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Ar-Wing Pilot

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Status Updates posted by Ar-Wing Pilot

  1. I would love, well, any kind of Pacific division vs. Florida final. That would be the best (bar Columbus somehow bouncing back). Unless it was Dallas. Screw Dallas. L.A.'s only good if Florida beats them, too.

  2. Exactly. And it'll be to, like, Detroit or something because I don't like them.

  3. Don't worry, it'll only be a matter of time before they fall back to earth and suck because I root for them.

    But until that time


  4. Hey Diiiiiooooo

    Guess who shut out the '14-1-1 in past 16 games' Bruiiiinsssss


    Yes, I know that this will only last until this afternoon, when Washington will beat New Jersey and overtake them again.

  6. ... I really need to stop watching games. That's the third time in a row I've watched a game where my team loses off of a last minute tying or winning goal.

  7. They, simply put, depress me.

    ... and then I look at Boston and Winnipeg and it's allllll better.

  8. 11 games. It took 11 games until the War Room in Toronto screwed over the Panthers for the first time this season. The ref emphatically waved off the tying goal due to a high stick. They review it, the puck is off the stick before it reaches the crossbar. The verdict? 'No conclusive evidence, so the call on the ice stands. Good goal.'

    This is gonna be a long season, me thinks.

  9. Heatly for Havlat. Wow. Didn't see that one coming.

  10. Eh, I just meant if the team bombs for the first couple months.

    Ha, I wonder as well. Would be rather interesting.

  11. Hmm... The only one that sticks out in my mind is Boudreau, but hey, he didn't get fired last time. Maybe Jacques Martin if the team doesn't preform too well. Maaaaybe Davis Payne.

  12. I hope they don't. More wins for the Flordian teams. Really, though, I think Washington might be stuck in 5th this year. With Tampa taking the division and Pittsburgh/Philly taking the 4th spot, whoever doesn't win the division.

  13. (I sound like a broken record, don't I, ha.)

    They're not the only team I follow. Honestly, Anaheim, if not for Hiller's entire ordeal, could very well have been the Cup finalists, if not the winners. Pittsburgh and Tampa both were great with their own problems (Crosby/Malkin injured, St. Louis' constant stick-to-face problems).

  14. Oh, don't get me wrong, if I expect anything success-wise, it's a short first round exit if anything. But at least it's something to build on, right?

    Besides, it could be worse.

    I could be rooting for the Jets.

  15. The main question is chemistry for the new players. For that, who knows. Theodore, no, I don't think he'll do better. But I don't think he'll be terrible, either. The new players will get more ice time, so that may in fact help them. And Jovanovski, well, honestly, a big thing is veteran presence for the large number of defense prospects. And his 2nd 1st-round pick of Florida st...

  16. You do realize that Winnipeg is staying in the SE division for this next year, right?

  17. Oh, I'm speaking just next season. But it still applies.

    And, homer it may be, I still think you're selling Florida short there. The fact of the matter is they were still one of the best defensive teams in the league last year, they just didn't have the offense to match. This year they finally legitimately look like they could, Nashville-style.

  18. Probably will be better than Carolina, Winnipeg, NYI, Ottawa, and maybe the Rangers. And I'm sorry, no, I don't think Toronto is going anywhere.

  19. Maybe at this rate Florida will rise to a playoff spot purely off the self-destruction of the other teams.

    I do like that signing, as well. Makes up for the Setoguchi thing a little.

  20. Noooooo thank you. Send him to Colorado, they seem to be the most self-destructive team since... well. Since the Panthers a little bit ago.

  21. Hey, man, gotta make the cap floor somehow. They're still not there.

    And blast it, I'm losing my reasons for hating the Flyers!

  22. Boyton barely made Florida. Earlier Florida. And the other two are average at best.

  23. Pronger is the only capable defenseman, though.

  24. True, but... Still. Whether or not it ends up being a good deal in the long run, I still think they'll suffer for this next season. Maybe the one after.

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