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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Nos drains the health out of enemies, but it also drains the fun out of the game. Real men need no Nosferatu. There's no general resource because strategies change by player and everyone has their own opinions. This topic is as close as you can get. Without a specific goal in mind everybody can be good, so just pair for aesthetics unless you have something very specific in mind that you want to do (such as beat Apo). Ah, and a rather odd question from me that probably nobody knows the answer to: do Parthia and Pure Water stack, or is Parthia basically a 25-use Pure Water?
  2. Characters under Lv.5 or so will be even more helpless than the chumps in Cht.2. Spare yourself the trouble and just try to do a Chrom solo. Or just recruit one decently strong guy. Travant is a boss at Lunatic if you can pull together the extra 3,200G.
  3. Having enough Renown for the Second Seal isn't a problem because you can just carry it over from another file. Turtling in Lunatic(+) is to be expected and can't really be avoided without massive grinding or an Avatar solo on regular Lunatic, so it's nothing to complain about. If Gold is in short supply and spotpass is allowed, get Despoil on DLC!Pr.Marth ahead of time, save it in the logbook, and hire him and have him use it with Falchion on weak spotpass teams for infinite money. It's sort of slow, but very reliable.
  4. The game doesn't work that way though- character models are split up into two parts: head and body. The body is generic and class specific (though some classes have several different types, like Sage, and some are gender-specific, they are rarely tied to particular characters). Then there's the head which never changes (outside of Lucina's mask), which is why Donnel is still wearing his pot as a Hero. It would be easy to set masked Lucina's head on a GL model, the game simply never does it because it's far easier to program all Red Lord-Fs to have masked Lucina's head than to program all enemy Lucinas to have the mask.
  5. Unfortunately I've forgotten the exact starting positions in Cht.2, but your general strat for saving the chumps should be to make sure the Barbarian on the mountain doesn't have both Vantage+ and Hawkeye. Put Vaike behind Chrom and have him stand on the upper forest with the Rapier equipped, move Stahl two squares away from Frederick, have Virion run to Fred, give him the Elixir, and then hide behind Stahl, and put Lissa behind Sully and have them run somewhere out of range and left of Chrom (then split them up). Have Avatar run behind Fred, and then move them to the upper right of the Myrm in the forest and manipulate a DS to kill him with Thunder. EP, you'll have to survive (tricky with those defenses, try for no Hawkeye), and the Barbarian on the mountain will go after Chrom. He'll have a ~50% hitrate if Chrom is Lv.1. The Soldier should head for Avatar, meaning the Barb is your only immediate worry. Turn 2, soften the Barb with Virion and then kill it with Chrom. Move Miriel out of range of the Merc, and lure a Soldier from the top with Sully (unpaired) to take some heat off Avatar x Fred, who should move to a Fort, equip the Bronze Sword, and heal with the Elixir. Turn 3, the Soldier should have taken some damage from Sully. If the Merc from the RHS came to play as well, retreat Sully so that she's on the edge of the Soldier's range and out of the Merc's range, heal her with Lissa, and transfer Vaike to her if possible. Next turn, kill the Soldier with Vaike, have Miriel x Lissa and Virion shoot the Merc, and kill him with Chrom x Stahl (grab him from behind Virion before attacking).
  6. No, DLC packs don't drop in price if you already have one of their maps. The one exception is if you got CoY1 for free, then the price of CoY pack drops a bit. But that promo has been gone for ages...
  7. Use Start to skip cutscenes, it's way faster than mashing text. Try to pair up after EP 1 to protect Chrom and Lissa. What Asset/Flaw are you using?
  8. Clearly, you've gotten yourself into Lunatic+. But don't worry, with the Water Trick Prologue isn't so hard (one could almost call it reliably cleared).
  9. Actually, I was talking about the SF Wiki.
  10. Grinding or no grind? If you're grinding, the difficulty doesn't matter, just follow the advice in the rest of this thread. If you're not grinding, focus on Morgan, Lucina, their siblings, and maybe one or two other children max. General tips include everything in the post right above yours.
  11. The Risen can appear normally there though if you let the Streetpass team appear and wait for the next Risen spawn.
  12. No, DF is 13 points higher. But if you used crits, effective weapons, and Barracks Boosts, they could both be a lot higher.
  13. I'm going to guess that Red Lucina always has the mask and Blue/Green Lucina don't. A good way to test this would be to get a Streetpass team with Lucina on it, summon a Risen on top of them, and then fight them so the Streetpass team shows up as allies. ...I wonder if enemy Streetpass Lucinas are also unable to crit... (note that I've never streetpassed anyone but myself and Outrealm Orders so this is entirely speculation)
  14. Enemies aren't random though (outside of Lunatic+ skills). You can come up with a strat to consistently achieve that 1HP if you really, really want it. Manaketes, Dread Fighters, Grandmasters, War Monks, Dark Knights and Brides all have high caps in both Str and Mag (Tricksters, Falcos and DFs have decent caps as well). Max Manakete Ignis damage, no Wyrmsbane/Crits/Barracks (LB, All+2, Str+2, Defender, Ignis): Mag: 35(Base) +6(DS+) +0(Mods, Vaike!Nah!Morgan) +10(LB) +10(Rallies) +5(other skills/tonic) +6(DFighter pairup) = 72 (+36 Ignis, one point more than Luna on the highest Def enemies in the game, Ignis > Luna) Atk: 40(Base) +11(DS+) +12(mt) +9(Mods, Vaike!Nah!Morgan) +36(Ignis) +10(LB) +10(Rallies) +8(DFighter pairup) +7(other skills/tonic) = 143. Just shy of OHKOing through Dragonskin, what a pity. But Defender is actually useful! Max DF Ignis damage, no effectives/crits/Barracks (LB, Agg, Axefaire, Ignis, All+2): Mag: 38(base) -1(Mods, V!G!M) +10(LB) +10(Rallies) +4(All+2/tonic) +6(DF pairing) = 67 (+33 Ignis) Atk: 42(Base) +10(Agg) +10(LB) +10(Rallies) +11(Mods) +9(other skills/tonic) +23(Forged Hector's Axe and WRB) +33(Ignis) +8(DF pairing) = 156. Oooh, close.
  15. All promoted classes have an HP cap of 80 and a Lck cap of 45, and no caps below 30 (except in GK's case). All special classes except Villager have an HP cap of 80 and a Lck cap of 45, and no caps below 30 (except in Conqueror and Villager's case). All base classes have an HP cap of 60, a Lck cap of 30, and no caps above 30. Which of those groups do special classes sound more like? But really, they're a whole different animal and shouldn't be lumped in with base or promoted classes.
  16. Well, anything can be called a gimmick, including Forges, Rallies and Pairup. But Manaketes with Ignis and Manakete/GM/DK/Dread Fighter do pack a punch.
  17. According to that definition, Aether and RK are Tier 1 skills because Lucina and her male siblings get them without promoting, and without Chrom needing to promote to pass them down. I think the DLC skills (including Dread Fighter/Bride) should be counted differently than the promoted and base class skills. I consider Tier 1 to be skills learned by base classes.
  18. Only Wolt. For some reason it's not very common knowledge that he's so cheap, I always see people recommend Mist for Renown grinding... If you're not already using this, it contains all the base unit prices (summon, not Logbook): http://serenesforest.net/fe13/recruit_spotpass.html
  19. No, I meant Res+10 as in equipping it to raise Marth's listed stats. I figured you'd have it in his arsenal already. Wolt is cheaper than Mist. He only costs 1,200G to recruit on the map.
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