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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. You can't forge staves though (not even a name).
  2. Not entirely- Tiki has 3 more Spd than Nowi. Noe of the main (gameplay) reasons why people don't like Nowi/Nah is because they're slow, so it does make a difference. To be fair, Avatar x Nowi is one of Nowi's rare supports where they can go all the way to S without any mention of how young she looks.
  3. The actual mode may not factor into the exp formula, but it does change IL caps, which affect exp gain after a while. Putting a unit through all classes will take more kills on LM than NM, which is what I intended to say.
  4. Oh, LB is banned but not the rest of the DLC? *Recruits Micaiah, grinds her to max stats, gets Galeforce, Sol, Lifetaker, AT, Shadowgift* No, you need to ban all DLC, along with spotpass characters for that to be hard.
  5. I think you're confusing Streetpass and Spotpass...
  6. You don't say what mode you're playing on (they affect exp gain), but Henry with a capped IL shouldn't gain exp any slower than your other units, and judging by the amount of skills from different classes you have, most of your characters are probably capped. For a short version of the explanation, whenever you reclass, half of your level (promoted units count as Lv.+20) is added to an Internal Level, which is added to your displayed level to calculate exp gain. In Normal, the IL caps at 20, in Hard it caps at 30 and in Lunatic it caps at 50. Don't forget that you can take screenshots using Miiverse and link them here to have higher quality images. A note about Rally: while it really is optimal to have two dedicated Rallybots, namely on the harder DLC maps, it can sometimes be helpful, usually maingame on higher difficulties, to have some spare Rallies sitting around on your stronger units before you get anything better to put there- they're nice for training your weaker units. Your units look strong enough that you shouldn't need that, though, but it's up to you. A note about Tharja: she doesn't get Galeforce. While Avatar x Tharja would then give Noire Pegasus and thus Galeforce, their parents would either only be able to move once per turn, obsoleting them compared to lots of other units, or would have to split up and lose the S support bonus, which is a bad thing to lose.
  7. It depends what you want to do. Need something strong to throw at something else strong and probably kill it? Ignis/Luna. Need something extremely fragile that completely removes chance from the equation, but dies if you make a slight tactical misstep? VV. Also, VV is significantly less useful if you don't have 100% DS. You can also use Vengeance by itself to enter an EP at full health, slug anything that damages you (assuming you're only fighting one or two opponents) and then run away/heal up on PP, but a single Luna generally has higher average damage output and I'd count it as more useful. From an aesthetic side, I'm not too fond of deliberately making my units take a ton of damage and then not immediately healing it, so there's that too.
  8. I've always wished someone would make an advanced FE8 hack that resembles Awakening close enough so that people who wanted to make these "replacement fanfics" could plausibly see how it would look in a game without having to replace literally all of the media assets themselves. My personal opinion is that FE has always been medieval and should stay that way, but to each his own. Just don't forget to make Cervantes recruitable.
  9. It's in the logbook, yes, but Inigo had Chrom's hair despite not being related to Chrom in the current file so I'm not sure that's the case. I don't recall whether Avatar was paired at the time.
  10. If you give the Assassin/BK an HP Tonic on the world map/preparations menu and then deploy them in Par.22, the copy should have the tonic as well. If you need a 22-mt axe for the boost, forged Hector's Axes work.
  11. Uh-oh. Sounds like a mob. Better clear out...
  12. You're assuming that Forged Aversa's is better than Galeforce, which isn't always true (see: any map where you have to protect something). And a good part of why Nos is considered broken is because they're so easily buyable. Of note, you get Helswath right before the last two Route chapters of the game (and the only ones with all Promoted enemies) and right after a long stretch of kill boss chapters, which is a pretty opportune moment for the game to give you a weapon built for EP tanking. It might be nice to preserve it, particularly on higher difficulties.
  13. Well, I meant that there's no one indispensable skill, not that you can go completely skill-less. But now I'm tempted to actually try that... Is RNG manipulation (battle saves) fair game?
  14. If you're trying to cap stats before getting a reliable source of Second Seals, you can probably use a Dread Scroll from Dread Fighter Lv.30 to reset your level. I haven't tried it but I don't see why it wouldn't work.
  15. Alas, Awakening happens to be a game in which every single instance of player interaction (barring supports) results in a few changed lines at best, and never alters the story/gameplay in any significant manner. Which is a shame, because the series has a strong precedent (particularly in the GBA FEs) for branching paths.
  16. But do you have a "need" for any skill? No. They merely help out (to different degrees) and the five you want to use at any given time are the ones that help you the most.
  17. BK's caps won't hurt you maingame, especially if you go through it early. It's actually a fairly viable class, thanks to promoting from Mercenary, having sword access, and offering 8 Mov and a +Mov pairup. As for asset/flaw, definitely go +Def. The caps won't matter in the short run, but the growth rate will make a very noticeable difference. As for flaw, -Lck/Mag won't hurt too much (though -Mag will diminish your ability to use Levin Swords).
  18. Probably because a) Chrom really doesn't come off as a magical dad for Brady, b) Maribelle is technically Chrom's hardest pairing when playing casually (Olivia is a special case because many people would either look up or read about how to get her with Chrom and then specifically do it) because you'd never pair them naturally and building support with staves is slow, and c) from what I've noticed, it took people a lot longer to realize that Chrom's real priority in marriage should be Lucina (thanks to DS+) and not the other child (both Cynthia and Inigo gain a lot more from Chrom than Brady does).
  19. The only situation in which AT is legitimately 100% useless is on Avatar!Lucina when she's using the Parallel Falchion (or Marth with a Falchion). It may not help you win battles, but it's hardly without value, especially if you don't have unlimited time to devote to the game.
  20. Exactly. Remember in FE4 when characters had the decency to haul their trash along with them when they broke their weapons? Units in FE13 just see an open field and leave it there. It's rude.
  21. Fred's lance hits far more often than it misses, so in this case you'd just keep trying from the start until you get a good RNG. You won't be able to change it much in an LTC other than changing the order your units attack in, and that's not enough freedom to make all levels be perfect.
  22. I do, yes. Sorry about that. And it's also a skill Gerome can get on his own. In minmax, always pass down skills that the children can't get themselves, if possible.
  23. Wow. This thread turned out a lot differently than I was expecting it to. Anyway, I find it almost headcanon worthy to watch Avatar-M, Nowi, Gaius, and Tharja's supports in the following order: Nowi x Gaius C/B, Tharja x Gaius C, Avatar x Nowi C/B/A, Avatar x Tharja C, Nowi x Tharja C, Nowi x Gaius A, Tharja x Gaius B, Avatar x Nowi S, Tharja x Gaius A/S, Nowi x Tharja B/A. It takes two otherwise normal pairings and makes them quite funny in context.
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