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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. What on earth do you need a 200GB SD card in your 3ds for? Does it even support ones that big? You don't need to mess around with a hex editor. You just need a 3ds, a JP copy of the game, and some way to launch Homebrew (the SD card that comes with your 3ds should be plenty big enough). Hex editors are free anyway, though... I imagine Youtube has plenty.
  2. Robin is not falling behind. He'll catch up, you'll see. You're not doing L+? Huh, I thought you were. That explains how Sumia got stuffed so full. Oh well, that just puts more options on the table. I'd go for Avo+10 from Lon'qu, because without Hawkeye around dodgetanking in Lunatic is completely OP, even moreso than in Normal/Hard (enemies have big, fancy weapons with low Hit, and not enough Skl to back it up). You'll easily have enough exp to take both Pegs to 20/15 if you give them everything from now on.
  3. Even if you did use All+2, it wouldn't make a difference. That's why I said earlier that sibling Lucina/Cynthia run into some issues trying to go magical (Virion!Severa has the same problem). Usually, you'd just go Sage x DF and deal with the fact that your Spd is the same as it would be with Maribelle. Grandmaster is a slightly preferable alternative to Dread Fighter, should you have one around. What sounds best is to use Morgan and a handful of Sniper x Sages to meet your magical needs. The biggest limiting factor there- even more than the DS, I'd say- is the rarity of same-gender supports. There are very few potential combinations one could get away with to do that. It could probably work, especially with Vengeance involved to eliminate a little of the RNG introduced by dropping to A, but that just lowers the possible pairs even more. On the same subject, male + male can be made workable as well- Chrom + Chrom!Inigo sounds tempting. It has the added bonus of double Agg, which gives so much power it doesn't even matter much if you miss some DSes. 220 for mooks, 257 for bosses. Both of those are without WT. Stahl, definitely. He gives Owain some great physical classes, which is really all Owain can be given since Lissa's mods stink so badly.
  4. I'd go with Sniper x Sage instead and settle for 69 Spd, the Atk boost is pretty significant. If you want Owain to remain as a Dread Fighter, try Dark Flier for Lucina, then she'll line up perfectly at 75 and give Owain some Mag too.
  5. I just assumed he teleported. It's something he has no problems doing elsewhere. Real answer, they probably just wanted to reuse that CGI.
  6. Pairup has three parts: +1 for every 10 points in a stat the support has (up to +3), a class boost located in a table on the mainsite (eg Berserker is +5 Str and +3 Spd) and a support rank boost: +1 to all nonzero class boosts with C or B, and +2 with A or S. Since every stat is boosted by the stat boost regardless of class boosts, and everyone should hit 30 in everything thanks to LB (except a GK with a negative Mag mod), it's safe to add the +3 to the universal boosts. Since the support rank boost only affects nonzero members of the class boost, it and the class boost need to be treated the same (though I still refer to classes exclusively by their class boosts and not class boost + support boost, eg Berserker is still a +3 Spd class). The fact that you can't get a total of +1 or +2 class + support boost occasionally causes some inefficiencies, and is a big part of why DFs have so much trouble hitting 75 Spd (and in turn a big part of why Valkyrie Morgan is so good).
  7. Base+Mods+LB+Rally+Pairup+Tonic it is. I prefer to lump the stat pairup boost (+3), Tonics, LB and Rally together because they make a flat 25- from base, mods, All+2 and the class pairup bonus you can calculate the rest, and it's much easier to do. Lucina's Paladin would be 40(base) +5(mods) +5(Pairup class/support bonus) +25 (everything else) =75... Or even just forget about the 25 alltogether and say the thresholds are 50, 44, and 41.
