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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. In that case, congratulations, you're now the best in the world at this. The only one I ever saw before that cleared Cht.3 croaked on Cht.6 and declared Emm impossible to save. I'm really curious to see just how far this can go, now. These are uncharted waters, which is really rare for Awakening nowadays. If anyone wants to try something else with solo Chrom, take a look at Normal Apo. I spent some time routing it a while back, and I'm fairly convinced it can be done with a 0% chance of death, with sufficient preparation and proper strats. It's very important to play on Normal, though, because breaking weapons on forts for unlimited exp is required due to needing several mid-map reclasses.
  2. You haven't beaten the game even once? The Second Seal costs so little, it's impossible not to have enough after a single playthrough.
  3. You made it all the way to Cht.8 while waiting for a bus? That's a serious delay! If Cht.6 is down, you should be safely above the level curve. I doubt much will matter until late Valm now. And I would like to know more about the positioning used for Cht.6.
  4. Ricken is really bad, is there any reason in particular you want to train him? If you do, he'll want a support to help with his durability. If you want to save Inigo, go for Severa instead. Unless you're using Vaike!Severa, neither of her parent inheritance matters. You will get one guaranteed early Second Seal from Renown. Robin can make the best use of it, so you may want to prioritize her levels.
  5. That would be a question for the FE14 boards, methinks. This topic is for the patch itself. The Nohr/Hoshido patch, or IK? What method are you trying to use? There are plenty of people who can't get it to work, btw. Hacking isn't really meant to be user-friendly since it specifically involves doing stuff you're not intended to do.
  6. Don't deploy any squishy units you don't need, it's extremely hard in Cht.5 to keep space safe for them due to the fact that the mountains make the Wyverns impossible to approach. Use lots of effective weaponry- Ricken has an Elwind (for Robin, Ricken is bad), Chrom has Falchion. The two forts you may want to invest in taking are the ones immediately above and left from the starting area- Robin on top and Chrom to the right might work well.
  7. Not Robin x Olivia, Olivia x anyone- you just need to unlock Inigo's Paralogue and beat it to gain access to a Second Seal shop (well before the one in Cht.16). You can also get them from Nah and Severa's Paralogues; Severa's is the easiest if you're concerned about difficulty. I assume all five of those are still in their first classes? You're probably best off promoting all of them at 20, with the possible exception of Miriel who could go to Troubadour if you really want another healer (or to be able to raise her without taking up combat exp).
  8. I'm willing to bet this won't be the last reset you make, so whether or not you get the C support shouldn't matter. Might as well just do it.
  9. It varies on a case-by-case basis. Prioritize quick reclassing and promoting when Seals are in heavy supply and you run a risk of capping your non-promoted stats, wait it out if Seals are rare of your stats are low (you haven't had a base reclass).
  10. Keep in mind that with those survivability benchmarks, when you're taking multiple hits, Def counts for more than HP. It's never strictly Def + HP unless you're facing a single hit. Also, keep in mind that surviving a round counts for nothing when you can't heal up afterword, and your heals are extremely limited- so the benchmarks don't matter as much as simply being as tanky as possible. Resetting for perfect Def/Spd levels is probably going to need to be a thing.
  11. It honestly doesn't matter that much. Maribelle is pretty poor combat unit, most of her support is going to be built (slowly) from healing units, and that can be anyone who's taking damage. You might try Libra or Gregor.
  12. I haven't double-checked the calcs in a looong time, but in my 100% DS team I think I'm using Gaius!Kjelle@Assassin x Vaike!Yarne@Hero because they get a guaranteed melee 6HKO on Thronie (Kjelle takes little enough damage that she can clear out both of the Wave 5 ones at once). I'm too lazy to check right now, but that could be worth looking into.
  13. Yeah, you might just need to drop the whole "reliable" thing and rig as hard as you can for perfect growths. But since Chrom's got no Staffbots to back him up, even if you take down one of the bottom sides, what then? You'll be hurt, will you use your items? They won't last if you do.
