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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Status Updates posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. Kinda late, I know, but:

    Pens in 6.

    Boston in 7. Could go either way, though.

    San Jose in 5. Overly hopeful, I'm sure, but... yeah.

    Vancouver in 6.

  2. Sorry. But no, knew it the entire time.

    (And my reasoning for not talking as much was because I wasn't here as much.)

  3. So I just realized you apparently thought I actually believed you were a guy.

    *facepalms while laughing*

    Apparently, I'm a bit too good at playing dense.

  4. Seems that the first games were all upsets in the playoffs.

    Or have what's bound to be the 'save of the playoffs', in the case of Vancouver vs. LA.

  5. I see you're back to being a tra--... girl.

  6. Can you not be a trap?

    I'm too used to traps.

    Marthur is enough. D:

  7. Uh oh.

    I should be careful then.

  8. Of course you were.

    And I suppose it's only a matter of time until both meanings are true, right?

  9. It means being utterly controlled by you.

    And sorry. <:3

  10. I would but I'm in danger if I do. ;.;

    Is it worth getting me killed over? D:>


  11. Ah. I see.

    And I was in danger with that avatar, apparently. -.-;

  12. Disappearing so soon?

    I'm crushed.


  13. Ha ha, thank you. And I'll try, if I get something other than a trackpad laptop working. XP

  14. Thank you. Even if it was a bit early. :P

  15. Hmm... I want to make 2100 at some point. I doubt I'll be able to get much higher than that ever, but I think I can make it to that amount.

  16. Majority of the time, it is. If I don't think I'll atleast break 200 or be near it, I'll just restart the entire thing.

  17. Actually, my wing did break, but it wasn't until nearly the end of the level, so it had little effect on my score there.

  18. 2087


    I love breaking 400 on Meteo and 210 on Katina.

  19. Most of the things I do on Area 6 I told you. The things that help the most are bombing the mines at the beginning, focusing on killing the satellites/capital ships whenever possible, and using charge shots on the turrets and missiles of the capital ships.

  20. I've yet to figure out exactly what gets you that extra point on Venom hard route; I've had it happen on occasion as well.

    And Sector Z can be hard to get the medal on. Word of advice, destroy any of the metal blocks you can. Give you 3 points (I think).

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