  8. If you think Lissa is insane like this, watch how strong she gets with Streetpass shops, max Renown and a lot of patience. Or don't, she's good enough already. A. Remind me, are you pairing him with Cord, or waiting for Lucina? Either way, sticking him with Cord as a Merc right now (and just not getting the S if you don't want it) might be best until she gets going. He should be getting the Cht.8 SS if you already used your Renown one. Don't worry too much about his level, he should still be decently strong and can catch up just like all the children once exp is more plentiful (mine was 20->10 Merc with +Spd/-Skl when I benched him to support at Cht.8, but I pulled him out for Cynthia's Paralogue and he caught up almost instantly, while still doing the bulk of the heavy lifting at the start). B. Don't go for GF, especially in time for Owain. It's really strong, but just not worth it. Valk or Falco are good bets, it depends on whether you'd rather have Rally Spd or Res earlier- I'd go Valk so you can keep your Tome offense around a little while longer. C. In Par.2, there's an island in the river nobody except the swimming boss can walk to. Bring Mari, Chrom and two Pegs (and maybe one more pair if you feel like using a Rescue) and turtle there, breaking the Archers' Bows for damage to heal and kiting Barbs around for lone hits with Pegs, then flying back for healing after the Archers are harmless. It's extremely lucrative and since Lissa sounds like she's in a good place already, Maribelle can have all of it. D. If you want to keep Lon'qu around, Wyvern makes a good ferry, while Assassin preserves his weapon ranks and gives nice offensive pairup boosts. Thief should only be used for a Locktouch passdown, so you can keep a strong child as your Theif. E. Aside from GF by the child recruitments, not really. Promote Sumia at 20, she's in good shape. Try to focus a little more on Cord than Sumia for now if you want both passing GF though, while it's OK and smart for Cord to get it a little later (she doesn't have any auto-recruits like Lucina and can get it during the child Paralogues), GF is also really powerful and Sumia will suddenly start hogging exp like crazy once you get it if you don't carefully keep her in check. F. Stick him behind someone who could use a +Def/Mov support. I like putting him with Lissa, because Owain's options are good and he really helps her tanking potential.
  9. The way the Spd works out, Sumia gives +5 and Olivia gives +3. For physical, Lucina's main options are Sniper and Paladin. +5 gives both of those 75 Spd with a +3 support and no All+2, or 69 with a +0 support and no All+2 (not needing All+2 is important, since she doesn't have room). With +3, you need it to hit both of those, which means no doubling Thronie with Sniper x Sage, no doubling Anna with Paladin (important if you want to fight at range), etc. However, Dark Flier has 42 base Spd, and is typically ran with a Sage support. +5 or +3, All+2 or no, that will always drop you at 69- +2 with no All+2 will work too, which works out nicely for Maribelle as well. So Sumia!Lucina can very well go with DF, but hers will be the same as Olivia's (+1 Skl) unless you manage to get her a GM support, and since Sumia's physical is better than Olivia's, I prefer running Olivia magical. Funnily enough, Olivia's Assassin- the one real physical class Lucina gets that's exclusive to her- fails to hit 75 Spd with a +0 support, but goes way over the mark with any +Spd at all, so it's either not even an improvement or inefficient. You might still consider it for epic procstacks with a BK or something, or maybe not. It would be really nice if Olivia had a +2 Spd mod instead of +1- it doesn't seem implausible, and would open up a lot of options for both Olivia!Lucina, Olivia!Morgan and various Inigos.
  10. Cynthia always gets Aether passed down and can never get DSt+, Charm or RK. If you marry Lucina, she always passes down Aether as well (so no Charm/DSt+/RK for Morgan), and if you marry Cynthia she can pass down skills normally, including Aether. Assuming you have her do that, Sumia!Lucina!Morgan and Chrom!Cynthia!Morgan are identical, the only difference is one (relevant) skill on Robin's wife.
  11. Sumia!Lucina is usually physical because her Spd lines up well with Sniper and Paladin, not because of any Faires or mods (and Sumia gives a -2 Str mod, that's not exactly beneficial for physical). Olivia!Lucina is actually more likely to go magical, just because that's how her Spd winds up. Lucina's skillset doesn't leave room for a Faire, so which ones she has don't really matter.
  12. From tonight's chat: Much later... Run done, Goombella finally has a (deathless) run under her belt! Cht.7 was the shakiest bit, Fred was on the verge of death so much, I was surprised he didn't keel over from fear! Final time was 9:36:51.25, which is probably a new record.
