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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. I prefer storming the right side, doing something to aggro the left, and then hopping between left and right over the center (like Kuroi's strat, except I go all the way to the left). If reinforcements are problematic, then sometimes I wait to do that until they're gone and just try to turtle on the right fort for a while- the access ramp is 1 wide, so stuff comes up fairly slowly.
  2. Deploying different units each map means that some units you use later will sit out during earlier battles, and it's very rare that any performance gain you get from being "more suited to the situation"- eg WTA- will outweigh the advantage from having a bunch of levels of exp. It's a good idea to have a team that doesn't all get mopped up by one thing, but rotating which units you use isn't a very good idea. The problem with putting DLC on the table is that since all the maps are replayable and doable in any order, it's extremely hard to define certain quantities of grinding with it. All you can really do is either not use it at all, or use it to your own tastes. And most of the maps aren't even meant for grinding- you'd do them for other reasons besides the exp/rewards, but you'd get those anyway. I'm not saying there's a right or wrong way to do it. Just once DLC is on the table, be careful.
  3. It always has been since the very start of the project, so long as you can get a copy. They're not as rare in Japan as the NA editions are, so you can import them just fine, for a bit of a price. IK still doesn't work even if you have one, though, because it's not on the base cart. It's only Nohr and Hoshido.
  4. The JP SE works normally with this patch, both Hoshido and Nohr are available with just hans.
  5. Do you have a file with that name and it's not being found by the xorer, or did you never get it in the first place? Invisible Kingdom is completely translated, but impossible to patch normally. The translated files are available in the OP for anyone with the technical proficiency to figure it out themselves (you have to build a custom .cia and run it on a CFW), but we don't officially support it.
  6. Any of the versions of the game should work, you just will only be able to play the route(s) already on the cart. Hans already is the officially endorsed way to play the patch.
  7. I believe all the Thieves in the game will choose the same chests every time without fail. The only one I'm hazy on is Cht.11- I know he reacts to your army positioning somehow, but can't remember if that's for his target chest, or merely the side of the map he escapes on after robbing it. They also typically choose the less valuable loot, or at least stuff that will screw you over less for missing it (most notably, they leave the Boots alone, as well as Par.1's Rescue). The most important ones to stop are the Bullion in Cht.11 and the Arms Scroll in Par.4.
  8. Only after you've cleared the maingame, or if you somehow get massively stuck. The DLC is fun to do and adds a lot of replay value to the game, but if you use it too much early on, then the main chapters can't put up a fight and will become very boring. My advice is to not worry about any sort of optimization and just mess around, doing whatever seems fun. Get a waifu, pair who you like, maybe break open the Bonus Box to get some cool loot.
  9. The Thief never steals the Boots, there's no haste required to get them safely.
  10. That's hardly unique to Cht.9... Excluding Paralogues, only chapters 4 and 7 before that give less than two.
  11. I'd just stick with Yarne. He's still the best with what you've got. Yarne is a Berserker with LB, Axefaire, Hex, Anathema, and since you don't have Agg, All+2. Gerome is a Warrior with LB, Bowfaire, Hit+20, Prescience, and All+2 (also because no Agg). Counter a) doesn't do anything on Apo (the only thing worth optimizing for aside from Lunatic+ nogrind), b) doesn't do anything in the back (where Gerome should be spending 100% of his time), and c) is very bad on player units. Since it's essentially a 1-for-1 damage trade, using it is only advantageous when the player's team has a higher total HP pool than the enemy, which rarely happens due to massive enemy numbers. Additionally, the enemy must lose their entire force to fail, while the player needs only lose one unit, so deliberately taking large amounts of HP off a single player unit is a very risky strategy. And since enemy units and player units tend to have similar HP stats, it's very difficult for Counter to meaningfully contribute across multiple battles, which player units (especially tanks who would fight on EP) are expected to be able to do. There are times when it can be useful- very, even, in situations where the player is significantly weaker than the enemy. However, every enemy strong enough to pose that kind of threat to a minmaxed unit is already immune to Counter, and since Counter comes very late in a class usually done later on, it's extremely rare to have it in those scenarios.
