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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. You can try it, but I'm 100% sure you will not find it more convenient to do a romhack from a phone.
  2. Link is an awesome magician. If anything he should be +Mag. Also Doc is the slow one, normal Mario is way faster than Weegee in Smash. Those aren't from Smash.
  3. OK SF apparently doesn't want to let me quote today so I'll have to do without. +Skl is only superior to +Str if a) it lets you get 100% DS, or b) you're magical. +Str will give you a greater boost in raw damage output than +Skl's proc boost will. I outlined the circumstances where Cynthia is better than Lucina a few pages back: you want Lucina to have a better (more Str/Mag or DSp+) husband, you want Lucina to be part of a double Galepair, you're going for lots of 100% DS pairs and need her to soak up someone with bad Skl, you have limited good options for Cynthia due to how your other pairs work out, or Cynthia is your waifu. Ricken!Laurent has ~230 Hit without Hit+20, which is plenty unless he's fighting the top bosses with 100% DS and really must land his hits. I think DSp+ is fine on him. Donnel!Kjelle@General's Spd: give her a +3 Spd support (Hero/Berserker/Bow Knight) and All+2 or Spd+2. That'll get her to a more comfortable level (she's still slow though). I'd strongly recommend a Bow Knight because she needs a ferry. And that is a threshold, so don't go 1 point under that or it will make a difference. Henry can also swap in on Nah, Brady or Yarne and give their old dad to Severa.
  4. Oh, one other thing I wanted to mention: if you're trying to hold a choke (say, like the one in Cht.14) but there are enemies with Pass, it's actually possible to use this to your advantage. All the Pass foes will head on through to get at Robin's exposed side, but the non-Pass ones can't. So if you put Morgan back there to train, he'll still get mobbed, but he'll both be up against much fewer enemies than normal (only the Pass ones), and since one of their Lunatic+ skills is guaranteed to be Pass they'll be much less threatening in combat, with no chance of a Luna+/Hawkeye combo, lower Counter distribution, etc. I've abused making Pass-only filters many times during past runs to feed low-level units more safely, and this could be a good place to work one in. And, of course, once you fish out and slay all the Pass enemies, you can hold the choke just like normal and fire over Robin's head for kills.
  5. Robin was fine, it's Morgan I'm worried about. How much Str, exactly, did Chrom have on the successful run? He needs 93 Atk to get an unassisted 5HKO in Grima. Falchion is 48, and he gets +6 more from Tonic/Rally, so he should need 39 Str to do the deed. How rare is that? Actually if Morgan caps Str as a Warrior and quads with a +5 Brave Bow and Paladin support, he could be doing 52 damage on his own. Even if Chrom does nothing, Morgan being danced and attacking 8 times might be a guaranteed 2RKO. So I don't think Chrom even matters on Grima.
  6. That would push Robin into Hero during Cht.20. Getting Hero over with is probably more important than Chrom. Especially since with two more combat-capable units, Chrom now has 12 DS chances on player phase against Grima. On the successful run he went down to five hits, so that's a ton of leeway for him. If Morgan is a Warrior then he'll likely be damaging Grima too to reduce Chrom's workload even further, and there's always the possibility of a lucky non-DG on Robin for more Venegance damage too. I think Grima is so in the bag thanks to the children that really Chrom's DS performance for earlier chapters (netting Robin kills for GF) is a bigger concern. Speaking of GF kills, early in training hitting PavGis pretty much required two DSes to get the kill (especially in Cht.17). You never got imperiled by missing one but it's still sketchy and might be worth checking if a Forge could make a difference.
