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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Status Updates posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. No way. I got through Katina without losing a wing.

    And look at the effect.



    I'll admit, though; Area 6 helped. A lot.

  2. Sure, I'd record them, but I have no way to. I don't have any tools for recording, since I'm actually playing on the system, not an emulator.

  3. Well, the ones that swarm die in one hit to dual. The ones that Peppy actually mentions ("He's quick, be careful!") are best taken out by lock-ons anyways.

    Always call in Great Fox; You're missing only one point per ship it takes down, and it allows you to focus more on the other enemies. So, in that way, it's beneficial. Unless you are really, really quick. ...

  4. I took a few more risks on Area 6 this time, and it certainly paid off. I could of had even more, were it not for a few late mistakes.

    And regarding Sector X... When I think about it, not too much. I mean, the main thing I'd need is dual laser, simply because of a wider radius. More power isn't really needed; everything dies in one hit anyways. And you get a laser just after...

  5. 2028.


    Beat my record. I feel quite accomplished. Especially since I didn't suck at Katina. (Still got my wing torn off though. >.>)

  6. - When you first encounter the spinning enemies, only put enough focus on them to finish them. Focus more on the spinning satellites(?) on the sides.

    - On the larger capital ships, charge shots and the occasional bomb work wonders on the turrets.

    - Don't spam bombs. They can give you a lot of points, but only when used at the right time.

  7. Depending on your amount to begin with, most likely. Many spam them without knowing when to.

    Tips for Area 6:

    - Use bombs on the mines at the beginning. You can have at least 50-60 points by the end of them if you do it right.

    - A well-placed charge shot on the smaller capital ships' missiles can give you a fair amount of points.


  8. Considering a great majority of points come from the using them on the mines at the beginning?

    I can use three or more. Below that, and my score will drop.

  9. A good amount of the time.

    A couple of mistakes, especially during MacBeth, gave me some problems. Such as only having one bomb for Area 6.

  10. 1990.

    Eh, I've done better.

  11. ...

    Oh, fiiiiiine~


  12. Are you trying to delurk me?


  13. O RLY.

    You and TheEnd must get along.

  14. Maybe I am.

    But T-Pain is on you. Just hope you know.

  15. Being on a boat > Being a boat.

    Just saying.

  16. To be honest?

    I never changed it. It just randomly happened. :|

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