky as blue. It's true that during the day, during clear weather, the sky refracts light from the sun that we perceive as blue light, and that is an objective fact, and that is what we usually mean by a statement like "the sky is blue", but not everyone has that perception of the sky. It's interesting to note that the ancient Greeks didn't even have a word for "blue". Homer, the Greek poet, writes of the sky shining like bronze in his Odyssey. I understand your point, that there are objective facts beyond our ability to perceive them, but colours are not one of them! Colours are, in fact, just our brain's way of interpreting the light around us. Different animals and even other humans can interpret that light in different ways.
  5. Don't be facetious. You know what I mean. Nephenee saves [some ridiculous number] of turns in 2-1, to the point where you are practically forced to use her, in the same way as Edward, Brom, the Black Knight and Lyn. No, they're not. That's why Ike doesn't get infinite credit for saving us infinite turns in 4-E-2. Yes, it is arbitrary. We do not have to follow the rules when they are leading us in an evidently stupid direction. Drafts reserve the right to "arbitrarily" declare certain units to be banned, or free. In the same way, tier lists reserve the right to arbitrarily declare that some contributions are more worthy of note than others. 3 turns is stretching it. I wouldn't say that's reasonable without transfers on multiple units. It's possible to drop Heather down and kill Ludveck on the same turn. Not easy, but it saves time.
  6. If you have ideas but don't actually plan to make a hack or anything, it might be more appropriate to put this in the Creative subforum than in the ROM Hacking subforum. As it is, your ideas don't seem very feasible or realistic. Even in FEXP it seems like it would take a lot of work to make everything happen, let alone in GBAFE. You would need a lot of support and nobody is going to provide any support without substantial work to show. Maybe if you had a hundred bucks to dangle in front of Camtech you might get some of the stuff done, if you're lucky. Moreover, I don't think this would make a good Fire Emblem. Who wants to train characters, just for the game to force you to use the lord characters anyway? It might be better if, instead of forcing the player to conform to the "canon" history, any character could use a Divine weapon and the player would have the choice to make things go differently. Using the canon heroes would be an option, but who's to say that different people couldn't have done the same?
  7. Tauroneo is in a different position. You do not have to use him in 1-6, even though you almost certainly will because he's very good. You do have to use Nephenee in 2-1, not because she's good (she's a pain in the ass more than anything) but because you have no choice but to use her. Similarly, you have practically no choice but to use the Black Knight in 1-8. I don't think it would be meaningful to say these characters are good because the player is for all purposes, forced to use them. Also, having 2 or 3 good chapters and ending up in Mid seems typical enough. Kieran is in Mid, with two good chapters, and Giffca is in Mid, with only a good Endgame performance.
  8. And that's why it's being argued that Marcia should go one space above Nephenee. Nobody is saying that Marcia is the Second Coming of Haar, nobody is saying that she's way way better than Nephenee. But she doesn't have to be impressive to go above Nephenee, she just has to be better than Nephenee.
  9. Should that really be fully counted, though? Nephenee is one of two units in that chapter. In that sense, she is much like Edward in 1-P or the Black Knight in 1-9: vital, but more by an accident of availability. Is it really meaningful to claim that Brom or Nephenee or Edward or the Black Knight are "good" in those chapters when the player is all but required to use them? Flight is a pretty huge advantage for Marcia, and there's a reasonable chance that she'll have the stats to back that up with. Mobility is just as important in Rout maps as it is in Seize maps, and although it's true that Nephenee can go into Greil Army and still be good, Marcia can go in any army and be great. That added flexibility is important.
  10. Well, I imagine that Marth will display growth in all the typical areas: HP, STR, DEF, and so on.
  11. There are only eleven enemies in the game with Nihil.
  12. Anouleth