  7. It's a few months old, you even posted in it before. Nobody report the necro this is too good to lock
  8. Here you go: The hilarious thing here is that it's always "Sumia!Lucina > Olivia!Lucina at magic because Sumia gives TF and Olivia doesn't" but in practice... Lucina never has room for TF anyway thanks to procstack and DSt+. And they both have the same Mag mod and their DFs fall into the same Spd bracket, so... As magical leads, they're functionally identical. Except Olivia!Lucina has +2 Str on Sumia!Lucina in case you wanted to pull out a Brave lance for whatever reason. So Olivia!Lucina is technically a better Dark Flier than Sumia!Lucina. It makes absolutely no sense because by all rights Sumia!Lucina really should be better. DF Virion!Severa falls into this trap too- even with All+2, she's one Spd short of 75 with a Sage support. DF's Spd woes are actually so extreme that the only children who can even get it to 75 Spd with a Sage support and Tomefaire are various Morgans (duh) and Gaius!Cynthia with All+2. Yes, Gaius!Cynthia is not only good at something, she's Morgan-F tier, and has a procstack to boot. This is also a big contributing factor in why Valkyrie Morgan-F is so good. Valkyrie has +1 Spd over DF, which is kind of "big deal" on paper but in practice is insane. Going from DF to Valkyrie lowers the required Spd from mods/All+2 from 8 to 7. 8 Spd requires a Spd mod of +6, which is really rare. 7 requires a Spd mod of +5, which is really common. Stacking a Mag asset on Avatar and marrying him to a +5 Spd girl (Gaius!Kjelle, Virion!Severa, either of Chrom x Sumia's kids) gives Morgan 7 Spd, which means procstack TF Valk with 75 Spd and no All+2. Unfortunately... Troubadour (and thus Valkyrie) on 2nd gen girls has the worst distribution in the game, so neither of these really happen. Out of the six non-Morgan girls, none start with it. There are three Troub dads: Donnel, Gregor and Henry. None of those three pass down Tomefaire, something Valks really want, and only Nah and Cynthia start with it. None of those three pass down a Spd mod higher than 0, either, meaning that even the super-fast Cynthia falls 1 Spd short of the +5 Spd threshold required for Valk to work its magic. As a result, Valk hits no Spd thresholds among the main six, so it's eclipsed by DF- its only user is thus Henry!Nah, who only uses it as a substitute for DF. GF Valk is almost literally Morgan-F's personal class. I know that was a bit off-topic but it's something that's been vexing me quite a bit and I wanted to rant about it. It's like Virion!Severa and Sumia!Lucina, who are supposed to be some of the best kids in the game, aren't able to do their jobs. Instead, it's always Sniper/Paladin/Wyvern Lord for them. I really wish Dread Fighter had a Mag cap of 42 so it was more viable as a male +Mag Tome-using support. That extra 3 Spd would let those three hit 75 without using All+2, but as-is DF's Mag is so bad that I just can't stand using it as a hard support. Sigh.
  9. Rambling about the old meta is always fun. But hey, since we're talking about that age-old Vaike!Kjelle vs Donnel!Kjelle debate, why not take another go at it? What's on the table is 2% PavGis. Since 100% PavGis would cut damage coming your way by 50%, 2% PavGis therefore cuts incoming damage by 1%. Donnel!Kjelle, however, has +1 Def/Res over Vaike!Kjelle, thanks to her superior Def/Res mods. In order for the 1% damage reduction from Vaike's PavGis to be equal to the +1 damage reduction from Donnel's Def/Res, incoming damage must be 100. Anything above that, and Vaike is superior. Anything below, and Donnel is superior. However, since Kjelle only has 85 HP, any damage above 84 will be lethal, therefore the damage range in which Vaike is superior doesn't exist. Thus, Donnel!Kjelle is a better tank than Vaike!Kjelle. In your face, SazukeEX. For the Sorc route, you need 60 Skl. It doesn't matter how you get it, you just need it (Rally is fine, LB isn't. You need V/V/Wrath/Gamble/Focus). If Rally is on the table, that's 12 Skl you need between mods, tonic and pairup- you get +5 from mods, +2 from tonic and that leaves +5 to be attained from pairup. Any +Skl class will do the trick, GL won't. All his support needs are DSp+, Solidarity and Anathema. Lucina will work fine for that. He does need 109 Atk and 220 Hit for the guaranteed OHKOes, so make sure you can get those. If that's being speedy, she's definitely better at it than Donnel. As a non-GF lead she's pretty good. I hope it was either base classes of S.Apo or base classes with no DLC/Rally for Normal, because otherwise AC is at least way ahead of him. Galeboys in general (except Morgan-M) have really bad Spd so if he needed it for something more than a proc, props to him. I've been wanting to justify no procs Inigo for a long time now so I could give him a fast dad, since I think fast Galeboys are under-explored and want to play around with them more.
