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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Well, OK. But be warned that Vaike!Owain is almost universally regarded as the worst Owain in the game.
  2. No it doesn't. Lon'qu doesn't appear at all after Cht.5, and after Cht.4 he merely says "He gives the orders, I stab things" after encountering Lissa. Lon'qu definitely is her bodyguard in their supports, though.
  3. In the context of Apo... Sniper Chrom runs LB/Agg/Aether/Luna/DSt+ and supports a Falco Sumia. She can kill whatever she wants with GF, and then Chrom comes up front with a Longbow on their second move and obliterates something with his Aether/Agg combo. BK Chrom does similar, but runs BF and All+2 (or Hit+20 or Charm) over Luna and Aether, and stays in the back Equipping any Dual+ skill more than once has no effect past the first.
  4. Definitely. At the moment there's no rule against doing a true Chrom solo, which is both really easy and completely shreds any draft not done on Lunatic(+).
  5. Oh, I wasn't thinking of staying in Paladin. I was thinking of going there as another training class while stats build up before tackling some of the bad classes.
  6. Grima has Pavise+ and Dragonskin, not Aegis+ (that's only in FP3, iirc). S/he's also got 53 effective Res, which is around three times what other enemies have (even on Lunatic) so your magic attacks will be doing very little always- a capped Sage with a +0 Mag mod, unforged Celica's Gale, A Tomes, a Mag tonic and a +0 support will be doing 0 damage. But Morgan can do it. To get an OHKO, you need to do 33 damage prior to critting, which is 66 real damage and requires 119 Atk. Morgan's Atk: 44(Sorc base) +10(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +10(Agg) +9(Sage support) +5(TF) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) +2(Special Dance) +4(Barracks boost) +12(Mire) =120, which is enough to do the deed. You should use the lase skillslot for Wrath to help with crit (Grima has 45 Lck).
  7. There really isn't a point when Veteran will stop helping. Keep it on all the time for DLC/grinding and take it off for chapters (only if you have five good skills and need room, though). I recommend Cav because, as I said in your other topic, Taguels have huge weapon rank issues and Discipline can help you remedy that faster. From there, if you want to promote, Paladin is the stronger option, otherwise you can do another base class like Mercenary (Hero promotion). Since you're grinding, though, what class you go to first won't matter very much in the long run- you should think more about what class you want to end as once you've got your stats and skills.
  8. Yes they do. I have Chrom run support sets when he needs to hide behind someone who's training on LB3 or something (aka staying out of the way). But he's such a ridiculously good unit for postgame/DLC that it's a shame to confine him to a hard support like some common Gerome (though he can support very well if you want him to).
  9. In nogrind Lunatic, you'll reach a point around Cht.8-9 where enemies do 0 damage to your Avatar with 0 listed Hit. That's without grinding. And that's how useful Counter is. It would be neat if you could have it for the very first few chapters of the game (when you're fielding a lot of units who will be taking a lot of damage and doing very little back), but once you're stronger than the enemies it doesn't do anything because they'll a) die before they can attack, or b) miss/do no damage. And since you have to be high leveled to have the HP to do meaningful damage with it anyway...
  10. He's got good ingame availability though (even if you don't count how well the parents work together).
  11. If you still have the file, a fully ground +Mag Ricken!Laurent!Morgan is capable of OHKOing Lunatic(+) Grima with a crit of Mire. Since you spent the time getting him, you might want to try it out.
  12. That's solid advice. If I can throw in two more things... -Bow Knight is really good on Chrom. You get to use Bowfaire, you get to keep Falchion, and Sumia likes the pairup bonuses. -Agg is flat out better than RK in terms of damage. By the time you have it, that pair shouldn't need to be fighting on enemy phase.
  13. If you have access to a Second Seal shop, go ahead and always reclass your units as soon as possible. You'll cap all your stats way before you get the skills you want so there's no point hanging around in old classes just for stats. For male-exclusive skills, none of them are that great but I find Despoil to be fun to use. It's largely useless if you have Golden Gaffe, but still highly entertaining.
  14. I hope those guides aren't the reason for the second statement. If grinding on Lunatic is your thing, that's cool, but please don't do it just because some ancient guide said it's the only way. Anyway, it'll still be worth your time focusing on a small handful of characters since one overleveled tank will do more for you than a bunch of on-par minions. Focus all your Seals on Avatar until you can buy more, and if you get stuck, keep grinding. That's about all I can say since "grind more" is both more effective and simpler than any other strategy, once it's on the table.
  15. Your Avatar should either have reclassed around 19-20 prior to Par.1, or be about 16-17 with another unit near 10, assuming you're not grinding and did Par.1 first.
  16. Timezooones, bro. Noon to you could be any time of the day to me. I really do recommend doing Donnel's paralogue first for the Rescue staff and more exp. Saving Paralogues for Lucina is nice, but the benefit of doing Par.1 early is usually much greater. Save Pars 2, 3 and 4 for Lucina, as well as the Seed of Trust from Renown. In the first two you do, give all the Event Tiles to those two, and whichever Par you don't get support on, use the Seed. Unless you get no support in either of them, you can be at B in two maps and halfway to A from the third. That won't delay Morgan for too long, even without Par.1.
