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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. It doesn't mean anything, it's just a result of the mapper stupidly forgetting that that tile isn't an Plain tile, it's a Village tile (even if it looks like it can be used as a path).
  2. You really wouldn't. Yaoi is pretty awful.
  3. And yet, despite being "bad" according to many, it still sold well: just like The Adventure of Link.
  4. Skype is awful anyway get on my level
  5. I don't know, it depends entirely on what kind of stats they have. The concept of magic in FE9 is very good, for instance. Magic gets useful super-effective bonuses, hits resistance (which is usually lower than defense), all the spells have 1-2 range. In practice, though, magic is actually pretty bad because it has low mt and all the mages in the game have poor stats in some way or another except for Calill. So, why are you complaining that this unique and varied weapon isn't good enough? Doesn't the strength of my theoretical crossbow depend entirely on variables such as what stats the crossbow has, the relative strength of enemies, the relative strength of allies, the level design, the availability of money and vendors that sell crossbows, the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin, the price of tea in China, and whether Mia's hair is blue or purple? And as such, it's fruitless to speculate whether certain ideas would be overpowered or underpowered? Like I pointed out, the "concept" of magic attacks is overpowered. In practice, magic is actually underpowered. I'm not even the first person to suggest removing doubling from certain weapons (like hand axes or javelins).
  6. Uh, weren't you just saying that crossbows should be kept relatively weak because archers are supposed to be ranged specialists? And now you're saying that if crossbows can't 1-round an enemy, they're not worth using? If crossbows are strong enough to kill enemies that are at full HP, why would they use anything else? If anything, my suggestion is too good because it makes archers virtually indestructible against flying enemies (so I think crossbows should lose the effective bonus under my suggestion). Or, like, the shops could just sell stronger ones?
  7. Yeah, that didn't really make much sense. And longbows were pretty much impossible to get your hands on, anyway. I suppose one way that crossbows in Fire Emblem could reflect their real life counterparts, is if a unit with a crossbow being attacked would always attack first (as if he had vantage or ambush), but wouldn't be able to double. That reflects the way in which a crossbow, once loaded, can be fired instantly, but needs to be reloaded. I think that fiddling with defense ignoring, or dealing different amounts of damage at different range is a bad way to go.
  8. In a way, it's borne out in Fire Emblem because longbows are generally less accurate and heavier than regular bows, and far less accurate than Short Bows in particular, but having higher power. The problem with Fire Emblem's portrayal is that archers in FE have teeny range, that looks to be something like 10 feet. The range of an archer would be much greater than that, whether he used a short bow or a longbow. But even that is understandable; you could not have common enemies running around with 10 range weapons and reasonable offensive stats and expect the player to keep his units alive. Making them forgeable could also help alleviate their problems. It's often forgotten that Shinon with a plain Steel Bow has 31 attack, which is only 3 higher than a Crossbow, so if they could be forged to the same level, the Crossbow might be able to compete (staggering cost and unbuyability of crossbows beside). And if he outgrows it, the weapon can be easily re-used.
  9. If the enemies are on the other side of a wall, why fight them at all? Why does having more HP/DEF matter if the enemies are seperated from you by a wall and you can move out of their range at any time?
  10. If it's true that archers would be better if there were more defend chapters, why are archers awful in FE7 (which has many defend chapters), and decent in FE4, FE6, and FE12 which are 100% seize chapters? And surely, shouldn't archers be much worse in defend chapters because, y'know, they can't actually defend themselves? Surely, a unit who cannot do anything on enemy phase is going to be really bad in a chapter that is all about surviving enemy phases?
  11. Well, it came off a bit like you were saying that the longbow was a bad weapon, when it's just specialised for a different role.
  12. Enemy levels are kept deliberately low to reduce EXP gain, if you didn't know, so it's no accident.
  13. Well, a baby archer would be slowed down so much by the Arbalest, any enemy would be able to kill him easily. Also, Archers can't wield Crossbows in FE10. I think that a lot of people's judgment of crossbows is coloured by them being in FE10. In a game where units have great stats, it's no wonder that a weapon that ignores strength would seem bad. But in any other Fire Emblem, they'd be great. 24ATK is nothing to sneeze at in any Fire Emblem, especially with perfect accuracy at 1-2 range and no weapon rank requirements. While a trained bow user would obviously prefer to use a bow, they would be useful for untrained units to assist. Plus, variety is the spice of life. I don't like to poopoo new weapon types: it's a good thing that IS is trying new things, and just because they didn't work out the first time doesn't mean they can't be revised in a new context.
  14. In practice, the Sacred Twins can only be used quite late in the game anyway, and only Garm, Excalibur, and one of either Audhulma or Vidofnir (depending on which weapon you have Seth S Rank) are viable anyway. And Excalibur is only viable on Eirika Route...
  15. If you're looking at the future, you have a third Wing from 3-9. Wing on Sigrun? You gotta be kidding me. Even with the Wing, Sigrun's chances of doubling in 4-3 are pretty damn low and her strength always sucks. You'd be saving her a Wing from 1-E, so 2-3rds of the game to get a mediocre unit for all of one chapter. CRK are covered adequately by "insurmountable speed problems", I think. Not that I expect "wing on Kysha" to get anywhere. People in this topic don't even want to give a Wing to Boyd (T), let alone Kysha.
  16. Thing is, there aren't even that many characters that edge out Kysha for a Wing: it's just that Titania and Haar are so good and it's so easy to just assume they're both always in play. Boyd? Probably sitting at 20SPD, maybe 21. Oscar? Wing takes him from 23 to 24AS, a point he's probably going to get next level anyway, and he sits there for a while so he can salvage his strength. Ike? No problems, and you don't want his speed to get too high anyway because you need to kill him in 3-13. Ranulf, Nephenee, Shinon and Mia have no speed problems, Mordecai, Soren and Brom have speed problems that are insurmountable, and Rolf and Lyre just suck.
  17. I'm always happy to see you and your hawt avatar.
  18. Hmm. It's not the spot right in front of the boss, is it?
  19. No, I meant that getting your Bachelors, Masters and then Doctorate takes a total of 7 years, correct me if I'm wrong. And Leonard and co. always struck me as occupying the lowest rung of the university ladder: aka, they won't have had their PhDs for very long. And there's no denying that they definitely don't act like they're 30 years old. Well, they don't even act like they're 20 years old.
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