  10. Doesn't even have to be cheap, those kinds of things can be handmade. He probably made it out of some of the rocks he picks up when clearing trails...
  11. >.> <.< Fred!Gerome has neither Axefaire nor AT... But yeah it was PavGis+Luna/Sol. All those procs for his glorious +2 Skl mod.
  12. It's important if you want perfect 100% critical, which in turn is important if you want to be able to safely VV. If you pass up Vantage and keep yourself at high HP, using the crits mainly for mostly reliable chip, then being at 70-95% is just fine. Critstack Henry!Nah typically has about 50% in the back (all you need to, on average, damage tie with a Brave weapon). Kinda hard to give conclusive proof since it strictly happens when you don't pay attention to the numbers, but here's a very good piece of anecdotal evidence: He doesn't know how Rallies work (stacking and positioning), doesn't prioritize targets properly to get his whole team in the fray, has bad staff management, a few pairs at A instead of S, poor mod/class synergy, no GF on Brady, Skl/2% procs without a procstack. He had a major derp involving misjudging Olivia's Mov, dropped a kill due to leaving Mire equipped on the back, and had one instance in which Kjelle had to be blatantly saved by the RNG (she picked a fight with 1-range Counter at low HP and a bad proc/DS order could have killed her). And all in all, S.Apo was a pretty good match for him. He got into a lot of pickles and close shaves that he really had to think his way through (nevermind that you and I can see obvious ways out, he was thinking and that's what was important). He took several rounds of combat to kill some of the bosses. He got stuck in a choke in Wave 1, and made a bad approach in Wave 2, but ultimately made it without losing anyone.
  13. I have a feeling it would be possible to use ASM to actually create classes on the fly using user specifications and then re-point the tactician's class to them. It would solve all the issues with having to set up dozens of separate classes in Nightmare, certainly. The hardest part would probably be saving them, since you'd basically make the new class entirely in memory, meaning it wouldn't be part of the ROM. Of course, you'll have to save which class the tactician is currently in using Nightmare and multiple classes anyway, so that might be nothing new. Also keep in mind that I know next to nothing about ASM and am just spouting random ideas so these might not work at all.
  14. Psst Ana all the Avatar S supports get you presents I think the term pendant can apply to a lot more than just expensive jewelry, though.
  15. I remember them. I'm pretty sure I kept my trap shut (and rather hope so since I didn't start to get really good at Awakening until around a year ago). Those would have been just after Apo was released though, so I have a feeling they'd be heavily biased with scrub rage due to things like Sol Nostank Cordelia waifus getting tromped by 1-range Counter in Wave 1.
