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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Ingame Spd thresholds may be much lower, but also keep in mind that it's a huge pain to lug Rallybots around everywhere and tonic up before every map, so your stats will be around 12 lower across the board than in Apo. A Virion!Severa would drop from 75 to 63 from losing those, and again down to 58 without the Berserker (and 56 if you swapped All+2 for AT). That can still double everything the maingame will throw at you with ease, but it starts getting close enough to keep an eye on. That said, Warrior's +Def becomes much more relevant ingame.
  2. It's less of a "higher standards for dodgetanks" and more of that the ~5-15 Spd advantage you've got over all your other pairs doesn't make much of a difference. Sure, you're dodgy without the skills, but you're just as dodgy as everyone else and don't stand out as a pair built around dodging.
  3. Probably, but if so I'm not aware of it. Not I. I make mine be a day after I start the file, so I can use the free random boost whenever I feel like it. It's pretty helpful in Lunatic+.
  4. Looks mostly OK, but Tharja only has five skillslots and Nowi/Tiki don't get Renewal. If Panne is supposed to be a dodgetank, then she'll also want Lucky 7 over Pass or Lethality and probably Tantivity over to other one.
  5. Stahl!Owain can go physical. It's not optimal (for Owain) but is Owain's best physical option and will still perform pretty well (Owain has both Hit+20 and Berserker to support with, and acceptable Str). Virion!Severa also has alternate physical options in Sniper and BK- Sniper is more powerful, but BK could go with Sage Owain without too much overlap.
  6. Ricken gives Luna, Libra gives Vengeance. That's all that Owain will care about. While stuff like Palading and Hit+20 from Ricken and Libra's Anathema sound nice, Owain just won't be running them (he goes Sage@LB/GF/Agg/TF/Proc, almost without exception outside challenge runs and being married to Lucina). Virion!Severa can easily go either physical or magical, which is why I recommended her.
  7. Their usefulness drops off sharply once you either start grinding or clear Cht.11. You're not going to find anyone who has a clear case for getting them over anyone else by now (and they won't make a difference since you're on Normal), so just give them all to your favorite character. Oh, they're also more useful the smaller your team is, because the effect will be more concentrated.
  8. EXP formula is here: http://old.serenesforest.net/fe13/calculation.html Basically, your level that effects exp gain is your displayed level (+20 if you're promoted) + your internal level. Every time you reclass, half of your displayed level is added to your internal level. Your internal level caps at 20(Normal), 30(Hard), and 50(Lunatic(+)). There's a bit of rounding that's slightly funkier than normal, but basically, say I reclass at base level 10 (+5 to my IL), level to 10, promote (displayed level is something like 21, IL is still 5, total level is ~26), level to 15 (~41 IL), reclass (+~17 IL), IL is now ~22 and displayed level is ~21, so total level is now ~43... That example might not make much sense, but basically reclassing from base classes increases your IL by around 1/3 as much as reclassing when promoted does, and will speed up your exp gain instead of seeing it stay roughly the same. So to maximize exp gain, you want to stay in base classes for as long as possible before promoting.
  9. Only once you try to update the version in the logbook. Statboosters: their only legitimate use postgame is capping Chrom's Mag. During maingame, I find it best to either use them on middling stats that you want to be strengths (Avatar's Lck when running AT, Stahl's Spd), to skip a unit's babying phase (Donnel's Def on lower difficulties, Nowi's HP and Cordelia's Str on higher ones), or to set up Avatar to make training other units easier. The three things you shouldn't use them on are stats with both low bases and growths (barring Chrom's Mag postgame) (because you won't see a long-term benefit there), stats that will cap before you promote, and nothing.
  10. Owain's ideal fathers are Ricken, Libra, and sometimes Henry (Henry is just as good as the first two and sometimes marginally better but in much higher demand). If you're pairing him with Severa, you'll want to use Ricken!Severa or Virion!Severa (Virion!Severa will want Ricken!Owain, the other doesn't care). If you really want a physical Owain, Stahl!Owain is your best bet (He'll go best with Virion!Severa). I can't speak for aesthetics, though. That's your call.
