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Status Updates posted by Gamer7625

  1. Decided to do an overhall on my profile lol

  2. Thanks for the birthday wish :)

  3. Ha yeah speaking of checking Serenes more often I just now checked it in over a year XD but I am glad you know the reason of my name lol

  4. Lol thanks it is awsome XD

  5. Hey Killer, in case you don't remember this is Gamer from Gamefaqs, I know it may take awhile for you to respond but I just wanted to get back in touch somehow

  6. lol it's alright and I apologize for it taking so long to respond, I've found myself busy lately.

  7. Didn't spoil the whole show though.

  8. lol that's from a show called Code Geass

  9. No United States

  10. Oh hm never would've guessed that lol

  11. Nice haha I got done with Sophomore year! Lol 2 more years of high school then college...

  12. Best archer ever!! *adds*

  13. well this is my final week of school thank god! Going to be a Junior soon lol

  14. Luckily this is Finals so I get to relax afterwords

  15. Pretty good overall. You?

  16. Hey long time no speak lol

  17. Lol I odn't mind. Hey!

  18. They were going absolutely fantastic for awhile then was the worst time ever, now it's ok I guess haha. How about you?

  19. hey it's been awhile

  20. least i still have some contact with people I know from Gamefaqs haha

  21. lol thanks Killer!

  22. Yes I am lol. I had to restart it cuz Ike was getting Str screwed so I gave him the Fighter's Band. I am on chapter 6 so I am SOO close to getting Mia which makes me happy haha.

  23. yeah sorry haha got distracted with other things...

  24. Thanks for the birthday wish!

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