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About Hunyaks

  • Birthday July 5


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  • Interests
    Video Games
  • Location
    Aperture Science Extended Relaxation Center

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Genealogy of the Holy War

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Hi! I'm not here b/c Annie forced me too

  2. glac wanted me to do this here

  3. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=45992 We of HHH are going to get you to post. Come my friend, you cannot resist us.
  4. Happy Birthday!!!

  5. Hi good friend!

    1. Hunyaks


      hey kiddo! :*

  6. the best thing i can say about awakening is that it finally convinced me i should try a fire emblem games and boy was i missing out on some games i mean. wow other than that, i think the environments and music had to be my favorite parts of the game. i liked the small things happening in the backround of the battles (ie: seeing dogs/cats laying around maps, birds flying around, waTER,,) and while a lot of the music served its purpose as background noise, a lot of the tracks stuck with me even after i finished the game - from chapter 10, don't speak her name immediately comes to mind. and while i agree that after trying some other fire emblem games that this one's plot was lacking, the DLCs had surprisingly good writing and the personalized father-child dialogue in the future past was a pleasant surprise
  7. you say Say'ri's son?? I'm on the way. Name: Len'wa Gender: Male Default Parent: Say'ri Starting Class: Archer Reclass Options: Myrmidon, Wyvern Rider, +Father's classes Background: Following the death of Say'ri and suspected disappearance of Len'wa's father, Len'wa is found on the streets of Chon'sin and placed in a special Valmese orphanage, one that surrounded him with pro-Conqueror propaganda and helped train him to be a valuable part of the Valmese army. He joins the invasion of Ylisse as a talented young archer and is eager to show his promise as a member of the empire, but things begin to go downhill when Grima rises. He is identified during a border conflict by Lucina and convinced to join Ylisse's side when he finds out that his mother was actually a member of the resistance. Roster: Say'ri's son from the future. A bewildered young man with some rather questionable morals. The most gullible. Born on September 18th. Supports: Say'ri - Len'wa attempts to make up for his past mistakes by emulating nearly everything Say'ri does, culminating in him taking a sword to the stomach while covering her, believing his death could avenge his name and country. He doesn't die, obviously, but it manages to scare Say'ri enough to force her to sit him down and seriously talk to him about his past. Father - What begins as an awkward forced-bonding session between Len'wa and his father ends in the usually-calm archer blowing up at the fact that when Say'ri's body was discovered, her husband was nowhere to be found. It takes time for Len'wa's father to explain that he wouldn't have just abandoned his wife and something must have happened to him to prevent them from being together in the end. Sibling - Len'wa will almost (if not always) be considered the older sibling in his sibling supports, wherein he tells his sibling that joining the army was the only way he could think of providing food and shelter for them, especially as next-in-line for Chon'sin's throne. He explains that though he is ashamed by his presence in the army, it was worth it to keep him/her safe. Other Female Children - //insert cool custom supports that i cant write because im a lazy girl with the creativity of a bell pepper Yarne - The two end up talking about Yarne's position as the sole survivor of the taguel race and Len'wa likens it to his being the next-in-line for Chon'sin. The two hit it off rather well, though it becomes obvious that Len'wa is judging him for being such a coward. After all, if a prince can fight in a war for the enemy, why can't a taguel do the same? Yarne argues that his extinction is much more important than a system based on honor, and the two eventually reconcile and continue being friendly. Yen'fay* - Len'wa questions his uncle's honor, citing his betrayal of their country. Yen'fay quickly point out that he's being hypocritical, as Len did exactly the same thing, though on a much smaller scale. The two, despite their feud, eventually realize they aren't so different after all, and Len comes to tolerate him. Barely. Walhart* - It's all about politics and Len trying to get into Walhart's mind and strategy. He probably gets a few wounds for his trouble, but at least some answers finally come to light. Avatar (M)(F) - Most likely begins as an evaluation of Walhart's strategy by someone who is more willing to share information than the Conqueror himself. (*) Assuming they are present/recruited of course ((feel free to correct my reclasses/etc. because I've just been using FE13 to support grind for the past month or so and my memory of the plot is getting a lot more loose aah))
  8. So... I heard you like Eliwood. :D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hunyaks


      ive called everyone my son. roy is no exception

    3. Hunyaks


      do you know how confusing that gets??? thats my son. my husband. my son-husband. it gets worse everyday.

    4. N7隊長ジョン


      Magyars x Roy x Eliwood


  9. I quite liked Say'ri at first. I liked the way she spoke and the different dialogue against the bosses from Valm's arc. Definitely lost whatever potential she had afterward, though. Still upset she can't support with Lon'qu or Yen'fay buuuuut....
  10. Sora 86 Riku 86 Kairi 89 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 52 Aqua 54 Ventus 55 Vanitas 71 Master Eraqus 50 Xemnas 63 Namine 46 Xion 87 Axel 94 Braig 50 Vexen 40 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44
  11. Cleveland, USA, represent! We're basically the laughing stock of the country. We've set our river on fire 13 times.
  12. Sora 86 Riku 86 Kairi 86 Mickey 70 Donald 50 Goofy 53 Roxas 85 Terra 51 Aqua 52 Ventus 51 Vanitas 71 Master Eraqus 50 Xemnas 63 Namine 48 Xion 87 Axel 94 Braig 50 Vexen 48 Saix 9 Lexaeus 49 Zexion 50 Demyx 55 Marluxia 44
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