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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. He's always been this way, look at some of the other stuff he streams. Highman: Lunatic(+) work so that the fewer units you use, the easier things get, thanks to a combination of low exp gain decay (high-leveled units grow relatively quickly for their power) and an aggressive AI that always targets the weakest link (you're only as strong as your weakest member). They're at their easiest with 2-4 units, typically. The idea of highman is essentially born from that, and runs twofold: the player needs to use as many units as possible (up to the deployment cap), and they need to all pull their weight- if they don't contribute meaningfully to your success and are just there to fill up slots, they don't count. Basically you have to play under unfavorable conditions, and then use them to your advantage by doing things that would never be possible in a standard lowman run. The reason male Robin is preferred for this is because he can get you two children for the price of one. F can only do this with Chrom, but Chrom can do the same thing with any other wife.
  2. Generally, you first consider the roles each child is best at and what best compliments them, and pair up accordingly. There's a loose hierarchy that determines who gets top pick and is usually based on how versatile your units are, but it just speeds up the process and doesn't matter too much. Lucina and Cynthia would like to be Snipers/Paladins with a Berserker/Hero/BK support. They can also go Sage x DF, but aren't anything special at it. DF x GM is also an option for Robin/Morgan marriages. With this team, Yarne and Laurent are going to be your main Berserkers (and Sages, for that matter). I don't see Inigo in your list, though he can sometimes make a good Hero or BK with one of them. Morgan may also be an option here. Kjelle can take either a Berserker/Hero/BK/Paladin as a Wyvern Lord, or a Warrior (in this case, Gerome) as a Paladin with All+2. Owain and Brady will both be standard male GF Sages. You'll want to pair them with Snipers or Dark Fliers. Laurent is pretty cool and can be a Sage or Berserker. Give him to anyone who appreciates one of those except Noire (she uses Bows, which will make his Hex not work). Severa also wants a Berserker/Hero/BK, as a Hero herself, or Sniper/Paladin. The latter two will want All+2. Noire can be a Sniper with any support, or a BK with a Berserker/Hero/BK support. Given how your team is looking, Sniper is probably going to be needed to fill in a hole (Owain, maybe). Nah will inherit Axefaire and be either a Hero or General, depending on whether her husband wants Spd. She'll need to marry a Galeboy (Morgan seems to be a good option, unless you want him as a BK to support someone else). Yarne will either be a Berserker or Sage. He won't be fabulous at either, but that's the price you pay for versatility. Morgan himself will depend on mods, but he'll likely just be really good filler. He's your best option for taking Nah (depending on Inigo), and should also make a nice BK, which are in high demand.
  3. No, it's not about deployment cap, it's about the fact that Lunatic gets harder the more you bring. You'll see what I mean if you make it far enough for teambuilding to have an effect, it's very unforgiving. I would not advise using more that four first gen units (including Chrom and Robin) if you don't know what you're doing. That means in the short term, not just until you get the kids. It's possible to use (a lot) more, but you have to go about it in a way that feels very unnatural to people who mostly are familiar with Normal and Hard (and RPGs in general, for that matter).
  4. When the reinforcements are still coming, they spawn in a consistent pattern. Thus, you can know what's coming ahead of time, and either position yourself so you can't get boxed in, or equip a suitable weapon to take one down and make a way out. In theory, of course. As for Grima's dudes, isn't it possible to stand in range of just one of them (plus Grima)? Or do they not aggro until attacked? If the latter, is it possible to poke them from outside of Grima's range with a Longbow (thinking of the double reclass thing I mentioned earlier- you'd start as a Paladin, then aggro them as a Sniper, then turn to a DF to fight them and Grima).
  5. Yeah GK isn't going to work, you'd really want Paladin or BK (mainly thinking of Mov here). The Falcos and their Beastkillers are still an issue, but maybe Paladin could use a Superior Lance to try to dodge them? They'd die after a few rounds, but you'd just let other things spawn in that could be tanked. I doubt you'd ever stop moving for this, there might be enough room to run in circles the whole time, letting one or two per turn reach you. The bigger limited with DF, I think, is the fact that you can't outrun anything, so you'd eventually get cornered after a lap or two.