  13. In this case, DLC is on the table so LB and Agg are needed on Brady. Maribelle!Lucina isn't a waste, she's got the highest Mag of any Lucina and her DF x Sage isn't actually slow (just as fast as Sumia!Lucina's DF x Sage for Apo, as a matter of fact).
  14. Yep, Henry!Gerome an Stahl!Owain would work out. If you kept Stahl!Gerome, you'd want to reserve Lon'qu!Severa for him, or maybe Donnel!Kjelle. I posted a mostly complete one on the last page, I'm too lazy right now to make another (I really should have it copypasteable but I don't). No Discipline dads? Meh. Well, Gregor for Merc might work out. He's also already got crazy growths, if you wanted to play with Aptitude. Avoid Vaike though, there's some pretty bad class overlap and he doesn't have anything fun to do. Sure, those work. Morgan is going to wind up with a Sage husband pretty much any way you slice it, all of those are good.
  15. Cord can't train in Cht.7, start getting her going in Cht.8 instead. There's a mountain in the top left with a DM and a Barb lurking nearby, that's a good place to start her- fight defensively, stay out of range, melee stuff to death whenever safe.
  16. Those are some good dads you've got there. Might as well give Nah Henry, since she loves him and there's not anyone else who's more than above average with him. Since there's no Stahl, Owain will be magical, so let's give him Ricken. That leaves Severa with Vaike and Lon'qu- if she gets Vaike, Brady will get Lon'qu and Inigo can have his choice of Fred and Libra. If she gets Lon'qu, Brady will need Libra and Inigo will need Fred. If Vaike is given to Nah instead, then Henry is free for pretty much everyone, and you can do a magical Inigo and Lon'qu!Severa at the same time, if you like. +Spd/-Def sets up well for Morgan and Severa to be Wyvern Lords, you'll mainly want them to do that. They can also do Valkyrie well (though slightly worse than if it was +Mag/-Spd), if you want some magical units. Either way, you'll want to run them both with LB/GF/Ignis/Astra and an appropriate Faire. Valkyries will want Sage husbands, Wyverns want Berserkers (or maybe Heroes/Bow Knights.
  17. Apo doesn't change by difficulty, it'll be the same on Normal and L+. VVW isn't a good idea- everything has 55 Lck or more there, so your crit rates will be very low without extreme dedication (though 100% crit VV is possible, only Laurent can do it, and it's usually more trouble than it's worth). Sol also won't help too much, enemies have around 50 Def and halve or quarter incoming damage, so most Sol procs will heal you by 5-10 while enemies deal 30-50 to you- there's no way that will keep you alive. You'll want to focus on player phase offense, killing stuff on your terms, then running to safety with Galeforce and Rescue. Apo is a big open map with small, tight clumps of enemies, so it's not hard to have safe space. Staffbots with Fortify can heal your units after every action, so forget survivability skills and just go for maximum damage output- double stuff, use procs, pack +Hit/Atk skills on your hard supports, etc. As for your team, what's your Asset/Flaw, and is there anyone else in particular you want to use?
  18. Well, overall a plain GK has the same Atk with a sword or lance as a Sniper with both BF and All+2, but since you're not using a Faire you actually can take advantage of the whole Weapon Triangle Control thing that's bogus almost everywhere else. And with the +Hit/Atk boost from that, combined with the +35 Hit from skills being worth a little more than the +25 from Sniper's higher Skl and All+2, GKs aren't so bad. Of course, you don't get a +Skl boost from them, and the +Str is the same as Snipers, so it's not all good. I usually use Snipers/BKs for general gamage output and GKs for non-Luna guaranteed KO strats.
  19. Anathema lowers enemy stats, it doesn't boost player stats. Since Charm works on players, I'd expect it to work like Demoiselle and Solidarity, which only affect nearby allies (and pairup partners).
  20. For me it was mostly an issue of pricing. Wii U stuff has a kind of high asking price next to 3ds games, and with the 3ds having such a good library already I really need to be sold ahead of time to grab something more expensive for the Wii U instead.
