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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Lissa's primary long-term role is to provide magic chip damage after Avatar reclasses and loses Tomes in a team where Miriel isn't being trained. Because Avatar doesn't usually do that for a long time on Normal/full deployment (or to a lesser extent Hard), that role doesn't really exist, and units tend to have enough combined HP to take everything the game has to throw at them with only between chapters and the odd Vulnerary for healing. So yeah, on Normal she isn't that good and never will get anywhere unless you deliberately step back for her to heal every tiny scratch (like the +1 HP from leveling up). Rescue is definitely the way to go if you want to get her up to par postgame (I usually do it on CoY3 because that map has an immobile Boss, is replayable, and gives loot).
  2. Some elaboration on the above: Virion!Severa's three common sets are Wyvern Lord (LB/GF/LF/All+2/Vengeance) with a +3 Spd support (Berserker, Hero etc), Dark Flier (LB/GF/TF/Vengeance/anything) with a Sage support, and Sniper (LB/GF/BF/Vengeance/anything) with a Hero support. Wyvern is her flagship set (which she shares with Lon'qu!Severa) and doubles every enemy in the game with 8 flying Mov and enough Atk to kill pretty much anything regardless of luck. Dark Flier lets her go magical instead, as it's hot-swappable with Wyvern it's a good idea to pair her with someone who can switch between both support roles to increase your team's replayability (Henry!Gerome will work nicely, thanks to having +Hit skills for his Berserker and a +2 Mag mod for his Sage). Without a Dread Fighter pairup she'll be unable to double the three fastest enemies in Apo even with All+2, but the drop in power is pretty big so you may not want to do that. Her Sniper has a very large amount of Skl and can easily reach 100% DS with most +Skl Heroes, as well as doubling everything without All+2 (though you may want it anyway for the +Skl if it gives you 100% DS). Stahl!Yarne is a good partner for this set, having a high Str/Skl Sniper for DS builds. Vaike!Nah is a non-GF lead- your current set for her is pretty good, though she'll want a Brave Axe for when she's supporting. Deliverer is a good candidate for her last skill- the idea with her is to move her, switch, attack + GF, switch back, and let her take the last kill to end with her in front. Kjelle can't get the most out of her GF with Donnel. Even though he's her second best father, she misses so many thresholds Gaius!Kjelle hits that she likely has the widest performance gap in the game between any child's best and second best father (even moreso than Nah and Cynthia- both of them can still find their niches, Kjelle will be perpetually B-tier with Donnel). I would strongly recommend switching to Gaius for her (even though it's set in stone...), and either giving Noire Donnel or no GF. Here's what a potential Gaius!Kjelle would look like: -Wyvern Lord (LB/GF/LF or Astra/Luna/All+2) x Hero/Berserker: a copy of Severa's flagship set with Luna over Vengeance. Considering how good Severa is, this is very useful. -Paladin (LB/GF/LF or SF/Luna/Astra) x Hero/Berserker: same as above, but Paladin's +2 Spd over Wyvern let it swap All+2 for another proc while hitting the same thresholds, in exchange for no flying movement and significantly less Str. You do get a choice of Faires, though. -Assassin (LB/GF/SF/Luna/Astra) x anything: high Skl set for DS builds. With 78 Skl from a neutral pairup, you have an 86.58% chance of getting a proc on each hit, rising to 89.97% with a +3 Skl pairup. You can also swap Swordfaire for All+2 to gain Bow use and a bit more DS/proc rate, if you like. -General (LB/GF/LF/Luna/Astra) x +2 Spd pairup (Paladin/Hero/Berserker/Bow Knight): offers even more Str than Wyvern at the cost of a lot of Mov. Kjelle is fast enough to double everything except the three fastest enemies without All+2 with at least a +2 pairup. Paladin and Bow Knight are good choices to act as ferries, but Hero/Berserker can also be used if even more Str or Skl is desired. Consider Deliverer over Lancefaire or Astra if not paired with a mount, though it lowers your Atk significantly and makes Wyvern an almost purely better choice. Donnel!Kjelle is still perfectly serviceable and can run many similar sets in similar classes, but with the -3 Spd/Skl over Gaius!Kjelle she misses every single one of those Spd thresholds and is no good for DS purposes. She's solidly B tier with no way out.
  3. Now that's a team straight out of yesteryear. Tip: don't trust GameFAQs. From your own argument it sure sounds like Chrom x Sumia is the better option (it is). Chrom x Olivia, in addition to providing only average Lucina and Inigos, tends to force your hand on other pairings by requiring Henry to go on Cynthia. It basically limits a lot of options and tends to telegraph your team into a few other suboptimal pairings. That said, everything there is at least average and won't let you down. Except Fred!Gerome, who is very bad at everything. General Vaike!Nah is quite useful. She also makes a nice Hero, if you really don't like the way Generals look.