  6. I'm fairly sure I've heard something about 3ds lazy not working right when generating xorpads before, but don't quote me on that. I'd keep trying to make decrypt9 work. You don't need rxtools to make decrypt9 work, no. You just put the launcher.dat on the root of the SD card (move or rename the Gateway one, be careful not to mix up which is which), and launch it exactly the same way. Exactly what happens when you try to launch it?
  7. For Lunatic, you'll need to use fewer first gen units. There's not enough exp in the game to stop that many from falling behind and becoming liabilities.
  8. Hmm. So basically you haven't even been able to touch Grima yet? Since you've got Boots and it's a huge, open map, I wonder how feasible it would be to win through attrition... Kite stuff in circles until there are 50 enemies on the screen (to stop reinforcements), then gently and very slowly break all the weapons? You'd likely need hundreds of Elixirs, but if you did that, you could even break all the Physics, killing Grima's recovery and making him easy to take down. You'd want savestates, of course, since one mistake would cost so much. And you might not be able to survive the initial randomness involved in getting everything on your tail, and there would still be two movement groups, but it's probably the best thing to investigate as of now.
  9. That's pretty cool. Hope Melee is there and not just Sm4sh.
  10. Since you're playing on Normal/Hard and don't particularly care about optimization, you can mostly do whatever you want, though there are a few things in there that won't work. First, there's not enough exp to get Cord all those skills, since you're not using the DLC- you'll need to grind a lot on Risen to get them all. Second, enemies have really low Def on Normal/Hard, so Luna will be doing pretty much nothing. Combine that with low Skl from being at a low level, and you'd see a much bigger average damage increase from a Faire skill, or even Str+2. If you just want to see the skill cut-ins, forge up some Killer weapons, grab Anathema and the like, and go for Sol or Ignis instead. Third, Bow Knight is actually really good on higher difficulties. Its special advantages won't help as much on Normal/Hard, but it's definitely not bad. Finally, Sumia cannot marry Stahl.
  11. Oh well. Go for more skills while you're stuck, maybe? Actually, there is one trick I've used before that's really dumb but might save you if there's a specific enemy in your way: entering at a high level, then relassing in the middle of the map. If you could come in as a GK or something, Hammer Hardin to death (manipulation using other enemies to get him to attack at 1-range possible?), then store everything except the weapon you want next and transform, might that do something? It's actually possible to do that twice, using promoted -> promoted -> DF, but RaR3 is so crowded that probably wouldn't help. Thought I'd mention it just in case, though. Dread Fighter with lots and lots of BoNs might still be your best bet- you can probably Celica's down Hardin if he's a problem there.
  12. Well, it seems the run has once again hit its limit. Unfortunately, I've got no more suggestions and advice; you'll just have to make it to Grima and see which is harder: RNGing through him, or RNGing through RaR3 and then a slightly lesser Grima. Since DLC is on the table, just use it to cap your stats post-LB instead. Maybe you could do IR a bit and manipulate for Sol drops, then try to use those for healing? Or possible Ragnell could help? Book of Naga, as a Dread Fighter once again? You're not a Thief, which means you'll have to let the enemy Thieves open the chests one per round, which sounds REALLY PAINFUL but it might be better than nothing... BK's defenses are a little lacking, unfortunately, so a tanking strat using it might not work out.
  13. I'm not Kuroi, but I'm probably qualified to answer those: 1. Not really. The best instance is a combination in the Prologue consisting of a really lot of Vantage and Luna that can kill Fred and force you into riskier backup strats that are iffy already and are now up against lots of Luna. Now, depending on how much the ban on bad combat RNG covers, you might be able to slip out, but not really. Later in the game, more depends on how you build your team than anything else- and it's very hard to define what "should" happen with the likes of ~50% dodges you'll need to win. And, of course, it levels are on the table it's always possible you'll get nothing but Skl and Lck and croak the moment you need to meet a threshold. 2. Time is the main factor, and it says no. Male Robin is very powerful, but his strats require a lot more improvisation and doing things on the fly, which both leaves more time to be sniped by overlooked circumstances or bad RNG, and makes the run humanly impossible. The concept definitely isn't without interest, however, and there are several people (myself included) who frequent the stream and work on routing Lunatic+ highman with a male Robin. 2b. Nope. Not worth it. I'd stick to Merc; E Axes is nothing but bad news and you need Robin at his strongest to get the Pegs going. There's also the issue of what to promote to; Berserker and Warrior aren't nearly as appealing as Hero and BK for first promoted classes (Warrior is great as a final class, though). More importantly, in a male Robin run Robin won't actually spend enough time up front for Despoil to pay itself off- you'll earn practically nothing from it.
