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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. How about "most likely to sink your team if you have none of it"?
  2. *Obligatory "Miriel is so evil" post* The last two runs in a row were both done in by you, Miriel. See if I ever trust you again. And the last run, put into Yolo mode by Miriel's killing of Fred in Cht.2, was fully done in by her again in Cht.3. Right as I was typing up a warning to throw her under the bus before she could do any more damage, SHE DID. Three misses from Miriel. Two runs and a subsequent yolo sunk so hard that Virion was carrying. Yololi x Virion otp. For anyone who wants Yololi (may she live on FOREVER), her stats were build 2, face 3, hair 1 and hair color 18, voice 3, birthday 1/1 and asset/flaw +Spd/-Skl.
  3. Even if he doesn't need the exp, it's generally a better strategy than to let a Peg (who doesn't get terrain bonuses) tank a bunch of Axes and Bows.
  4. You need to get enough units up on the mountain that when the reinforcements come they get bodyblocked and can't kill people. There are only three of them and they spawn low enough down that it's possible to get folks at the top they can't reach. You want Chrom up front on the mountain, not DSing. Assuming he has around 10 Spd and 7 Lck with 10/10 boosts from a Peg Avatar at A/S, his Avo against Wyverns is looking like 28(base) +15 (support: S Avatar and normal adjacent or A Avatar and C/two normals adjacent- getting up to 20 is feasible) +20(mountain) +10(remove Wyvern's WRB) +10(B Swd WTA) =83. 83 Avo in Cht.7, think about it. Those Wyverns have all of 103 Hit. You're looking at an 8.2% chance of getting hit (true hit), and since Chrom can easily take a blow to the face and live thanks to mountain, pairup and a tonic if necessary, he'll take two hits to get rid of (and they have to be in the same EP, or he can just heal up). The odds of that happening are lower than they are of you dying to the Elthunder Mage in the Prologue over 3-4 battles while doing the Water Trick. Trust in Chrom. His stats and level may not show it, but he's a pro at killing Wyverns. For the record, I've never been able to do a successful charge of Cht.7 that I'm happy with- the only way to actually hold back all the enemies is to just kill them all as you advance, and that gives Avatar all the exp in what should be a lucrative training chapter for scrubs (Miriel isn't as safe as Chrom from Wyverns, but she's even better at KOing them).
  5. On top of that general Hit difference between Waste and Celica's, keep in mind that Sorc has 5 less Skl than Sage. That'll make a Hit difference too. Demoiselle is one of those Aura skills that works from the back and even affects partners- in her case it should give her husband +10 Avo.
  6. That's odd, Cht.7 is usually one of the easier chapters. Did you try turtling on the mountain with Chrom up front to get some easy exp for him (he doesn't mind Archers)?
  7. He's using it mainly as a substitute for LB on challenge runs. Stacked with LB, it's got a large amount of applications for shoring up shortcomings from mods/pairup bonuses. If you have 20 Atk, the enemy has 10 Def and you equip All+2, you go from doing 10 damage to 12 damage with the resulting 10% Atk boost. If you have 60 Atk and the enemy has 50 Def, you still go from 10 damage to 12 damage by equipping All+2, even though you've now only increased your Atk by 3.33%. Basically, because Awakening's damage is linear instead of multiplier based, percentage increases to total stats are misleading- in both of those scenarios it's providing a 20% boost to actual damage done. The way he's displaying its effect greatly downplays it- it's actually a fairly large general stat buff, in addition to being good for bagging thresholds. That doesn't mean everyone should use it but it's far from "not that great".
  8. Sometimes it's because a) aesthetics or b) they're making the team for all of postgame and don't want to bother reclassing twice just for Apo. But the most common reason is that Sorcs work ingame as Vantage Nostanks, so people assume they'll work like that in Apo too (Nos works so badly in Apo that it's actually where Apo's reputation for difficulty came from) and don't know any better. I haven't seen anyone on this forum who's gone through the whole teambuilding process and is still using a Sorc for general combat in Apo (there have been one or two that have some specific role in mind, though- notably Waste is slightly stronger than a Sage@Celica's Gale, though the terrible Hit usually makes it not worth it). Noire: you'll have to just do some calcs and see which class works better for her.
  9. "Generally effective" isn't very specific. Effective at what? Veteran is hands down, no-holds-barred the best skill in the game on Lunatic(+) and very helpful in general when grinding or on lower difficulties, but it does nothing in Apo. What's your metric for being the "best"? Also watching that dictionary trying to define a simple word using ones that are more complex than it is funny.