  4. Yeah I'll probably be in the chat regardless but odds are 9 in 10 that it'll be unwatchable due to lag.
  5. One side was trash talking and the other got offended. It really shouldn't be an issue though.
  6. Shucks, I was hoping to see the first go but internet won't allow it (out of town for Spring Break). Oh well.
  7. Yes, you really have to restart to get GF on those units (don't use Powersaves). No, it's not worth it if you feel that strongly about putting in another 60 hours. I'd do it anyway. 60 hours is honestly nothing in a game with as much replay value as Awakening, though (there are plenty of us here with over 500 hours). It's definitely good for more playthroughs and I'd recommend doing another even if you were really satisfied with your pairings. If you do reset, at least make sure to research everything more (here), because if you forgot passdowns then there's probably a good deal of other stuff you're overlooking (I see you used Donnel)... Why so salty?
  8. Two procs at 80 Skl lowers your chances of getting nothing from 20% to 4%. That's really good and a lot better than Pavise or Lancebreaker will do you. Vantage is not safe without a lot of prior calcs. Do't use it without a very specific reason.
  9. Switching IDEs can do that too (messing up links), yeah. Do you actually have a full copy of VS Pro or just a trial license? Because the latter will run out and you'll just need to switch again. Edit: Yeti do you know exactly what's missing from Community (other than it not being approved for corporate use)?
  10. Not to derail the topic but in the Awakening section, there's someone who's been doing no DLC Lunatic+/Classic speedruns (sub-3 hours real time), and someone who's finishing up routing for a resetless no Wireless/DLC/deaths run (as in doing the entire thing without ever saving). Just beating it is a cool achievement but nothing that special.
  11. That's probably because some included file/library/whatever didn't get properly linked. Doing that usually messes up large sections of code.
  12. Yeah the US/EU capture card distributor (who is both much cheaper and much higher quality than the JP one) is also not doing installations at the moment so he can work on finishing the XL cards, so even if you wanted to pay up for one they're out of stock.
  13. If it did, it would give the same boost to rear crits as Solidarity. Solidarity's rear crit boost is really noticeable, but I don't notice anything from the A rank crit boost, so I'm inclined to say it doesn't.
  14. If you're looking for something to try next, you may want to mess around with N.Apo for a while. It doesn't get much attention due to not being as hard as Secret, but lacks a couple of key things that in turn make it more receptive to certain challenges: namely, there are no turn limits and no anti-tanking skills (Counter/Luna+). You'll have to use more exotic restrictions than just banning various major stat boosters, though.
  15. Sumia is at the top due to massive Avoid stack early/midgame, easy Galeforce double passdown, very fast support growth and Aether Cynthia late/postgame. Sully gives almost as good of results ingame as Sumia (sometimes better due to giving +Def, Kjelle having an easier paralogue, and being able to reach S even earlier), but is very bad postgame. Maribelle is like an inverse Sully, very lacking/hard to use ingame but almost as good/situationally better than Sumia postgame. Olivia's performance depends entirely on how willing you are to spend 100 turns dancing her to Lv.30 so the children can have good bases- she also has the ingame advantage of having a boy (Maribelle doesn't count due to being bad ingame) who can marry Morgan-F. This actually doesn't change very much with the difficulty.
  16. Cht.5 does play Destiny, yes. I actually have a hard time liking Duty following my first (blind, -Def) charge to the Lunatic+ outrealm gate. Listening to it for hours on Cht.3 is still old.
  17. Lon'qu would go much better on both Brady and Severa, then. I'd advise putting him on one of those.
  18. If you're grinding I'd advise Sol. Gaius's other male exclusive skills are relatively useless, Sol always has applications (outside of Apo, at least). What Tharja passes makes no difference in the long run so use whatever's most convenient at the time (usually Anathema since she comes with it and I don't like training her ingame). Sumia and Stahl can't support. If you're going ingame with no/minimal grinding, Knusperkeks' advice is solid. Postgame/grinding, pass down either Lancefaire or DSp+ anywhere you'd normally pass GF.
  19. Cht.23 has an added gameplay flair over Cht.13? It's like the most open of all open field chapters. And Cht.10's boss lacks a custom head. I like all of Future Past (story), Challenge Pack (music), and Apo (gameplay). I don't care for Par.3 or, to a lesser extent, any of the ST maps where the ally AI actively tries to get itself killed.
  20. It's more helpful everywhere than anything else you'd be using that skillslot for.
  21. I'm noticing a suspicious lack of LB for a DLC team. You'll want/need that on all units. Who's Kjelle's father? A good alternate class for Donnel!Nah would be Valkyrie.
  22. You should ask here instead. This thread is about a pretty specific challenge run, not general play.
  23. Actually I was thinking it would let you skip Barracks and either not do them or give them to someone else (even with Tables' method, getting a boost for two characters at once is still really hard).
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