  16. Well, OK. Just keep in mind that this is a general help thread and not strictly for challenge run theorycrafting- so in this case what the player is trying to accomplish is a clear of a map with a very large reputation that they may know pretty much nothing about. Extremes don't matter so much as simply having an idea of what you're up against. And for what it's worth, +Spd Lon'qu!Severa!Morgan@General with a Berserker pairup and no All+2 does hit 75 Spd, resulting in comparable Str, similar Spd and superior Skl to a Wyvern x Berserker +Str Lon'qu!Severa!Morgan (just with less Mov). General may prevent Morgan-F from doing a lot of other things she'd normally be able to do, but she's also possibly the unit least impacted by its flaws (still have to pack Rescuebots for the Mov, though). As for Apo's difficulty tuning, it may be more balanced for no other DLC... If this didn't exist. Keep in mind that not only does the game not show you that, it makes it really hard to figure it out on your own with Apo's wave structure. Also keep in mind that nowhere else (except Double Duel and Spotpass teams) are there enemies with stat mods, so not only are enemies with really high stats kind of unprecedented but you've also got no way to practice dealing with them beforehand so you don't know what does and doesn't work. If you've got full access to online resources (the enemy data and calculations page at minimum, with a helpful guru or two to explain why each thing matters being handy too), then yeah vanilla S.Apo is going to lay down and die. That's not what it's balanced around- it's balanced around an average SRPG player, with Awakening as their first FE game, doing a full blind run on a file with entirely aesthetic pairings, lots of missed inheritances, maybe a few deaths, sporadic forges, no tonics, and maybe only half of their stats capped with LB. And with all that, it's really hard. Maybe even too hard, given the reputation it earned itself. As a general rule of thumb, more Spd is preferable until you no longer know what you'll need it for, and then investing in other mods becomes better. In this case, +7 Spd allows a physical Morgan to run Wyvern Lord without All+2, which gives her room for an Aether procstack which is very nice. +9 doesn't particularly help her above that (GK x Paladin without All+2 comes to mind, but Wyvern x Berserker is better anyway), so Olivia's +2 Str will be better if you're purely concerned about having a physical Morgan. Chrom x Sumia still provides greater team synergy, though. Using it would sacrifice 2 Str on Morgan for more options for the rest of your team, which might be a good trade. One thing I could recommend is +Str Sumia!Lucina!Morgan@Wyvern with All+2 and a procstack- she'll have +6 Str from mods/skills and hit 75 Spd, while +Spd Olivia!Lucina!Morgan with a Faire will hit the same Spd threshold and have +7 Str from mods/skills. Now the difference between them is only +1 Str in Olivia's favor, but Sumia!Lucina gains +4 Atk on her husband (Spd is a relatively useless stat for hard supports). Combined with the team synergy thing, that tips the balance much more in Sumia's favor. And if you were to forgo flight and make Morgan a Paladin with a Faire over All+2? GG Olivia, I wish your mods were better. You would use Chrom!Cynthia!Morgan over Sumia!Lucina!Morgan if: -You want Lucina to have a better hard support husband than Avatar-M. This would mean Yarne/Laurent for more Atk or Gerome for DSp+. -You want Lucina to be part of a double Galepair to maximize the number of attacks per PP her DSt+ is active for. -You're trying to get a lot of 100% DS pairs and need her to soak up someone with bad Skl. -There aren't many other favorable husbands for Cynthia. Thanks to DSt+, Lucina can take almost anyone, which Cynthia is sometimes more restricted. -Cynthia is your waifu. I say Libra. Better Str than Ricken and keeps the +Hit skills. All things considered they'll perform about the same, though. Yarne "already has everything he needs" and since Kellam is a +Str/Skl dad with few other merits he was dumped on Yarne because Yarne is hurt least by Kellam's shortcomings. It was sound for its time, but... Now that Chrom x Olivia, Stahl x Cordelia and benched Virion are no longer mandatory, pairings are much freer and there's no shortage of good dads for Yarne, so that logic no longer applies. Would it change your mind about Ruin/WW if they let you get 100% Vantage OHKOes on all of S.Apo's 55 Lck non-Aegis+ mooks?
  17. GM and DK both have similar defensive stats to Sorc but with some other advantages too. Did you consider them for Severa? Also try Spd tonic Hero Ragnell Severa paired with Assassin Gerome for Anna survival. It should still hit 66 Spd and the same Def for her, but will have higher Atk than the Sorc/Hero due to getting a bonus from Gerome and can hit Thronie outside Aegis.
