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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Oh, sorry. He edited the part of his post you quoted so I thought you were talking about Amatsu. Volant Axes can be used to make a post-Cht.4 Lunatic clear of LB3 (before doing anything else) feasible. Otherwise, they're pretty useless, and since that's such a nice situation they might as well have no use.
  2. ...I'm pretty sure SoC has one-rounded Anna with Dancer Olivia several times before.
  3. So then you run into a Morgan or Lucina trying to marry their real sibling...
  4. The SF page says it has 60 Hit and 30 uses... Ragnell/Helswath can be useful any time you're grinding for skills, especially if you have AT. That's not Apo, but it is a use.
  5. I once got +Def/Spd on all my levels in Lunatic+ Prologue, along with a Leif's Blade from an event tile.
  6. So you're primarily pairing for hair color and supports as long as the children aren't bad, right? Sumia and Henry is better for gameplay than Sumia and Gaius, and Cynthia still looks good with white hair. Sumia and Gaius wastes Gaius's Pegasus passdown which is bad. Nowi and Gaius have a really bad support, and Gaius isn't as strong of a support partner, but Gaius will give Nah Pegasus which probably matters more. Panne and Frederick work very well together. Stahl does too, but he's usually wanted somewhere else. I haven't finished Panne's supports yet and can't say which one is better (too lazy to go look them up). Cherche will go better with Stahl (no Wyvern overlap) but would go better with Gregor, Henry or Vaike if you want to consider any of them.
  7. Major Kellam fanboy, right here. Speaking of which, it looks like Kellam and Nowi are the only 1st gen units that can freely support who haven't been mentioned here... Better root for both of them.
  8. FE4 also wasn't localized. Is that a small enough amount of icing for you? Here's a headcanon: the Hubba Tester is different every time because there are different Hubbas running it- Hubba is part of a huge clan like Anna.
  9. The skills a class gets and how good of an ending class it is are very different things. TC, as long as you don't plan on doing any of the harder DLC maps you should be fine as a SM. If you want to be primarily Levin based, go +Mag/-Str, otherwise +Str/-Res. Levins can be forged. Armsthrift (the weapon use reduction skills) comes from Mercenary at Lv.1, and has a Lck*2 activation chance which is why I'm not recommending a Lck flaw. You might want to consider marrying a character with Dark Knight (Miriel, Maribelle, Cordelia, Nowi, Tharja) because those give +Mag/Def, stats you want. If you want to go physical (there are two ranged physical swords, Amatsu and Ragnell, though they're pretty rare and unforgable (Ragnell gives +5 Def when equipped though)) Wyvern Lord (Sully, Panne, Nowi, Cherche) makes a good support for +Str/Def. More Levin Swords can be acquired easily through Spotpass (available after Cht.3), or from a shop in one of the Spotpass Paralogues (available after you beat the game).
  10. Keep in mind that the only Route chapters after Valm starts are 23 and 24, but enemies there are packing upwards of 60 atk with terrain advantages. It's probably a good idea to get at least one strong pair for those two. Cht.21 is also very hard to 1-turn without either a Galeforce Staffbot or both pairs of Boots. No, Veteran's role is to get Avatar going. Once you've gone through a few reclasses, your exp gain will still be extremely low- the biggest difference is at the start, where it can give +10 exp per kill or so. I do agree that larger armies is the more interesting way to play, though.
  11. Keep Chrom and Olivia in the back, and go slowly. Gangrel and his chums won't aggro until you get in Gangrel's range, so just stand a good way beck to be safe (you can kill the thief when he's standing next to the chest) and wait around dancing Olivia. Alternately, you could lure one enemy away from the fighting with a unit it can't damage and leave it there while Olivia dances. You need 18 support points for them to marry, Dancing gives two and attacking gives six. At the end of the battle, points gained are rounded to the nearest multiple of 9.
  12. Multiple Faires aren't that great because you can only use one per attack. Using a Tome? Swordfaire does nothing. Using a Sword? Tomefaire does nothing. Vantage/Vengeance only works with Tomes, so drop Swordfaire on the first set.
  13. Only in the event that you somehow lack the offense to avoid taking an EP, which only happens if you either didn't prepare enough or are doing a challenge run. With a full range of options available, you shouldn't have much use for them.
  14. I was indeed referring to DKs. Dark Fliers: They give +Spd pairup, Sages give +Skl. They're also the strongest +Mag/Spd class (tied with Valkyrie, but those give less Spd so DF is better). The also have good distribution going for them- Cynthia, Severa and Morgan-F have them naturally, and you're doing it wrong if Lucina, Kjelle and Noire don't. They don't eclipse Sages and Sages don't eclipse them (Sage+DF is a pretty good pairup combo).
