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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Shadowgift is only good in specific scenarios and all of them can be just as easily pulled off with Micaiah or Katarina though. Moreso, actually, because it's primary use is cheesing certain DLC to get mighty things with which to trash maingame with minimal grinding, and by the time you have Shadowgift Morgan, you're strong enough to get those normally.
  2. It's difficult to say who's the "best" because they're just different- Vaike gives more Str, Gregor gives Armsthrift, Henry gives Auras. Henry x Sully: Decent Skl, but otherwise there's a bit of mod clash. But what exactly would you do with her? She'll be supporting without Galeforce...
  3. Henry only gives Laurent Thief, I wouldn't advise that. He will give Gerome Berserker, though, so you could consider putting him there. Gerome will also get Hex and Anathema in case you feel like using them to boost his hit rate.
  4. So will you actually be doing this, or is this just an idea? Two things you might want to fix: Gaius could just as easily justify a Trickster promotion (Theif is the only class that promotes to it), though also note that some past FEs didn't left Thieves promote at all, and let Donnel have his branching paths.
  5. Outside of Normal, Reeking Boxes cost 4,800G which makes them highly impractical for farming gold. If you're broke and need cash/exp, grab a Leif's Blade (Spotpass!Leif) and go fight some weak spotpass teams, preferably ones with lots of Archers. Every kill you get with Leif's Blade, you have a Lck% chance of getting a Bullion(S). Since the blades cost less than 2,000G, it's not hard to turn a profit. You should also prioritize reclassing units to Barbarian and Mercenary because their Lv.1 skills (Despoil and Armsthrift) are great for money management.
  6. You don't have to make an entire streetpass team, you just need to clear the game to get that star on your card. And since most of the latter half of the game is Defeat Commander maps, it's pretty easy to cheese it with Rescue chains, as long as you have the stats to deal with Cht.23, 24 and Grima (but that's nothing a little grinding can't fix). That said, I finished!
  7. I jut checked and DLC skills sent from a 3ds with no DLC work fine.
  8. There are more eligible guys in Awakening than there are mothers. Some of them are going to get left out in the cold no matter what you do. No reason to put Gregor on Severa though- Laurent likes him more than Lon'qu, and Severa likes Lon'qu better. Severa will be out several rallies and Renewal (she still gets Sol and Lifetaker if you need self-healing), but get better mods and all the Breakers (good in non-Apo later DLC) from Lon'qu. Laurent, on the other hand, loses a bit of Spd but gets AT and decent Str, so he can either be a better Berserker support or not break his Aversa's Nights.
  9. In game, and especially no-grind, Hero is likely going to be the first stop after promotion for many of the units who get it because it promotes from Merc, has better stats than BK, and gets Sol and a Breaker. Thus, I'd consider the optimal Hero skillset to be AT, Patience, Sol, and anything you had beforehand. Postgame, Heroes have high Skl and work well with Galeforce/Luna builds.
  10. Reclass Lucina? I usually find Cavalier to be a strong first move, but since you've already promoted her (and especially if you promoted her at Lv.10) doing that will ruin her exp gain. Just use her as a GL and wait 15 levels for your next skill. No, you won't miss Tharja (aesthetically, of course).
  11. Oh, a guide certainly could be made, and it could be quite good, as well, provided it did two things that most guides fail to do: not confuse complexity with reliability, and not try to compare characters and instead focus on using each one to their maximum potential (this may require a section for each possible child). Ricken x Maribelle is kind of silly since Ricken has no classes to offer Brady and is pretty much mods only. On the other hand, Brady already gets native Galeforce/Luna/Aggressor/Tomefaire and really doesn't care. It's up to you if you want a mere above average unit, or can think of something else Brady might want (Merc, Myrm, and DM come to mind). Sol and Luna have negative synergy and it's not wise to run them together unless you really know what you're doing.
  12. Station four Nosfertanks with 100% AT (use tonics if no LB) within range of all the Sigils, and put Chrom in the middle where it's safe. Even on Lunatic, there won't be enough enemies per turn to take down one of your units and you can hold out indefinitely. For Lunatic+, either turtle unequipped (once it stabilizes, you can hold out indefinitely) or just hole up in the middle and kill anything that dares approach you with Galeforce.
  13. Lunatic+ Skirmishes without DLC are no joke and gave me a serious amount of respect for Spotpass Zephiel. However, I do find Beastkillers to be easily the more common of the two.