  12. What exactly are you asking for? Current player data? Unit class trees and caps and the like? Enemy data? "Unit's" doesn't tell me much. If you meant set instead of get, yes, that can be done through save file editing, for which you'll need some manner of Homebrew (OoThax, Ninjhax etc) or a save dongle (purchasable on Amazon and other e-retailers). No clue what the QR codes are for.
  13. Since it wasn't specified, those are favorites, by the way. There's a Pairing Thread floating around near the top if you care about optimization. Otherwise, have fun!
  14. Never run without a Faire unless you're Lucina- Inigo shouldn't go BK without Stahl or Chrom. Libra!Inigo is usually a Sage, Dread Fighter or Hero. +Mag really doesn't mesh with what Yarne wants to do- he should be physical. +Mag/-Def fits far better with the likes of Brady and Inigo. For comparison, if you swapped Yarne and Owain, Noire could be another BK for you. If Ricken!Yarne's already set in stone, though, he's still going to have the best mods around for Morgan, so you might as well take them (they just aren't as good as they could be). General and Sage don't mix well, Nah should consider Hero instead (that's her usual option for going with magical Galeboys). She doesn't have Bowfaire though.
  15. Is that all? Judging by how loudly everyone's been complaining about impending censorship, I figured it would have been far more than a single support.
  16. Yarne comes with Berserker and very good physical mods, so he's cut out to be a hard support. What he's missing are some good +Hit skills, since Berserkers have really bad Hit. Libra offers Hex and Anathema for a total of +25, Virion offers Hit+20 and Prescience for a total of +35. Gerome is going to be a hard support too, but he doesn't come with any of the things Yarne does, so he needs it all from his dad. His first priority is to get a Faire and an ending class, and Virion offers him Bowfaire for his Warrior, in addition to some nice +Hit skills.
  17. For best all-round, use Virion x Cherche, Gregor x Miriel and Libra x Panne. If you're OK with throwing Gerome under the bus to make Yarne better, swap Virion and Libra.
  18. As long as you can install Homebrew on your 3ds, you can dump your cartridge to get a .3ds file. You actually need the physical copy if you want to play above 9.2, so it's good that you have it. Ironhax works, all you need is a way to access Homebrew. The tutorial is just pretty old.
  19. By the time Par.3 rolls around, we're out of the woods, and Rescue will become buyable long before things get dangerous again.
  20. Maybe you could manipulate an Aegis on Grima when pulling?
  21. Lon'qu!Owain doesn't have Vengeance, nor does Lon'qu give Owain any +crit skills. How are you doing that?
  22. What will you do if they say no/don't respond? Keep working on it anyway?
  23. The allegiance section is now called "previous fields" btw. Why not have a fourth option to keep calling it the obviously superior If?
  24. BKs make good supports and leads. Reasons to choose them over Snipers include higher Mov, higher Spd, and better pairup bonuses (+3/3/1 Skl/Spd/Mov, instead of +3/3/2 Str/Skl/Def- +Def is relatively useless in Apo, while +3 Spd is coveted since it meshes extremely well with common mods).
  25. Actually, there have been many reports that supports in the support log don't change to English when updating from an old version of the patch. This isn't an issue with the installation, it's an issue with the save file. Try re-earning the supports ingame. That often makes them show up. 1. No. It'll carry on polishing the JP version, and an anti-localization patch for NA will be released that fixes names and anything else NoA messes up. 2. Wait and see, Nintendo hasn't said anything about the game other than its release date. 3. Most likely not. There is a NA Special Edition, but preorders sold out on the first day so you can't get them anymore. 4. That's a question for the FE14 boards, this thread is about the translation patch and localization differences.
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