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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. Doctorates are supposed to take seven years, so if they start when they're 18, 25 is a reasonable age for them to be, especially when you consider that none of them have senior positions or even to ever teach any students. It's only compounded when you consider that none of them have partners or seem to have ever been in a long-term relationship. And they definitely don't look like they're in their 30s.
  2. lol really if only we had thought of such a solution earlier! the key is just to tell everyone not to murder each other! i'm sure that will work amazingly. why did nobody think of such a thing before?
  3. Yet the game also incentivises killing as many enemies to maximise EXP. mixed messages
  4. No, it does, because there's no way to tell in advance who might commit a rape and who won't.
  5. I get how it could be insulting, though. Chrom is essentially saying that he doesn't see MU's beauty. And given that beauty is, well, a visual quality, one might say it should be the first thing you see, and certainly should be the easiest to see.
  6. But you can act like you do expect some people to commit rapes. Just because we might like to live in a world where nobody ever commits a crime, doesn't mean we do live in such a world, and it doesn't mean we can't take sensible precautions to prevent those crimes. It's just a question of how far people are willing to go to prevent crime.
  7. I believe that in FE4 or FE5, tomes with 0 uses turn into blank books.
  8. dondon suggested it was a country where it's easy to acquire illegal firearms. If it's the case that illegal firearms are easy to acquire in China, why don't criminals there use them more often? I don't believe I mentioned China's gun control laws. I suppose it is rather churlish of me to second-guess dondon on this subject, since IIRC, he's of Chinese descent and possibly better-informed than me, but I feel it's important to get our facts correct. If I wanted to bring up a country in which gun control works, I would not pick China. Many people here would not accept China's statistics on gun crime at face value, and China is in many respects a very different country to the United States. I would pick a country like Australia, or even my own country, which both initiated blanket handgun bans in 1996 (making it easy to gauge the effect of them), and are much more comparable to the United States than China is.
  9. And yet, even in China, crazy people don't shoot up schools, they use knives instead. If guns are really so easy to get a hold of, and criminals can never be stopped from acquiring weapons so long as they have the will or imagination (the Green Lantern theory of gun proliferation), why do criminals in countries other than the US deliberately go out of their way to avoid using guns?
  10. Of course they have the right to lobby for their interests: I never said they didn't. But that doesn't mean that you can't acknowledge that the reason why gun-control legislation is impossible to pass in the US, while it's quite easy in other developed countries, is due to the influence of the NRA.
  11. What the NRA think, politicians think. As George Stephanopoulos said, "Let me make one small vote for the NRA. They're good citizens. They call their Congressmen. They write. They vote. They contribute. And they get what they want over time." And this situation, is exactly what the NRA want. When shootings occurred in the UK, in Australia, swift bans on handguns were implemented. In the US, it's unlikely that even an assault rifle ban will go through. And what you need to know about politicians and their attitude towards video games, you can learn from LaPierre's speech. He talks about Mortal Kombat, and the movie Natural Born Killers: which came out 20 years ago. These people are old, white men who are completely insulated from any knowledge about video game culture: the only game he can name, was the game that caused a big moral panic 20 years ago among politicians.
  12. The NRA just want to blame everything but guns, and suggest that more guns is the only workable solution. If that means they have to blame 20 year old video games and recommend turning every school in America into a fortress, so be it!
  13. Julian saves turns in many chapters because he is the only one who can open chests aside from Marth. In addition, this is not a LTC tier list. You only need to take eight turns for Marth moving at 9 spaces every turn to match the pace of some Bishop moving at 8 spaces every turn and then Rescuing Marth. You can also Rescue Boots!Marth on Turn 1 and then have him start moving: if you do this, Marth always outpaces any Bishop.
  14. He shot himself (as criminals in these kinds of massacres often do).
  15. I don't really remember any mention of Holyn's relation to Ira. It's strongly implied that Claude and Sylvia are siblings: "Sylvia: I'm an orphan. This man took me in when I was real little, an' raised me to be a dancer. But he was really mean! He would hit me when I didn't even do anythin'. Anyway, I had enough, and I left him last year for good! Claude: That's horrible! I feel for you. You see, I have a younger sister. If she's still alive, she'd be around your age. Sylvia: You have a sister? Claude: Yes. But she was abducted when she was just a baby. I've been searching for her all these years, but still no sign of her." Marrying cousins is widely considered to be incest in the western world, even if it is not considered incest in other parts of the world ( That's what I was thinking of. First cousin incest is illegal in some states in the US, but it's rarely practised in other western countries (which is really the reason there are no laws against it). First cousin incest is widely practised in the Middle East, however.
  16. I do get the feeling of not wanting to continue the argument, but feeling pressure to type up a big long rebuttal so as not to lose face, and if you really don't want to see my response, I won't post it.
  17. Well, I'd rather not mess with the trees more than I have to. Lex's daughter isn't quite a first cousin to Johan/lva anyway, since Lex and Danan are only half-brothers rather than full siblings. Since they only share one grandparent, I think it's fair to say that they're practically second cousins anyway.
  18. 1. Split Cigyun into two characters that mother Diadora and Alvis respectively: they would have to be descendants of Maira, but they can be distant cousins. 2. Clarify that Sylvia is a distant cousin of Claude, and that Ira is a distant cousin of Holyn. 3. Reduce the love growth of Patty/Lester, Faval/Lana, Nanna/Aless and Lakche/Shanan to zero. 4. Remove mentions of incest between Eltoshan and Lachesis, and also Julia and Celice. Very simple. The only thing that this doesn't cover is the possibility of pairing Lex's daughter with Johan or Johalva, which would require something a bit more complicated than rewriting text (which you're doing anyway) or changing specific numbers in the code (which even I could do with Nightmare).
  19. I don't really see removing elements such as the gratuitous incest in FE4 as making the game worse.
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