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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Status Updates posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. Ooo, yeah, don't care for that SJ deal too much. I agree with you on Philly, but at the same time, goalie or no, I can't help but see their standing just plummet a couple of spots. As much as I hated them, Richards and Carter were both good.

    Get rid of Carcillo and Hartnell, and the Flyers are almost... likeable.

  2. Any thoughts on the draft? I have to say, I liked the trade that the Panthers did, even if it is starting to look like Florida is becoming Chicago's retirement home (Campbell for Olesz).

    I love the new jerseys, too. So much better than the last.

  3. Unless Thomas manages to steal games, absolutely. That's what I predicted before the series started.

  4. That Game One was insane. Even if it was only 1-0. Wow.

  5. Hmmm. Boston goes onto the finals due to a game where the refs took the day off (except for iffy offsides calls), off a goal by what should be an auto-suspended Horton.

  6. Wow, that's exactly what I was thinking.

  7. Well, Bryzgolov being a known family man who prefers warm weather climates, yeah, I'd expect him there again. Vokoun has always said he wants to stay, as well. And Nabokov is forced to complete his contract apparently. Still signed for one year. Poor guy.

  8. Good on Vokoun and Bryzgolov for that! Though both are quite likely to resign with their teams anyways. (Barring Winnipeg move)

  9. One problem with that:

    'Round and 'round the Flyers goalies go,

    Who will start? Nobody knows!

  10. Tampa finishes the sweep.

    Boston gets a second chance with 3-0.

    San Jose prepares the brooms.

    Today was a good day.

  11. Can Bruce Boudreau lose the ability to coach any team already?

  12. Series predictions:

    Canucks in 6 over Nashville

    Sharks in 7 over Detroit (could go either)

    Washington in 6 over Montreal, or Tampa/Pittsburgh in 6 over Washington.

    Boston in 6 over Philadelphia, Pittsburgh in 7 over Philadelphia, or Philadelphia in 6 over Tampa Bay.

  13. Dude, it would have been the biggest playoff choke in history. Not only 1 - 8 match up, not only did the 8th seed get in due to a loss of another team, not only were the Canucks the top of, like, every stat, BUT THEY HAD A 3-0 LEAD TOO. Oi.

  14. Oh, I don't know. Next year is a 'one and done' playoff year if anything, honestly. Colorado style from last year. It's the year after that there's really the most hope for.

  15. Thankfully finally got one that is willing to actually rebuild. The Panthers would not be the holders of the playoff-less streak they have now if they did that instead of just trying to patchwork a team together to make the playoffs for one year. And fail.

  16. Probably will be the same as the 2003 draft. Ha. Ha. Ha.


  17. Part of me wishes that the players on Florida would have the guts to tank like Edmonton does.

  18. I know the Kings will have problems, why I say that 6 is probably tops for them. Nashville has always been solid, so I expect some fight from them, even with Anaheim's recent streak. I can't help but be rather dubious about the Caps' chances, and Phoenix, I think they'll come out stronger than last time. And they nearly won last time.

  19. *mumbles about stupid Wild messing up the All-Pacific playoffs*

    I agree with most of those, though I expect the Rangers push Washington to one more game, perhaps same for LA and Nashville, and Phoenix at least to then, if not win the series, with how Detroit has been recently.

  20. Well, the policy of the refs to screw the Ducks continues. No need to mention their last playoffs. Last two games, two dirty, intent-to-injure hits that don't even get minor penalties, and this game, a seven men too-many-men uncalled penalty, and two called-off goals in the last two minutes. You may agree with the first (goalie interference that is pushing it already), but the second? Ridic...

  21. So Teemu Selanne is amazing.

  22. is injuring himself in an attempt to achieve any preception of muscle mass.

    1. TheEnd


      Really, you'll never know unless I let you know.

    2. NTG
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