  21. Henry's pretty confused with his thin pants and thick, snug sweater.
  22. The rest of the DLC is pretty different from Apo. It does scale with difficulty, so you probably won't even be seeing stat-capping enemies- stuff in RaR3 might have one or two capped stats in Normal, compared with five or six in Lunatic and all stats being above regular caps in Apo. There also aren't any Lunatic+ skills to deal with, and there are more enemies with fewer player deployment slots so different strategies will be encouraged (turtling and tanking as opposed to blazing offense). Panne would really like Stahl, if you can get him- reclassing Yarne to Cav is the perfect fix for his weapon rank issues, and Stahl provides good all-round pairup bonuses for Panne (reclass her to Wyvern asap for best performance). Ingame, Cord usually prefers things to boost her survival while she feeds on the Mages in Cht.8, but I doubt that's as much of an issue in Normal so you might want to focus on her offense instead- Vaike could be nice for a bunch of Str. Auras usually don't affect the bearer- are you sure Charm will even affect Chrom's Hit? Either way, GK Chrom with just LB, Rallies and Tonics has just 121 base Hit- he can't even hit 220 with a 5/15 Brave Sword. If you want him fighting bosses, which really is what he should be doing, he needs a lot more. Get rid of DG+ and Charm and use Hit+20 and Prescience instead. You might still need a 4/20 or even 3/25 Brave Lance to get 100% on Anna, but without perfect Hit 100% DS is kinda silly.
  23. Burnt to a crisp, sure. But not before having her skin destroyed by sunburn- that mesh isn't blocking anything. And after that, she'll get freeze-dried, since deserts are cold at night. That lone cape is not going to keep away frostbite. If you wanted to strand someone in a desert with absolutely no chance of survival, it's pretty hard to think of anything worse to make them wear. The cape is likely heavy too, and there's even exposed metal touching the body- I bet that gets nice and toasty as well. Not to mention, stuff- especially metal- expands when it gets hot and contracts when it cools, so it could get a little tight at night, and cutting off circulation won't make you any warmer. It might even siphon off some heat then too. Yessirree, Tharja is dressed for desert suicide. Now, if you want to see someone who actually is dressed for a desert, look at Libra. Oversized, baggy white clothes that reflect the sunlight with minimal skin contact, leave as little exposed as possible, and are well-ventilated yet thick? Pretty hard to beat that.
  24. If you want to do Apo, I really do recommend getting those DLCs. LB and Agg are obviously important, and Rally Heart is also extremely useful because all my calcs assume you have it- missing it will effectively drop your entire team down a whole speed bracket. Paragon is also pretty great for training, though Iote's Shield isn't too good and can be skipped. And All+2 of course- it's never necessary, but extremely useful to have on hand. I have all the DLC, and I'd say it as a whole roughly tripled my playtime (not counting theorycrafting, time spent on forums and anything else outside the game but still relating to Awakening). You're going to have trouble compensating for those skills with others. While you will have more free skillslots, those skills are ran over the alternatives for a reason- going without those big boosters will be a significant challenge run. You'll never be able to take having good Hit for granted, and being 10-12 Spd lower across the board means instead of having a team where everyone doubles most everything, you'll have a team where everyone tries their hardest not to be doubled by the fastest enemies. You'll also lose a significant amount of Atk, both from the skills themselves (Agg+LB gives 20 Atk, over 8 swings of dual strikes that's 160 damage) and from needing to run faster, weaker classes to make ends meet- say goodbye to speedy Wyvern girls. All that's very much possible, and there are people who play exclusively that way or more, but it's a challenge run for sure and not something I'd advise when you both have no experience with the map and mainly play Normal. Or, if you're planning on getting it eventually in time for the map, but don't have it yet for the grinding process, that's fine! Just stack self-healing skills and the like where they would normally go. Though do consider getting LB3 early, both the skill and the map are really great for training units once EXPonential Growth gets slow.
  25. Don't start with husbands and look for good kids, start with kids and look for good fathers. Otherwise, you're much more likely to wind up with leftovers that don't fit well together, and you have much less to go off of initially. The dads will all be benched eventually, pairings are entirely for the children's sakes, so you should look at it from their perspective. All of those kids do like Stahl, so he can make great filler if one of them starts to have run low on options.
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