  14. I never don't do it. Running calcs is how you stay alive. Also this: Accuracy is only a concern if you don't do it regularly. Practice makes perfect and, well, if I make a mistake and die for it, that's the same as making a tactical/positioning/input error.
  15. First, the extra GF isn't as useful as it sounds. Since it's a Galeboy, it can't give you an extra galepair, only turn an existing galepair into a double galepair, and the difference between no GF and one GF is much bigger than the difference between one GF and two. Being able to move at all after attacking allows you to hit and run without a Staffbot's turn, having an extra GF just lets you hit twice and run- the running part is what's important. Second, there's a fairly heavy mod mismatch in M's favor- F needs to lead, but she's stuck with an extremely limited mod choice. Take +4 Spd? That's still nothing compared to the likes of Cynthia/Lucina, Severa and Gaius!Kjelle, and she has no positive Atk mods to back it up. Take +Mag? Now you've got only +2 Spd. And while there are certainly ways to make that work, she's always going to be playing second fiddle to a host of really good galegirls. Now compare that to what M has to offer- he's a hard support, as diverse as they come, and he can have decent Str/Skl (or Mag) without worrying one bit about his other stats. Morgan-F? She'll be right up there with the other galegirls, even at the head of the pack. So you're choosing between a poor Robin and average Morgan, and a good Robin and a good Morgan. Note that when I say average for Morgan-M, it's not because he's statistically any worse than F, it's because he can't put his strengths to use as well as she can- thanks to Agg, he'll want to be in the back for important fights, so there's not much for him to do with any high stats he happens to have. As a primary lead, F can make much better use of her high mods. For Mov, it's not gamebreaking, but I built my team so every pair could get 8 Mov through class, Boots or Deliverer. It's quite nice. Dread Fighter? It can be interesting as a coverage class, and work nicely paired with a Bride. However, it has the lowest Mag of any tome-using class in the game, and no real standout stats, making it difficult to find a niche, so it's usually passed up in favor of other classes. Owain and Brady are both fine for Robin. You'll be locked to DF x Sage, though.
  16. Getting conflicting messages here. There's always ways to make stuff viable, but if you're going for as optimal as possible, that isn't a question you should ever be asking. Typically, male Robin > female, -Def > -Lck, and Swordmaster is pretty close to the bottom of the barrel in terms of classes. Again, you can make what you have work, and it'll work just fine, but there's no way to call it as optimal as possible.
  17. Missing exactly one thing? Was it an xorpad or something else? I assume that means you at least got some of the xorpads to generate?
  18. I was quoting the first post I found scrolling up that was still talking about that discussion. It wasn't my intent to agree or disagree with anyone, merely to weigh in.
  19. They wouldn't try to do that, though. They'd all go for the same weakest target, so instead of getting spread-out ship damage you'd just get a lot of HP off one unit (who would usually be your Thief- their HP doesn't even matter unless they're dead).
  20. Morgan has too much Spd and can do whatever (try Wyvern Lord with All+2 and a +0 Spd support, or General with no All+2 and a BK support). Inigo makes a great Paladin or BK, Severa can change to Wyvern or stay as a Hero depending on Robin's class (Hero for Sniper/Warrior, Wyvern for BK/Berserker), Kjelle usually goes Paladin or Wyvern depending on her support, Nah can go as a General or stay as a Hero. The main issues are that Heroes only have 6 Mov (Apo is a huge map, movement is king) and when you have more than ~3 of one class type, your team starts losing diversity and gets more boring to use. As for other things, Cynthia could switch to Paladin without losing any functional Spd (she'd gain some Str), and Gerome should drop All+2 for Hex- his Hit is bad enough that Anathema alone won't cut it. Laurent should drop Vantage and Vengeance, since they don't do anything in the back and that's where he'll primarily want to stay. With respect to Robin, if you haven't set him in stone yet, you may want to change his asset/flaw- -Lck hurts your Atk; -Def is usually preferred. +Spd also won't make much of a difference when his wife is already so fast and he's staying in the back- consider +Str or +Skl instead to boost their regular offenses.