  18. TWW: not enough water 7.8/10 OK seriously could someone explain this to me? I've found all the 3d Mario platformers after Sunshine to be borderline unplayable due to the combination of controls and physics. Mario takes forever to get moving but has a very low speed cap, and all of your abilities primarily alter your vertical momentum rather than your horizontal momentum, making going anywhere an extremely frustrating experience. Yet everyone else really likes them or something. I actually like sailing less in TWW HD because the fastest mode of travel now involves pulling out your sail and doing nothing (in GCN, simply setting a course, pulling out your sail and doing nothing was significantly slower). And I don't care how fast I'm going, whether or not I get bored in transit entirely depends on whether or not I have something to do. It's part of why I tend not to like games where simply walking is the fastest mode of transit available.
  19. I love how pretty much everything here is either for PC or Nintendo. My favorites (though far from the best) are Awakening, Age of Empires 2, Explorers of Sky, The Thousand Year Door and Donkey Kong 64.
  20. Well, the hard (or more of tedious) part is having different weapon types in the first place. Having how they're assigned not be up to the player wouldn't make things easier (it would actually make it harder because then you'd have to figure out how to assign them yourself instead of having the player do it), but it still could be a cool idea.
  21. I was focusing on this here "always" bit and providing a counter-example. Simply dealing damage is definitely closer to Morgan-M's job description (due to being a male and thus spending most of his time in the back) and I agree that expecting F to do it better as her only goal is kind of ignoring her other roles, but you said always and I clearly demonstrated that that is not always the case.
  22. So make Morgan-F a General. Same Atk stats once again, but now F has +6 Skl on M. And M has plenty of things to do other than be a Berserker, anyway.
  23. No, it's in the GBA games as well. It's just never served a purpose other than Rescuing (you covered why you don't think this is in Awakening) and weapon weight outside of Tellius.
  24. That all works, though you'll get slightly more mileage out of switching Morgan to Valkyrie. Fred!Inigo is also extremely slow without a +Spd support, I strongly advise giving him something that will put him at least +2 Spd over where he is now. Avatar should almost always be +Spd/-Def when fathering 2nd gen kids. In Owain's case he can make a nice Dark Knight (x Dark Flier). Severa actually is one of the kids who benefits most from Avatar fathering her; most 2nd gen units will just be slightly better from him but because she's so good already Avatar pushes her into the start of 3rd gen Morgan territory in terms of the things she can do. Since Cordelia can also lead Avatar very well, and it's a solid pair ingame on every difficulty, its only drawback becomes the 2nd gen pairing imbalance. Overall it's a really good pair for everyone involved (just make sure you're +Spd and not -Mag or -Res). All that will work in Apo nicely. Nope. You're forgetting about Aether. Assume both Morgans are Snipers with Berserker supports (even though Morgan-M isn't going to want one of those) and neutral Str mods. Skills are LB/GF/BF/Luna, with male packing Aggressor and female using Aether. +5/15 Longbows are being used. Target is Throne Anna. Skl mods are both neutral as well. Base Atk (no Agg): 41(base) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +10(pairup) +5(BF) +2(tonic) +16(L.Bow) =94 Skl: 48(base) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +3(pairup) +2(tonic) =73 Normal damage: 18 Luna damage: 31 Aether damage: 49 Agg damage: 23 Agg/Luna damage: 36 Morgan-M's average damage output: .73*36 + .27*23 =32.49 Morgan-F's average damage output: .36*49 + .4672*31 + .1728*18 =35.2336 Morgan-F wins in that example by nearly 3 whole average damage points, which is funny since it's very weighted toward Morgan-M (he's given a Berserker support where he normally wouldn't have one, for example, and because Morgan-F is using a procstack adding more Skl will benefit her more than Morgan-M (both of their Skl mods are unrealistically low)).
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