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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Status Updates posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. SPAM because NTG wanted me to


  2. Not a ton, but I can't spare much, sorry.

  3. So NHL 13.

    It's pretty cool.

    Still need to be Hasek or better to win a Be A Pro game as a goalie though. WHY YOU NO SCORE MORE THAN 1 GOAL THUNDERBIRDS

  4. I'm not saying they would or even could

    I'm saying it would be awesome. And hey, drop Mason and their chances improve, like, ten fold.

  5. You know, for all the flak Columbus gets, especially after the trade, I would love so much for them to out of nowhere become this year's Cinderella team.

  6. Koivu injury, being far enough ahead they slacked until a few losses stringed together, until they started to fall in the standings and the team completely lost their confidence. That's my guess.

  7. It's funny, I actually have a logo-less jersey of that, since my brother was/is a Dallas fan (Now more San Jose), and it got passed on to me.

    And wow. If Minnesota can play anything like they did the first half of the year, plus these two? We may have a new President's Trophy winner, at least.

  8. Never, ever would have expected to see him in a Dallas jersey.

    (which suck, by the way. Come on, Dallas, go back to green non-basketball jerseys.)

  9. Crazy stuff.


    I'm so happy now.

  10. Why thank you. I do quite like it.

    I haven't been able to find a decent monocle, though. Made one with a glass lens and a chain, but wasn't classy enough.

  11. Thought you'd like it/find it cute.

  12. I still hold his 'whines' are more the fact that he's put under the microscope than the fact that he's really all that much more than others. Sure, he does, but not exorbitantly. You want a whiner, go look at Mike Richards.

    I wonder how he'd do with coaching. He'd probably do alright, certainly no Gretzky, but I don't think he'd be the best.

  13. Hopefully? He rides out the whole contract.

    The thing is, I think he'll have to be forced to retire if he does. Even if he's at risk, he'll keep trying, I bet. The guy won't want to give up. I hope he doesn't, either, he's obviously very gifted and has a ridiculous work ethic.

  14. So did Getzlaf. I'm not ready to throw him to the wolves just yet.

  15. "The Ducks have acquired a 2013 second round pick from the New York Islanders in exchange for defenseman Lubomir Visnovsky."

    Yuck. Second rounder in 2013 for someone who should have at least been a Norris candidate a year ago (who was better than Lidstrom, at least stat-wise in every way)?

  16. (Can you tell I posted that before I saw today's game?)

    Devils on the other hand... I think Kings take it the same way they always have this playoffs.

  17. All depends on the first two games, I think. Rangers take one or both, we're in for a long series.

    LA takes two, and it's all over.

    I can't really say more; Kings have surprised me every round, but they haven't been in too many 'pressure' situations yet. I don't know how well they'd deal with it if they ever do.

  18. Not when, well

    Let me just say this. I started counting how often the national broadcast announcers said the line "the Kings really got away with that one!"

    It got hilarious when it reached 5 before 10 minutes had passed.

    Don't think they would have won the series, they were outmatched. But for what they could, they held their own.

  19. That made me so happy.


    We'll see. I'm starting to feel like it's one of those "all bets are off" situations.

    I mean, look at who we have left.

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