  11. Cht.8 has both a Master and a Second, you know.
  12. Hit thresholds before WTD and above 220 are 228 (Helswath Berserkers), 235 (NS), 239 (Invincisorc), 248 (Thronie), and 257 (Anna). Anna can be removed from her Throne though. So your Chrom will be pretty much fine except for two enemies. When Noire's up front, she has an Agg support so she needs the higher, more reliable boost from Vengeance less. Since your Kjelle is primarily a 1-range unit, I wouldn't worry about being able to double Thronie too much. If you do want to take All+2, it might go better over a Faire than Astra. Generally it isn't worth it to remove something useful for All+2 just for 1% of DS, unless that bumps you up to 100%.
  13. VV doesn't work anymore, but other than that it's exactly the same (though its boost will make the difference between KOing and not KOing much more often). Keep in mind that since you can theoretically have as many 100% DS pairs as you like, not going for either of these isn't actually wasting any abnormal potential. If you decide to make them be 100% DS pairs, do it because you want two 100% DS pairs in your team, not because these two pairs are good candidates for 100% DS.
  14. Check Chrom's Hit, he might want to swap Hit+20 for Charm. Consider putting Luna on Noire (Vengeance on double Galepairs is a lot easier to use when only one unit has it). Consider giving Gerome Tantivity over Str+2. Also see if Inigo gains/loses any major thresholds from switching to Sniper (he'll gain +1/2 DS, Longbows and a bit of Hit, how many kills does he miss out on?). It's possible, but you'll need help from an enemy Rallybot (which are usually useless because the AI doesn't know how to use them) (90 Def is required to be more powerful than any Vengeance). For the highest Def, you need to go to Par.23 apply Barracks and Tonics beforehand (the clones keep those boosts), and then get a Rallybot to boost Morgan's stats.
  15. The only things that are technically impossible in this game are that way due to movement constraints (like one-turning Cht.3). Cht.16's reinforcements can all be taken care of through knowledge of their spawn locations and proper preparations with minimal risk, even on Lunatic+ nogrind (though it can sometimes be difficult to get all the Thieves safely if your team isn't strong enough). Thor: Don't forget that you can just reclass to Tactician right off the bat to get Veteran. Useful if you forgot to pass it down, or wanted to pass down a herder to get skill instead.
  16. After a point, most non-threshold based improvement isn't very clear cut and always involves a trade. There aren't any simple swaps you can make that will be outright better, but there are probably a few that might be good trades. If you really want to squeeze a little more out of your team, draw it up in Notepad and calculate all of your unit's stats for Apo after all boosts are applied (with and without Pairup in double Galepairs), as well as Hit/Avo and stuff. If there are any minor optimizations left to be made, that's the best way to find them. I'd go with option 2 or 4, myself. Olivia's usefulness decreases the more combat pairs you have, so she's perfectly droppable on a 7/2 or 6/3 team. And 8 Mov isn't that big of a deal- I went for it on my 100% DS team because I could, but it's more of a secondary perk than a required ability (and can be more than made up for with Staffbots). Don't do something that will actually hurt your performance in battles, though.
  17. Different people have different definitions, but there are five things usually banned in some combination to make up nogrind: DLC, Spotpass/Streetpass battles, Logbook units, Risen, and Renown/Spotpass shops/Bonus Box items. The generally agreed upon exception to this is Lunatic(+) Risen, who make the game harder if you fight them. But very few people care what others do in their challenge runs (unless you attempt to use it as a status symbol/record it and post it on Youtube), so whether or not you do something really has to do with whatever rules you hold yourself to.
  18. Cht.7 is tons of Axes and a massive almost-player-exclusive terrain advantage with almost no Lances to mess swordguys up.
  19. Set everything to auto, remove anything that could cause levelups/item drops, fill your team with high Mov GF units, and mash start. ~30 seconds per clear including load times, ~15 seconds or less of actual action. However, I like to take GG a little more slowly to use it as a break from the monotony of recruiting Wolt over and over again. While playing something engaging for six hours straight is fine, Renown Grinding might as well be comparable to watching paint dry (and you want to get it over with all in one shot, otherwise it tends to drag on for weeks).
  20. Your Avatar looks slightly screwed in everything compared to where you should be by Cht.4. If anyone is getting the Naga's Tear and other statboosters, it should be her. Chrom can catch up easily in Cht.7.
  21. For a pretty long time the capture board just used a line from the headphone jack on the 3ds to do audio capture. I don't see why you couldn't find a way to do something similar to fix the audio, even without a capture board (just use the line-in instead of a microphone or something).
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