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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. You get a ton of nice items from the Maiden. You actually get stuff even if he gets fewer than 6 kills, just less of it (one item per kill, I think). Beyond six she won't give any more though.
  2. Nope. I just like Despoil. Well... Brady does have more physical options to take advantage of Henry's +1 Str with when training/not in Apo. But there won't be much of a difference at all in Apo itself.
  3. Not with a Lck flaw, you won't. You'd need a tonic and a A ranked +2 Lck support to pull that off, and those aren't common (or usually very good). But I digress. I think you need a bit of perspective on what exactly Streetpass teams are up against, so here's how yours will do against me. Your Avatar's final stats with that set: HP: 80 Str: 39 Mag: 41 Skl: 40 Spd: 42 Lck: 42 Def: 40+5 Res: 44+5 Avo: 84 I won't be letting you attack me, so Astra doesn't matter. I'll also assume you're using Book of Naga. Renewal doesn't matter either since this fight will only last a turn. For all intents and purposes, your only skills are Miracle and Counter. I'll use +Str/-Def Vaike!Gerome!Morgan@General (LB/Vantage/Agg/Vengeance/AF) @B.Axe (+5/15), paired with an unequipped Berserker at A rank. Because I'm nice, I won't even use Tonics. Or Olivia. His relevant stats: Atk: 50(base) +11(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +10(Agg) +10(pairup) +5(AF) +18(B.Axe) =124 Skl: 41(base) +3(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +3(pairup) =67 Lck: 45(base) -1(mods) +10(LB) +14(Rally) +3(pairup) =71 Hit: 136(base) +85(B.Axe) +10(support) =231. I might have more thanks to Staffbots. So lets see how this will play out: I attack first because I'm the player. My Hit is at 100%, and my HP is full so I don't have a Vengeance boost. You take 124-45 =79 damage, and survive with 1HP left. I take 79 damage from Counter, and now also have 1HP. I attack again (Brave, remember?), trigger 100% Vengeance for a 38 damage boost, and hit you for 117 damage. Miracle can't save you since you're already at 1HP, and I even have a 1% crit chance (more if I've got a staffbot around) so it's possible you'll be hit by 351 damage instead. At 1HP, of course, because there's no kill like overkill. Now, just for fun (and more overkill), pretend I rigged Morgan so that his Brave Axe had two uses left and he was Lv.4.92. Killing you has broken my Axe and caused me to automatically equip the next weapon in my inventory: a forged Tomahawk/Helswath. Killing you has also caused me to level up and learn Wrath, which I swap out Agressor for (it's going to be EP and Agg won't do anything there). You also conveniently set me up with a fully powered Vengeance so now I get to maul the rest of your team with an excellent VV set (with 20%+ listed crit!). While you always could stop me with another Counter/Miracle unit, you're kind of out of those (Avatar-M is the only first gen unit who can do that). And in the event that I do see something scary, I can always either bail with staffbots or have someone else kill it. So if you really want a good Streetpass team, don't horse around with AT. Or anything else, for that matter.
  4. Small but powerful? +Mag/-Def Avatar-M x Maribelle!Lucina Morgan x Libra!Owain Henry!Cynthia x Chrom!Brady Use Chrom and Maribelle too. That team will take you a long way.
  5. That skillset looks OK. Keep in mind that Henry!Brady gives you an extra Despoil for grinding. It's not a big deal, but it is a difference.
  6. That's for ingame. This is Apo with a ton of restrictions, and Chrom wants to be a Sniper both to help poke and to take better advantage of his DS+ (he won't be at 100% even with it, but he'll be one of the closest units, which is helpful). BK Chrom is pretty good postgame, too. Maybe even Chrom's best class.
  7. Go check out some of the FE threads on SpeedDemosArchive if you want to talk to people who do this regularly and compare times/strats. Some of those people are on SF as well, but you'll probably find more enthusiasm there (because that's, well, the whole point of the site). However, from my own experience, FE in general (and especially Awakening) aren't very interesting speedgames compared to what else is out there (on any%, at least. Trying things like All Paralogues or Apo is pretty fun).
  8. I think they're glurge. And I'm not falling for it one bit. Not much else to say other than that I agree with Brightbow completely.
  9. Fred x Cherche is pretty terrible, whether you're going for magic or not. If you really want as many (good) magical units as possible, Lissa x Stahl Sully x The Bench (Gaius) Miriel x Gregor Sumia x Chrom Maribelle x Lon'qu Panne x The Bench (Vaike) Cordelia x Virion Nowi x Henry Tharja x Kellam Olivia x Libra Cherche x Ricken Avatar x any child There aren't enough Tomefaires to go around to get a completely full team, unfortunately. It's still possible to give Kjelle Valkyrie from Donnel, but Yarne would have to heavily nerf Gerome to be made useful and I don't think it's worth it. This Kjelle x Yarne will perform pretty well as physical units if you decide you want to use them after all. Avatar can be used as a first gen parent to lift someone (namely Yarne) out of the ditch, at the cost of not being very useful later. Avatar x Lissa might be a good idea, though.
