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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. I'm pretty sure I could do a tier list playthrough utilizing (literally any two characters on the list) but without (literally any other two characters on the list). But it wouldn't prove anything. I mean, there are so many ways to trivialise Hard Mode. Galeforce isn't even that broken, when you take into account stuff like Robin who can solo the game, Frederick (who can also solo the game), Stahl could possibly also solo the game after a certain point, long Rescue-dance chains with Anna/Libra/whoever, Manaketes who can solo the game, and Nosferatanking with any of Henry, Miriel, Tharja, Libra, or Robin. I'm sure there's stuff I've missed, but the fact remains: Hard Mode is not hard, and being able to beat the game in a brisk timeframe without Sully and Panne is not a notable achievement.
  2. Story: go save the world Characters: Link, assorted monsters Villain: a big monster at least, that's what I hope this game will be
  3. That is the entire point of this tier list, if you had read the first post: units are tiered based on the number of turns that they save.
  4. This is an awful argument. There is absolutely no shortage of deployment slots in 3-E or Part 4. Tanith is at worst, taking a deployment slot from a untrained shovebot. Yes, Jill and Haar and Janaff and Elincia and Tibarn are all better than Tanith: they're already above her on the tier list. Tell us something we don't know.
  5. I had no trouble getting all the chests in Chapter 18 while still beating the map in a fair number of turns (I think 4 or 5): they're along your path anyway, but you do need two thieves. The chests in Chapter 20 are much more out of your way and force you to split your forces, so they're kind of different. Really, you have so many deployment slots that late in the game, there's absolutely no reason not to have Anna out all the time. She Heals, she Rescues, she gives decent pair up boosts to other utility characters, she can chip things with a Levin Sword. She requires no investment aside from money for staves, can fit in literally any team because she's not dependent on supports, and is useful in every single map.
  6. Even in Lunatic I managed to get Sumia to level 6 by Chapter 5. Maybe I could have gone faster, but then again: that was Lunatic. And even if Sumia is only level 3 or 4, she's still better than Lon'qu. Her stats are better everywhere except Defense, which is tied (level 4 Sumia has 6 defense, then she has a +1DEF from actually having a support), she has flight, 1-2 range and 7 move. Level 6 just turns Sumia beating Lon'qu into Sumia shitstomping Lon'qu.
  7. Feena (FE3) Sylvia (FE4) Leen (FE4) Laylea (FE4) Lara (FE5) Elphin (FE6) Lalum (FE6) Nils (FE7) Ninian (FE7) Tethys (FE8) Reyson (FE9) Leanne (FE10) Rafiel (FE10) Olivia (FE13) A well-balanced team with no weaknesses, or strengths.
  8. A common reason given is that a child of incest is much more likely to suffer from genetic disorders, because most people are carriers of some recessive genetic disorder or another. However, that is a poor argument. We don't argue that there should be laws against people who carry genetic disorders having sex; or old people having sex (I recall reading somewhere that a child from a mother over the age of 40 is just as likely to suffer from complications as a child from a incestuous couple), nor do we permit incestuous couples if one of them is infertile. Ultimately, people oppose it just because they're squicked out by it. After all, most people consider the idea of having sex with someone in their close family to be disgusting. But that's a pretty bad reason too. Just because we're disgusting by the idea of doing it ourselves is no reason to ban other people from doing it. Does that mean that incest is okay if it's gay incest?
  9. Huh, ok. I just assumed that having a path to Tiki didn't matter. I don't have access to that Paralogue, but I wonder if putting four units around Tiki would make the enemies attack you on turn 1 enemy phase?
  10. Hm... The AI in that chapter is pretty weird. Basically, the enemies all charge mindlessly towards Tiki as far as possible. After moving, they then check to see if there's a unit in range and attacks them (using the normal priority system). So if you put units at the edge of their range, you can kill them on enemy phase rather than having to kill them all on player phase.
  11. You really only need five tanky people +a healer. The way that the AI works in that chapter means they aren't smart enough to focus your weakest people and will suicide on your units in melee.
  12. Haar also doubles fine in Endgame, and his damage is, if anything, higher than Jill's (his range is obviously identical).
  13. Businesses are different from private religious organisations. Public accomodations (which presumably this seaside retreat association falls under) have been prohibited in engaging in discrimination in the United States since 1964, yet to my knowledge no church has ever been forced to accomodate black people or interracial marriages.
  14. If anything, the most Est-like characters are probably the children characters, as unpromoted units that join late, but have more potential than their parents.
  15. Some queries I have about Nowi: -Nowi is stuck with her Dragonstone until Chapter 12. Doesn't this limit the amount of powerlevelling that can be done with her? -Nowi seems to have bad speed (only a smidgen above Kellam's). -Does Manakete have inherently better EXP gain than other unpromoted classes?
  16. Problem is actually getting Kellam to level 10. He can't kill anything and his exp gain as a partner is poor. Tiki is pretty damn tanky when she shows up. She can pretty much solo her starting chapter according to various sources, she has good 2-range damage and very high defensive growths. It doesn't take her too long to eclipse Kellam in terms of tankiness because she is also tanky against magic damage. She also has much better movement. Unlike Kellam, she is also a viable partner for Robin. Nowi can potentially become a Wyvern Rider, an excellent class, while Kellam's reclass options are dire. So I think that Nowi a tier above Kellam is pretty justified.
  17. Even if Olivia had married him, Olivia has shitty stats and no good skills. There's a reason why Olivia!Lucina is mouldering at the bottom of B Tier.
  18. not really an est like if you actually go crazy and try to train Ena, you get a unit that's kind of tanky but is completely crippled by awful movement and gauge and abysmal offensive options There are units in FE9 with more est-like qualities, like Astrid, Makalov, Tormod, and Elincia: I think some people hyped Elincia a bit because of Amiti, whereas Astrid/Makalov are genuinely good and Tormod isn't bad (even if he isn't really good either). FE10 Elincia is probably more hyped, but again, she's actually a pretty decent unit even if she has issues. But FE9 tiering never really changed that much: it was kind of always understood that Paladins and other high-move units rocked. The only big development was the realisation that you could just solo half the game with Marcia, but she was never considered bad.
  19. what the fuck does that have to do with the price of tea in china
  20. I don't know about that: Shadow Dragon has a pretty basic level of technology. Stuff like swords, spears, axes, and bows have been around for thousands upon thousands of years, and steel has been around since 4,000 BC. Ballistae were invented in Ancient Greece, 2400 years ago.
  21. Edward is pretty bad when he stops doubling: which can occur anywhere in between his second map and "never".
  22. I haven't really thought about Edward in FE10 in a long time. When I called him "shit", I was overstating it: but Edward is definitely a mediocrity, he definitely has serious issues, and I can see why people might think of him as a bad unit. I don't know if I'd put Edward in Mid tier, as the current list does; I might put him at the top of Lower Mid
  23. Well, what's the "logically necessary reason" to use turncounts? Or to disregard contributions like recruitment or seizing? It seems like we don't have any logically necessary reason to do any of these things. Indeed, none of the criteria we use in any tier list is "logically necessary". We use those criteria because we like using them, or because we feel that a tier list with those criteria better captures what makes a unit "good" or "bad".
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