  17. The game data seems to suggest otherwise... If going by father-child supports, look no further than Nah. Henry has an odd reason for marrying Nowi, and instead of being randomly paranoid like for her other fathers Nah perfectly nails it with him.
  18. Right here. Never leaves the front page.
  19. Tiki comes in a Paralogue unlocked after Cht.18, and it's hard enough that you might not be able to do it right off the bat (depending on team composition). There's a decent chance you wouldn't be able to hit S rank with her within normal gameplay, so I wouldn't exactly count availability as a strong point (though yes, she does come a lot earlier than Flavia)... Since both of them have bad enough availability that Morgan will be nonexistent/borderline useless, I consider their availabilities roughly equal in practicality.
  20. Flavia passes better mods (1/-1/2/1 Str/Mag/Skl/Spd as opposed to 0/-1/0/1 Str/Mag/Skl/Spd- both terrible but Flavia slightly better), no perma-weakness, and has a better class selection for supporting/leading Avatar than Tiki does. So yeah, I'd say she's a better wife/mother than Tiki.
  21. OK. But what if they didn't want to find their parents? Lucina is pretty interested in keeping her distance from your party, even though she finds you right off the bat- she cares more about hunting for gemstones and keeping important people safe than anything else, and is only "unmasked" by a sequence of mistakes. The rest of the children were probably in the same mindset (especially Gerome), and just a little easier to convince to join you when you ran into them (emphasis on you finding them and not the other way around). What exactly they were doing is up in the air, and they may not have even made a plan before leaving (they were attacked during the ceremony to create the portal, after all, and left in a pretty big hurry). Since Emmeryn dies in Cht.6 in the future, the war with Plegia isn't cut short by her, and drags on for around 11 years (the children are born at the start of this). The chaos prevents the Grimleal from getting a grip on power. The war ends when Walhart finally invades (the reason he's late is because future Yen'fay didn't work with him and slowed down his conquest significantly). Presumably the same things as normal happen in the Valm arc- Basilio dies for real, and when Chrom gets back Validar is in charge of Plegia. He gets his Emblem, and at the Table Robin decides to become Grima (this is around 9 years after it happens in the game's timeline). However he isn't able to fully power up thanks to one of the Gemstones being "lost forever" (Lucina doesn't elaborate on how this happened), and in lieu of being able to simply trash the place as a giant dragon uses a flood of Risen to do so. Ylisse, Ferox and Valm fight back in a losing battle, which culminates many years later with the attack on Ylisse shown in Lucina's flashbacks, and on its way sees the deaths of all the first gen units sans Chrom, Robin and Tiki. There are still a few big plotholes with that (namely, Cht.23: if missing a gemstone prevented Grima's full resurrection in the future, why didn't missing all of them thanks to Basilio prevent it in the present?), but I blame that more on Cht.23 than the future timeline since there are many other problems with it. I think the writers knew what they were writing, they just forgot to properly present it properly (and then Cht.23, where they got carried away with making something "epic" and forgot to proofread it). They spent too much time on the "think with your heart, not with your head" model, even though they had plenty of material to tie everything together. There's too much stuff buried under piles of supports, DLC maps and official media that fits together too well for it to be the ramblings of some insane authors. A bigger problem, perhaps, is that it requires so much work to piece all of it together- only someone who's already really dedicated to the story can do it, and someone who dislikes it because of vagueness/plotholes/whatever never will. It's like how half of FE4's tale was told through supplementary material like interviews and books, except FE4 at base was good enough to make people like it without all that. Part of me also thinks that the continents Awakening takes place on aren't even Akaneia and Valencia. If it weren't for a remark in a Tiki/Flavia convo somewhere in a Scramble map regarding the location where Tiki slept in FE3 to have been in present Ferox, it would even be possible that they weren't- as-is, there's much more separating their lores than there is tying them together. I think Awakening's story would be much stronger if they let it stand on its own.
  22. First, you need to have the parents capped so the children can inherit decent enough stats and skills to survive the Mirebombings. Tomebreaker works nicely if the Sorcs lack Hawkeye, Renewal can be helpful if you're slow and need enough time, and Counter can get rid of the Knights attacking the children. The reinforcements eventually stop coming, so what I did was get some child Galepairs with Deliverer to rush around the sides and position themselves to kill everything on the first EP, and then block all the stairs on turn 2. Somewhere around turn 11 the map gives you a pretty clear indication that no more enemies will come. Then you can go talk to the children with everyone you brought. Don't try to get all the convos in one go, either. You need deployment space for good combat units and it's not likely you can solo the map with just Nah, Kjelle, Cynthia and Noire without very specific parents. And lastly, difficulty does actually matter- there's a big stat difference, and the first-turn reinforcement thing that's gone on Normal is the hardest bit of the map since you can't pre-emptively flatten the Mire users. FP's difficulty is backwards for some reason, so don't expect this from the other two maps. 1 is the hardest, and 3 is the easiest.
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