  15. Keep in mind that Nah's paralogue sells Second Seals and is easily cheesed with Mire, so you can get them several chapters early (and in time to immediately reclass the other children). For Cht.12, if you have two pairs with decent defenses there's a 2 wide choke immediately in front of where you start that can be held all day, though you need a third pair capable of handling the squad on the left corner... Fort+Bronze Sword and don't use Fred up front if you can help it. Avatar and Fred can reach a fort on turn 1, just stay there with the Sword out until everything with 1 range is dead, then switch to Thunder. Unless you didn't train Avatar in the prologue, in which you'll either need to restart or get lucky...
  16. Maribelle and Libra: Brady gets Vengeance, but no Vantage so it's not as useful. It's still good though. Maribelle and Ricken: Brady gets one more Mag than Libra and the Archer tree which he doesn't care about. Miriel and Stahl: Somewhat of a waste of mods, but gives Laurent VV. He gets Luna too, but doesn't need it. Miriel and Lon'qu: Still VV but with a little more Skl and no wasted Luna. Cordelia and Stahl: Severa gets a Luna/Galeforce combo and good physical mods, but lacks Tomefaire and is actually outclassed by Sumia. Cordelia and Lon'qu: Severa gets amazing offensive mods but no Luna. She has VV and Galeforce however. She can also be a Lancefaire Wyvern if it floats your boat, but Dark Flier is probably better... There's your rundown. You might also consider Ricken for Cordelia as he gives Tomefaire, Luna and +Mag. Personally I'd go Maribelle/Libra, Miriel/Stahl and Cordelia/Lon'qu, but it's your call and depends on your other pairings- do you want Laurent to sweep or support, and do you want Severa to be physical or magical?
  17. For Apo? Maybe they should. However, this is one of those times when context is everything, because the moment it becomes important to have a tanky 8-mov class that hits Aegis or has a ranged Brave, they're the only option... They're also very good at fighting Lunatic Risen.
  18. GM gives better offensive pairup boosts, so it has that going for it. The only other class to boost Mag/Skl/Spd is Trickster, and their DSes aren't very impressive. If anything, I'd say it's better than DK- DK is completely eclipsed (outside of Ignis) as an 8-Mov Sword user by Paladin and Dark Flier functions far better as a ranged magic class due to flight, more Mag/Skl/Spd and better pairup boosts for when in the back. GL Lucina with Swordfaire does just as much damage as BK Lucina with Bowfaire. In Chrom's case, GL-M has 43 Str so there's only a two point difference without needing to hog a skillslot.
  19. Yeah, I'm guessing the people saying procstacking is bad are actually speaking out against Sol+Luna. Or live on GameFAQs. One of the two. Fair enough.
  20. By that logic, it also drops your Str cap so... A good postgame skillset for any Avatar-F would be LB, Galeforce, Ignis, Luna, and a Faire. While you're grinding, you may want to swap Ignis and Luna for AT + Sol, but don't use those on any maps that you aren't just repeating for exp/rewards. Edit- Conquest isn't very useful outside of Lunatic(+) Risen battles, and Secret Apo is very different from normal- Normal lacks Braves, Luna+, Vantage+, Counter, time limits, and the enemies (especially the bosses) are a lot weaker. Morgan could be useful as a Berserker, Hero, Assassin, or other physical unit (as long as you passed him Galeforce).
  21. Until Stahl gets one more Spd, he's going to get doubled by everything except the Knights and Fighters (and maybe the Soldiers in Cht.2). He also comes with 8 Def (13 with Kellam, 10 with Sully). Soldiers have 23 atk against him if he has a Bronze Lance and 24 if he has a Bronze Sword, Mercs have 24 against Swords and 21 against Lances, and Archers have 22 against him either way. His weapon ranks are bad, so he can't use a Javelin to get exp. There are also only two axeguys in Cht.3 compared to 8 Lanceguys, so you're stuck with the Lance which has even less Wexp than the Sword. If you can get him started, that's fine, but I don't consider it worth the trouble because Lunatic is already the hardest at the start, so going to more trouble there to make the end even easier doesn't make much sense. Unless you just like Stahl...
  22. I'd assume it does because it's activation rate is lower. Same goes for Aegis and Luna.
  23. The niche of Great Lord is that Chrom is force-deployed on most DLC maps and you're thus forced to either make the best of him or suffer the loss of a deployment slot. Also, I nominate Great Lord M and F to be considered as separate classes due to separate caps. As for the benefits of GL-M, they're the strongest Sword using class that's viable as a lead unit (GKs have too little Spd/Skl) and have good all-round defensive caps (42/40).
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