  14. If you want to use hans, you'll need to keep the cart around for whenever you want to play it. If you have a Gateway or a custom firmware (requires <9.2 system menu) then you can play it without the cart.
  15. Or if you already have one. What else are you going to use it for?
  16. RaR3, despite not having Grima to deal with, has enemies significantly stronger than Endgame- everyone's capping all but one or two stats, everyone has a full skillset (lots of procs, and everyone has at least one Breaker), and good weapons. It's not really the kind of thing you'd do to make things easier (though if you did do it, it would help a lot). Even if you did get LB though, it'll mostly just let you double Grima- he'll still be tough as nails and you'll have to count on Aether procs and failed Pavises to do any real damage. By the way, when you write up player movement directions, are you taking random enemy movement into account? Because that's a very real thing to deal with when making repeatable strats.
  17. If you're that happy with those four pairs, why add more? You could run just them and a bunch of Staffbots. Astra mainly has issues with Counter when training in EXPonential Growth, because you're frequently wanting to fight enemies with more HP than you at 1-range and need to rely on not being damaged on the killing blow to survive. In Apo, you have a lot of freedom around who you engage and how, and with the exceptions of Thronie and Anna (which you should never engage at 1-range without a pair specifically designed to take them down that way) Counter is very safe to take- you have more max HP than the enemies, and the Snipers can't even counterattack. So the Astra vs Counter thing isn't really as much of a problem there. It's still not optimal to run just Astra. You've got pretty good odds of getting at least one proc over four hits, but if you want a 6HKO and need a proc for that (or want to use it as insurance against a missed DS) then it's not reliable.
  18. The OP doesn't make this clear at all, but the DLC isn't supported. That link doesn't give you a patch, it gives you the raw files- you'd have to build a custom .cia to use them, and that's not something the average user can do.
  19. Both would work. +Mag Sumia!Lucina!Morgan is pretty self-sufficient, all she needs is a Sage, and everything else is icing on the cake.
  20. No, there will be more updates to finish the supports and revise IK (there are lots of line break errors, for example). And I really do second that there should be an extensive disclaimer in the OP that IK does not work normally is not supported.
  21. Before endgame. There's no way I'm making this Inigo useful, I'm just doing it because I don't want to back out now after so much investment (aka because I'm stubborn and will never do it again, so I want to see what happens. And because I can).
  22. I'd go with a Paladin, probably. You don't need the +1 Spd from Hero, so you might as well grab a +Str boost instead. Stahl!Owain and Fred!Inigo can both do that. Other good Stahl!Owain classes are Sniper, BK and Dread Fighter, and he can also stick with Sage if you want. He even has Hit+20 Berserker, though the utility of that is limited since you'd pretty much have to make him a hard support (if Severa wants to switch to Wyvern, it would be useful).
  23. As a matter of fact, discussing the usefulness of certain skills is exactly what we're doing. This conversation started with this: And when someone said Vantage wasn't as great as you were making it out to be, you said all skills have flaws and went on about a few (including an extremely trivial one with GF). I'm fine with you liking Vantage, but when you try to justify it logically by saying that all skills have flaws, and then don't take into account the severity of said flaws, that doesn't really work.
  24. Stop repeating what I say. Yes, people can and do have their own preferences for things to focus on. But this is an advice thread, and when someone asks "what's the best at X" telling them everyone's good at something, even if it's technically correct, isn't useful to them. If someone asks for the best, and you want to provide useful advice, you need to make a judgement call about what the most useful answer would be. If you need further clarification on what they want it to do, you ask. As for the car example, MPG and top speed are both very important factors. But not all factors are equally important- a third car could have worse MPG and top speed than those first two, but come with a snazzy hood decal. Does that make it the best? Well, it does have the best hood decal, but in general, that's just not as important and people are less likely to care about it.
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