  14. Regarding Lucina and Nowi: Lucina is good because Gen3 Morgan is better than Gen2 Morgan, sometimes significantly so. If you want Gen3 Morgan, you need to marry one of the children, and of them Lucina is the best because a) she has DS+, which is incredible for sweeping DLC and very helpful maingame, b) passes Morgan Aether (the only other potential Gen2 mother with something unique to pass is Nah, and she's not that great of a unit), and c) tends to be Spd-oriented, which is one of the more useful stats. Nowi, on the other hand: Her class set beyond Manakete is nonexistant; she lacks any sort of offensive proc, Galeforce, and doesn't even have any skills that a tank could use (reliable self-healing, PavGis, Pass). While most children have something that can be combined with their father's skills to be good, Nah has nothing and gets everything she has from her father (aside from Manakete, which has trouble keeping up in the DLC). Unfortunately, Donnel and Gaius, the fathers who pass down Pegasus Knight, can't offer either Vengeance or Luna, meaning she still has no offensive proc and will have trouble killing things to activate it. Enter Avatar: he can give her all the classes, and she needs the boost the most out of all the children in the game. Manakete is also one of the few classes that can make use of Ignis. The two drawbacks to this pairing are that Nowi and Avatar are both Galeforceless and relatively useless together once tanking wears out it's welcome (Nowi has no support skills either), and that Nah is slow and Morgan will be too. You can make your Avatar +Spd for them to get overall +3 Spd, but then any flaw will either damage their fragile Skl/Spd, or take away their high defenses, leaving them with no standout mods. You can also completely ignore their Spd and focus on defense, but then they won't be too helpful in Apo despite having all the classes.
  15. You get 40HP back per fight, after the opponent attacks. If you take that and are still in Vantage range for the next fight, you did something wrong. The purpose of Vantage is to keep your HP low and kill everything on EP before it gets a chance to strike. However, in the event that you still want AT + Vantage + GF + DM, of all the Galeforce children in the game, only Severa and Inigo can do that without Avatar's help (and Morgan but he/she doesn't count). Lucina, Owain, Brady, Kjelle, Cynthia, Noire and Nah all require him to get Galeforce+Vantage+AT+DM.
  16. I use a file that's just beaten Cht.4, clog up all but one space with Spotpass teams so Wolt always appears in the same place, and recruit him over and over with gold from GG. It takes me about 40 minutes per 10K, not counting time spent in GG (which isn't too much, I have spotpass mercs so there's no battle dialogue and I can get 2-turn routes).
  17. To clarify, you can only have 51 different types of forges, but you can have as many of each type as you want. If I forge two Silver Swords with +5mt/15hit and name one "Hedgeclipper" and the other "Weedwhacker", they'll count as two of my 51 forges, but if I then rename Weedwhacker to Hedgeclipper, I'll only have one of my 51 used up. Weapons that are just forged with a name and no stat boosts count as one of your forges, and two weapons with the same name but different boosts count as different forges. AC, I'll check tomorrow.
  18. No, you can make a team full of Avatars and it should work just fine.
  19. 'Scuse me, but Donnel!Noire has AT, Galeforce, Luna, and all the self-healing skills in the game bar Aether. What more do you want?
  20. While Nowi may have green hair in her map sprite, she clearly doesn't in both her portrait, battle model, and official artwork, and she doesn't pass green to Morgan either, so I'd say Nah counts too.
  21. Not Vaike- all fighters in general. Awakening has plenty of other characters who have unique class models, so why not give Vaike one and make the rest of the fighters look like dudes who fight?
  22. Only if you named your Avatar Gregor. But if you're playing with full deployment, you really don't have much of a choice, you can bench a parent, the kid, or someone else, and the parent is usually the best candidate.
  23. Speaking of Sacred Stones, Mustafa reminds me a lot of Selena, except he had no role in the story outside of his chapter. Alas, poor Basilio. He wanted so badly to be the next Dorias, but the writers simply wouldn't have it...
  24. Fighters should look like Lumberjacks, not Brigands. I say Vaike needs a shirt. No chains or armor either.
  25. Lissa is best because of her incredible availability (prologue) and the fact that she's your only +Mag support for Avatar for the first two chapters means she's going to be building a lot of support anyway. She's also a healer which means you can keep her up with Avatar without hogging any of his exp, which means better bases for Morgan/Owain. If she gets strong enough, you might even be able to get her to pass down Galeforce (or Tomefaire at least), which will give the children a massive early boost. You also get the bonus of having a son and a daughter, which means you can get by with only two G1 marriages (one of which is automatic) and still get two G2 pairs (Chrom will need to marry Maribelle or Olivia, Olivia is best if you don't mind Dance spam and Maribelle is best otherwise).
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