  10. Noire deserves honorable mention for having Hex, Anathema and Hit+20 all at base. And now you begin to see what you're up against :p There's not going to be a way for you to get all your pairs to those thresholds, and even if there was the cost to other stats with large cumulative effects but no technical maximum for performance gains likely won't be worth it. You're just going to have to deal with enemies who have a very high chance of surviving you and all the resulting dropped kills (which both make timed sections hectic and put you in danger if you're not on the ball with Rescue management). Still, even getting some to them will do you a world of good (there's no other way to safely kill the Helswath Berserkers without a ton of Vengeance Snipers, for example). Don't use Sorcs. They fall into the same bin as Swordmasters with regard to Sages: Sages have more Mag, Skl, Spd, and weapons. Sorcs have an edge in defenses but everything's going to be 2HKOing you either way so it makes no difference.
  11. Hex and Anathema don't improve your defensive capabilities, though. They lower the enemy's Avo, not their Hit.
  12. That guide is pretty good but severely underrates All+2.
  13. Dealing with Anna at 3 range is nice, but fighting NS at 3 range is actually no different than fighting him at 1 range. 3 range is nice to take down his mooks, who have Counter (note: nice, not necessary) but isn't any different against him than a good melee pair (or magical 1-range). If you need that 75 Spd/100% magical DS, you may want to drop Stahl!Laurent in favor of someone with more Skl, say, Virion!Yarne. You're a few points of Atk above what you need for Anna when doubling, but are tight on Skl, so switch your asset to Spd, can Spd+2 for something else, and get a higher Skl husband. Laurent can fulfill many of the roles Yarne is currently doing for Severa, so they may be a good choice.
  14. You've got 100% Magical DSes. Before spending valuable skill space on multiple +2 skills to get 75 Spd, it's probably a good idea to check if any if the targets you want it for will actually survive without it. Throne Anna has 58 Def/Res. Your Morgan has 89 Atk (Brave Bow) =15 damage, Laurent has 99 Atk (Celica's) =20 damage. Together that's 110 damage- she's going down whether you ave 75 Spd or not. Sounds cool. Are you asking for advice for a future playthrough, wanting me to rate your pairings or...
  15. ^Emphasis being on "if you think the benefits outweigh the opportunity cost"- while there certainly are cases when that +2 Spd could come in handy, they generally won't be as common as cases when Berserker's +7 pairup Str boost and +12 Str cap over Swordmaster would be more helpful. You'd be hard pressed to find a case in Awakening where something is strictly worse in every way than another thing, but there are definitely things that are generally more useful. The main reason Swordmasters are almost nonexistent in Apo teams is that their availability is completely eclipsed by Assassins, who have equal Spd, better Skl, better Str, Bow access, and generally better pairup bonuses.
  16. You're going in without LB and with limited Rallies. That's closer to an extreme challenge run than a fully maxed team (and you're using semirandom pairings and mostly canon classes on top of all that), so you'll need a preparation edge not to get flattened.
  17. I doubt that's Lyn. There are a ton of posters lying around calling her Kiria.
  18. Just watch as someone makes a translation patch before the international release.
  19. Kamui's birth father is slain by enemy king, (s)he's kidnapped and raised by said king as royalty due to some sort of genetic superpower? More like FE5 confirmed.
  20. I'd strongly advise it for any pair that wants to see combat. It's not the end of the world for a pair if they lack it but there is a very steep performance drop-off that starts immediately once you start going under it. Between 59 and 55 Spd, you'll start missing out on a huge amount of doubles- with anything under 55 Spd you'll only be doubling the 5 slowest enemies in the map and regular mooks will begin doubling you back. As little as 51 Spd and you won't be doubling anything. The highest Avo of any mook is 120 (hence 220 being the Hit threshold). The lowest is 98- going more than 23 Hit under that 220 threshold will leave you with imperfect hit on every enemy in the map.
  21. You'll only get Lunatic+/Cas for clearing it and not Lunatic+/Cla, but other than that nothing. And I have a feeling you won't be touching that anyway, so it really doesn't matter.
  22. Then Tiki wouldn't be a thing. Since Gangrel and Aversa are both there but we didn't see any other major FE villains (there was someone with Walhart's headpiece and long hair, but no name), and they're both from Awakening, I doubt they're just randomly (by the/an antagonist) generated villains.
  23. Given their overall popularity as a result of Smash I'm not inclined to disbelieve out main hero is Marth and that red haired guy on his team is Roy.
  24. At 0:49 Tiki's name is written (in english) on some posters with her face. She's definitely in. I'm pretty sure the enemy at 1:05 (that looks like Gangrel's head)'s name is Gangrel, and likewise the enemy at 1:08 is Aversa, though someone better at japanese than me should check to make sure. If they are, you can't deny text.
  25. I don't believe there's such a thing. The infinite version of Ragnell is actually a completely different weapon. Logbook units? Why not just change Morgan's alternate parent pointer to Robin and call it a day?
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