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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. I'm in Hell now, and I know what you mean. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/wizard#acQXSR!UYX!cYZaZa
  2. This Terra lady seems pretty evil. She sees a group of men chasing a boy. For all she knows, the boy could be a thief. And her response? She kills the three men in cold blood. Quite aside from seeming to be some kind of superhuman.
  3. So there's no point in using Zihark, because Edward might be as good? I don't think Mia is particularly worth training either. Trueblades in this game are rather overrated.
  4. Yes, that was exactly the kind of heart attack that Nintendo had. I remember seeing it on the news and I thought it was exactly like a fat kid who eats nothing but McDonald's for every meal. Initially, it seemed more like a 35 year old workaholic man who ate nothing but takeaways and chainsmoked, but on closer analysis I judged the fat kid metaphor to be more suitable.
  5. As far as I know, Sariya does not support any Dark Pegasus units.
  6. That's an understatement. She has 5 magic with a 30% growth. That's much less than his average. Plus, a 12/14 Sariya won't double that Great Knight either (she has 22 speed on average to his 17), so it seems like you've been vastly overrating her combat potential. She's blessed by 5 points. When Henry and Sariya are at the same level the speed gap is just not very big. About 4 speed or so. I guess if that's the difference between doubling and not doubling, it's a big difference, though. It seems to me like part of your opinion has been formed by having a very above average Sariya. If Sariya is on her averages, or even screwed in speed, it seems like she wouldn't double nearly as reliably, and she's also reliant on having really high stat units stapled to her (which means she has to give up movement bonuses. Griffin Knight wouldn't give her anything but +DEF).
  7. Which brings up the interesting point of whether other Dark Mages can do all this stuff too. Unless enemies are so weak that Henry doubles everything too. Is it really necessary to apply this restriction to all Dark Mages? I mean I could see it applying to MU, Miriel, Sariya, and maybe Tiki. But Tiamo and Henry?
  8. In my experience it's been far far far easier playing as a Barbarian than as a Wizard, especially solo. As a Wizard I find that most bosses take me several tries to kill, whereas as a Barbarian I usually kill bosses on my first try because it's very easy to stunlock them and I have high life steal. Ghom was the only boss that's harder for me as a Barbarian than as a Wizard.
  9. Well, since Seth's 1% chance of dying to Gheb is apparently unacceptably bad, I don't think that 1% over the course of many protracted enemy phases is too unlikely especially since it seems that many bosses also have crit on Sariya.
  10. Marth has the Lord class in FE13, even though he's clearly not the main character.
  11. You of all people should consider reliability to be a must. Enemies missing a "bit" more often is not really good enough, if Sariya is dependent on always hitting in order to stay alive. I'm also led to believe that Sariya has pretty bad luck...
  12. You say that FE13 enemies are terrifying, but if Sariya wielding nosferatu (which isn't a particularly strong spell) can 1-round them reliably, then I don't believe that. And there's all the other Dark Mages too, who might not be as fast or as strong or accurate as Sariya.
  13. So Sariya is not only capable of soloing the entire game, but she can do so at max movement? Seth is literally in the position where aside from a handful of bosses, he kills every enemy in one round of combat and never dies. In fact, I would recommend that if a unit who has these starting stats: 26HP 4STR 12MAG 5SKL 13SPD 3LUK 10DEF 7RES is capable of 1-rounding every enemy and never dying on HM, you draft on Lunatic instead. Maybe even Lunatic+, because enemies must have pathetic stats. Forgive me if I don't immediately believe you, because I remember the halcyon days of FE8 where Lute was apparently a goddess, and FE10 where Soren was apparently a god, and FE11 where Wolf and Sedgar were apparently gods, only for people to play the game more and realise that cunning use of forges and high move units could beat the game much faster. And I don't want to sound condescending for once, but it's generally my experience that less experienced players tend to hype up durability and survivability over movement and raw offense. There is no "team that has it". Between Tiki, Miriel, MU, Sariya, Libera, and Henry, you should have one, usually two nosferatu users.
  14. Ghom is incredibly easy for non-melee classes. I beat him in maybe 60 seconds with a Demon Hunter and took no damage. demon hunter so good
  15. Teleport Staff like warp but you don't have to be next to the target to use it Also, is there any way to increase the number of deployment slots?
  16. you mean they don't count your vote multiple times? what kind of shitty poll is this
  17. As strong as Nosferatu is, I somehow doubt it's more overpowered than say... Holsety in FE4, which only necessitates a ban for Levin!Arthur who joins straight away and has a mount. It's not even like there are only one or two Dark Mages in the game, there are about half a dozen. So it's not like one player will always have to "go without" and be at an automatic disadvantage. In fact, the same should apply to most of the other "free" characters.
  18. Final Fantasy 7: you start a battle immediately after the first cutscene with no tutorial and then BLOW UP A POWER PLANT WHAT THIS IS SO AWESOME Ocarina of Time: you are inside the first dungeon within 10 minutes The FF7 and OoT tutorials are required zero times.
  19. I think you can use a vanilla FE7 save file to make sure you start the game with HM unlocked but changing the events to disable tutorials isn't hard either
  20. Also now that you've made the change I should probably point out how tribe names do not work that way. We don't call Cherokees "Cherokeean" or Navajos "Navajoan". And what sense is that?
  21. I think it's that Dragon laguz could originally transform at will between dragons and humans, but after the Scouring, they had to "seal" that form inside dragonstones and be humans almost permanently.
  22. I hardly think that Liz and Sumia doing each other's hair and undressing in the middle of a battlefield is an improvement.
  23. lol that's also true but even if this poll did in theory have some purpose you can safely ignore one or two trolls' worth of noise oh gosh polls are such serious business the only thing I would consider seriously using this polls for is to gauge just how wrong everyone who isn't me is which as it turns out is not that much
  24. OPINIONS EH isn't the whole point of polls that the overwhelming majority of people giving reasonable sane scores will outweigh the handful of crazy outlier trolls who give undeserved 10s and 0s and also these polls aren't exactly going to be used for anything, they don't "need" to be accurate
  25. Largo sucks in order to use him you have to beat the first 24 chapters of FE9 quite aside from being a boring waste of time it's like 100 turns of negative utility
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