    Wii U

    I wouldn't really call it a gimmick, though, because it does add value to the games. Unlike, say, the microphone, which didn't add value to any games for me. That would be a gimmick. Gimmicks are features that don't add value to the console or the games and are added just for novelty. It's true that some games don't take advantage of every feature on the DS. But that doesn't mean those features are gimmicks. For example, if not every game took advantage of the full graphical potential of the PS3, would that make it's higher graphics output a gimmick? I wouldn't, because it still adds value to some of the games. I'm glad that games like Trauma Center, TWEWY and WarioWare exist. I think that other games, like Fire Emblem, Ace Attorney, and even Pokemon are enhanced by the presence of the touch screen. And I don't think that every game on the DS, or even the majority of the games on it, have to use the touch screen to justify it's existence. If that makes it a gimmick, well, then I'm happy that the DS is a gimmicky console because I had more fun with it as a result.
  13. The chances of you dying are actually very slim. According to BBC News, the number of deaths in Israel due to Palestinian actions number only six, in a population of over seven million. I would be more worried about being hit by a car or having a heart attack, then, and I wouldn't be too ecstatic about being "still alive". Israel is hardly in the position of a life or death struggle: in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if over the last week, total deaths had actually decreased because people are staying inside more! Maybe Palestine should fire more rockets at Israel! It's for your own good. You should be thanking them, really. They nobly sacrificed 158 of their own civilians to save yours, after all. Thanks for helping me look on the bright side of things!
  14. Doubling the Fighters doesn't mean much, because the Fighters in this chapter are very weak and you'd really prefer to keep them alive for the BEXP (there isn't much BEXP for leaving them alive, but there's even less EXP for killing them).
  15. A lot of people in the US support Israel and think they're in the right. Certainly, more people in the US sympathise with the Israeli cause than the Palestinian cause. There are also very powerful political interests that fund pro-Israel politicians, such as AIPAC and Sheldon Adelson, who pretty much single-handedly propped up Newt Gingrich's presidential bid back in 2011 with donations into the millions. The US has certainly supported worse governments in the past, not just in the Middle East but all over the world (although the level of support to Israel exceeds that for any other country). Support for a nation isn't necessarily to do whether the government is "good" or "bad", so much as it is to maintain peace and stability in the region. For example, the US supported Hosni Mubarak for many years, because even though he was a dictator, he wasn't hostile towards Israel. Another good example is the support of the US towards Pakistan, which is especially important because Pakistan has nuclear weapons. If Pakistan's government were to collapse, then there's a risk that those weapons could fall into the wrong hands. And I suppose there's the fear that if the United States reduced their support for Israel, it's neighbours might take that as an opportunity to be even more hostile and perhaps even invade.
  16. The efficient choice varies depending on a lot of things, so there's no real proper answer.
  17. Anouleth

    Wii U

    I didn't think that the second screen on the DS was a gimmick. I actually thought it was really convenient for Castlevania and Fire Emblem. The touch screen was basically the whole point of Trauma Center and The World Ends With You, as well as WarioWare.
  18. Myrrh is loaded as a unit in Chapter 12 and 13B. I'm pretty sure she's loaded as a blue unit there, so you could try changing those: although obviously if you're planning to change her class, it will be spoiled to anyone who watches the cutscenes in those chapters.
  19. What? When did I say I didn't like it? Please, do point it out. I think there are many issues with FE11 as a remake of FE1, since IntSys didn't change the level design at all (and it shows). And I think that a hack like this is a good idea, even if only to fix that one thing. And if I'm not mistaken, Arch isn't making this hack to satisfy himself. He's making it because he thinks other people will enjoy it. So any and all opinions that people have about any aspect of this hack, including your sprites, are 100% relevant. He's free to correct me if I'm wrong about him, but that's the impression I get. He's not... a girl in disguise, is he?
  20. I don't see the point in a remake if you're going to change everything.
  21. What precisely is being delivered in nutshell format here? No, FEAnon suggested that most class would have constitution based on the class base constitution, which would lead to large imbalances between male and female units because female classes generally have lower CON, or at least, they generally have in all Fire Emblems in which the Build or CON stat existed.
  22. Defensive, much? I don't think anyone dislikes your design or your spriting or you, they're just commenting that they don't think the mug fits Marth very well. So you don't need to pretend that this is a personal attack against you.
  23. Advance Wars still has a random element: units can randomly deal between 0 and X/100 extra damage on an attack (where X is the HP of the attacking unit). So in theory, if you were very lucky, you could take down a Megatank with 10 full HP infantries even though they have a displayed damage of 0%.
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