  21. Henry, Vaike, Gregor, Virion, Stahl, Ricken (I edited my post to add more).
  22. Assuming Apo... He has no Faires, so despite his +6 Str mod, he'll be seeing the same damage output as a +1 Str Gerome with one (outside of -Str Robin, no father in the game can get him below +2). He also has a severe lack of good finishing classes- General and Warrior have good Str, but provide no Spd, and Paladin gives good bonuses but has extremely low Atk (especially with no Faire) for a hard support. He also suffers from a lack of +Hit skills, which is a common Gerome problem but still a major one. Outside of that, optimization matters a lot less. So while he is perfectly usable (5 Atk out of ~90? Doesn't seem like that big of a deal), he's still very close to the worst there is. And knowing the reason some people still recommend him really doesn't help matters... Benching children in Apo: it sounds really bad, but actually shouldn't be all that uncommon. The thing with Apo is that there are only 20 deployment slots, so assuming you use all the kids, 3rd gen Morgan and Chrom's wife, you're using up 16 of those slots for combat pairs. Two are needed for Rallybots, so that leaves you with two slots left for staffbots/Olivia. That's fine if you only want Staffbots for healing, but any kind of stuff with Rescue and it won't usually cut it. So when you do have open slots that aren't being used for children, it's not like they aren't going to be put to very good use with something else. Additionally, Apo's map structure has lots of small, spread-out clumps of enemies (usually in groups of 3 or 5). If you're fielding a full team with a male Robin, you've got 18 attacks per turn (assuming no Olivia and GF always activates- 6 single Galepairs and two doubles). With that much killing power, you're going to have pairs sitting idle, every turn, because there's nothing for them to kill (and you can't easily spread out and kill the whole map at once because you only have two Rallybots and need to stay together). Which pairs will you leave idle? Usually, it's going to be your worst ones. So, it doesn't matter if a pair is bad or not- all they have to do is be slightly weaker, and they'll find themselves with nothing to do. So having a suboptimal Gerome usually doesn't mean he does slightly worse killing stuff, it means he very rarely gets to fight at all, and when it's a question between taking a pair that's going to do nothing at all, or two staffbots who can more than pull their weight, the answer isn't very foggy. My preferred team structure takes around 10 attacks per turn (plus Olivia to guard against RNG), 3-4 Rallybots, and the rest as Staffbots. It doesn't use all the children, it's not pretty, but I never have to have units sitting idle except at the end of waves. Dropping a single pair (in this case, Gerome and his wife- likely Donnel!Noire or maybe Nah) would give double the staffbots and still not even reduce your APT below a multiple of 5. If you haven't set the pairing in stone yet, it's absolutely worth it. Gerome's best father is Henry, he does OK with Vaike and Gregor, and also does OK with Stahl and Virion. Ricken can be nice too, but he plays a little strangely. That's a looot of All+2. And a lot of Heroes. And not enough Aggressor. The general skillset pattern to follow for Apo: galeboys use LB/GF/Agg/proc/Faire, hard supports (male) use LB/Agg/Faire/+Hit or All+2/+Hit, and galegirls use LB/GF/proc/proc or All+2/Faire. Lucina uses DSt+ instead of a Faire. Procs are skills like Luna and Vengeance- random +Damage skills that activate based on your Skl. As a general rule, always use Vengeance by itself, or use Luna/Ignis first and then add Aether or Astra as a second (Luna/Agnis alone is OK too). All+2 use is situational, mainly for hitting Spd thresholds, and where you use it will depend on your other classes/pairings.
  23. You can put All+2 on him since he lacks a proc, but don't expect it to be very impressive. It's probably not even important, since you'll always want Lucina up front for fighting bosses (75 Spd on both sides of a double Galepair has very little utility). And it's Owain who you'll need to ask forgiveness from, not me- he's the one who now has no mods greater than +2 and exactly two new promoted classes over base. For future reference, if you want a physical Owain, Stahl is the way to go- he has the same underwhelming mods as Vaike, but makes up for it with an incredible skillset and physical class pool.
  24. Taguels would go up quite a lot, the lack of any ranged options whatsoever would still hurt them but their high Spd/Skl and good pairup bonuses would count for something. Manaketes would still be pretty lackluster on account of having limited distribution- they wouldn't line up well with the units who would typically want to use them (fast galegirls).
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