  10. No. If for no other reason that you need to unlock the Outrealm Gate to grind, and 80% of Lunatic+'s difficulty is concentrated in the chapters before you reach it (and another 10% is near the very end of the game, once the enemies are strong enough to roll over a minmaxed team anyway if you aren't paying attention). Once you manage to get there, you'll be fine for a few chapters, but once enemies get too strong to oneshot you'll have to start paying attention. it won't be difficult, but it won't be press start to win either.
  11. Excellent. Since this is a recap topic, why not post the whole team you ended up using?
  12. A much simpler fix: put Charm on your Staffbot. There are several Spotpass/DLC characters that come with it (Minerva and DLC!Elincia off the top of my head, I know there's at least one other female with it). Even if you're attacking the target at 2 range and aren't standing adjacent to the staffbot, it'll still reach you. Does this mean we're likely to get a video?
  13. Not ragging on grinding, just wondering if it isn't a little bit overkill for Normal. Armsthrift... Does nothing on a Streetpass unit. Just saying.
  14. You have to be careful to actually kill him (or have enough staffbots to bail if you fail), because he has Counter and hits like a truck. But if you know it's safe, this is a very effective tactic. It can be used on any enemy, but the ones on the Throne are the only ones it makes a big difference on.
  15. Ingame? Great mother, great growths, terrible starting class. Not worth it if you're highmanning. Postgame? Incredible mods and base classes. No Galeforce, but he doesn't care because he's the best hard support in the game (bar Avatar-M occasionally). Anyone who says he's not good postgame is wrong (or playing with some really weird set of restrictions). His best fathers are Virion and Stahl. Hit+20 is the only thing he needs to make his Berserker complete, and he also makes a great support Sniper (Virion!Yarne@Sniper is the best hard support in the game for boosting DS). Both of them give great mods, too. Fred, Lon'qu, Vaike, Gregor and Henry give nice mods as well, but they don't give any skills he particularly cares about so they aren't as good as the first two. Aesthetics? Subjective, but I'd guess he's not at the top of the stack here. Might be where all this supposed unpopularity is coming from.
  16. Train your Avatar, train your Avatar, train your Avatar, and don't train more units than you need. Five pairs total (including children, though you can bench parents to free up more room) is kind of the upper limit of what you want to train (you can get away with more, but the difficulty sharply rises above there), I usually take four pairs (Chrom, Avatar and their wives, and their children at A). Cht.7 is a very good place to train Chrom if he's falling behind thanks to mostly Axes/Wyverns and lots of advantageous terrain. Also consider using Panne (as a Wyvern) and Nowi (as a Manakete), they're both incredibly powerful in Lunatic.
  17. She more than makes up for it with 100% DS magical hits. She's not got too much power to spare, but as long as you let her take the lead on bosses she'll still be one of your strongest pairs.
  18. I'm aware of that. What I'm saying is that it's not the fact that the mooks are fictional that introduces apathy, it's the fact that they're flatter than flat.
  19. If Inigo is in a 6-Mov class, then yeah, he'd do better with them.
  20. Partially. Fun is subjective though, so it's kind of a moot point. One thing to remember about Mov is that enemies tend to be clumped together in Apo, meaning you need a big burst of it to reach them safely but then it doesn't matter once you're in. That's why I never talk about +Mov bonuses from 8 Mov units, they'll be upfront when it matters. So unless you're worried about turncounts, General's Mov isn't as big of a flaw as you would think.
  21. Nah. Challenge teams are usually pretty different from main teams, due to some things becoming much more important and other things becoming much less, which can often make them less fun to use on No Holds Barred, so I don't recommend having a challenge team on your main file (unless you put a ton of thought into making a dual purpose team, that is). And you have three files anyway and have just spent months planning this team, so I'd go ahead and make it and then think about challenges after you've used it a few times.
  22. I suppose I'm not supposed to care one bit when Denethor sends Faramir and his regiment to retake Osgilliath in The Lord of the Rings either, because they're fictional too, right? Caring about fictional characters is a fundamental requirement for fiction to work. They can't and shouldn't be blown off lightly, and when the author does so, it can either mean (depending on the level of self-awareness present) that they're delivering some scathing social critique, or a poor writer. So do you really not care about them because they're fictional? Or because the devs don't and want you to feel the same?
  23. It is. But you haven't mentioned your pairings... Hence why challenge runs are a thing. Have overkill? Just turn down a universal power buff (like banning LB, Rally or some other skill) and watch it become important.
  24. You know what would be really useful for this? A unit with equal growths in every stat. Then you could more accurately measure how many extra RNs you burn.
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