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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Don't forget that you can reclass mid-battle. You might try either different classes for wave 0 and the rest of the map, or waves 0-3 and 4-5. Use something bulky when you have time to mess around and stall, and something with high Mov (Dark Knight has good defences, Magic, and 8 Mov) for times with turn limits. This might be sort of extreme, but if you're playing on Normal/Hard you can even lure the last enemy from waves 1-3 onto a fort, break their weapon(s) with Elixirs, and then smack them over and over and over again for exp to grind through a ton of classes and change your skills mid-battle.
  2. And Tiki sells Dragonstone+ already. A normal Dragonstone might be nice if you really need to cut costs, but the one you get only needs to last for four chapters...
  3. I'd add a Rescue staff and maybe an HP tonic. They're buyable later, sure, but just so happen to be a lot more useful in the early chapters. Ward could also be useful, I don't think any Spotpass teams carry that. My team that I sell myself stuff with actually carries all of the tonics, just in case a Risen decides to get saucy and I'm on Lunatic+.
  4. So how easily could you copy the backed up save data to a computer to hang onto battle saves for every turn of an entire playthrough? Is the save data just sitting there, or is it part of a larger file?
  5. Nice work. Is beating wave 0 in two turns the only obstacle to a theoretical two unit run?
  6. I noticed them right away in FE7/8, but have used Wolf/Sedgar countless times in FE11 and haven't seen a single chain. Either they're incredibly unobvious, or aren't there.
  7. You might want to try just sending over the skills you know you'll want/need- a super-Jeigan can get by with a lot less. My anti-Lunatic+ Avatar is a +Def/-Mag Wyvern Rider/Lord with Pass, Deliverer, Galeforce, Armsthrift/Despoil, and Renewal, and I never really find myself wanting for more. It can break weapons, snipe thieves, distract mobs, ferry healers... Everything a good Jeigan should be able to do.
  8. More like Axefaire, Counter or Despoil. Axefaire is good if you ever want to be in an axe using class (Hero comes to mind), Counter is nice for Streetpass and very strong Risen, and Despoil is my fallback when I don't have a use for the others and just want something to cut prep time a bit.
  9. So I streetpassed a guy the other day (It wasn't an outrealm order), recruited his Avatar, and the only skills it came with were the ones it had equipped. Nothing in reserve, just LB, Aggressor, and some other stuff. I don't know if this happens every time, but you might want to check...
  10. I only apply statboosting skills with a specific goal in mind, which means I usually value the likes of Str+2 (combined with All+2, of course) over Res+10. Of the Faires, Axefaire and Tomefaire are probably the best. Mov+1 is cool on Staffbots.
  11. And exactly how many people do that? I like making Leif's Blades named Plunder with +3mt/+15 Crit, for use on 100% AT characters when grinding GG for cash for Wolt. Completely pointless, but it's flashy and helps me stay sane during hours of Renown farming (I'm currently at 169,999). I also name all my Celica's Gales Whirlywind.
  12. Definitely either promote Chrom to Great Lord or reclass to Cavalier. All children come at Lv.10, so you'll be able to immediately get Morgan out of Cleric, don't worry.
  13. No, each character can only get one Boots boost. Otherwise you'd be able to stack infinite boots on a unit, which would be broken and cause lag.
  14. No, the game is still very possible, it'll just take a good deal more skill. You do know that with the Lunatic boosts, you won't be able to beat RaR3 without other DLC or an insane amount of grinding Golden Gaffe for exp, right? Everybody there has 1+ Breakers, multiple capped stats, and hackforges. Everyone. It's slightly more possible if you have a Shadowgift unit with access to all classes, but the only way you're getting that without more DLC is Aversa!Morgan who comes very late.
  15. Normal/Hard Grima is a pushover. Lunatic(+) Grima, on the other hand, is incredibly easy to underestimate and is kind of ridiculous without LB, even if you've been grinding. 99/53/53 defenses, Dragonskin and Pavise(+), 70/90 atk (80% Ignis), and ~110 modified Avo are nothing to shake a stick at.
  16. Almost- Valkyries/Troubadours have pants, and I heard GK Sully does too but haven't seen for myself. However I agree 100%. I judge most of the classes by whether I think they look better or worse than their previous incarnations. The ones that stand out are Dread Fighter (better), Knight/General (much worse), Hero (worse), and Wyvern Lord (worse normal attack animation, much better critical/proc animation). I think Sages in general took a bit of a hit, they look more professional but less cool (Miriel and Emmeryn are good, though). Also, Bride Nowi has what I think is the only unique animation set in the game for a DLC class, which is cool (her victory animation is very nice). Forgot Berserkers. They look like chumps, especially smaller characters (and Vaike, for some reason).
  17. You're forgetting to add +1 to all mods for the 2nd gen bonus, Emmeryn!Morgan can have +9 Mag. And Morgan actually won't always be powerful- 3rd gen Morgan has pretty much universally lower growth rates than 2nd gen Morgan, and sometimes has lower bases as well depending on how you're training, not to mention coming several chapters later. But when minmaxing Morgan usually turns out very nicely.
  18. OK, maybe I should explain what a staffbot is... Staffbots serve two purposes, and are completely dedicated to them: Rescue spam and Fortify. They shouldn't waste turns rallying, that's what Rallybots are for. They shouldn't support/be supported, the deployment cap is low enough as it is and those support units could easily be used as other staffbots. The best no-DLC Staffbot Valkyrie set is Mov+1, Acrobat, Tomefaire, Healtouch, and Mag+2 (holding an optional Valflame). That's a different thing from a mixed attacker/healer, but TC seems to want a utility unit, so this is what you get. As for rallying, Rallybots really shouldn't serve any purpose other than rallying- any combat skills mean lost skillset space for rallies, and any turns spent attacking/using staves mean turns when the rest of your party is out 10 in each stat. Always use five rallies, I'd advise Spectrum, Speed, Skl, Str, and Mag. Just so you know, work that's entirely skill-based and doesn't involve fighting should really be left up to spotpass units (which are free). Avatar generally has better uses of her broad support range.
  19. Oh dear... I say Gerome should get LB, Axefaire, Aggressor, All+2 and Swordbreaker. That Str+2 doesn't break any thresholds, but without pairup bonuses his hitrate lags against swords. Most of your fighting will be on Player Phase in Apo so Aggressor is better than Str+2.
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