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Status Updates posted by Gamer7625

  1. Oh I thought that was what you meant. Sorry XD

  2. You sure you added me?

  3. *Just added for hate of PoR Leathality*

  4. Welcome to the Forums!

  5. Welcome to the forums! Nice Avatar.

  6. Happy Birthday!!

  7. I won't doubt that...

  8. Lol! think my cousin would like to see this. She's a gymnist and (to my knowledge) is a Shawn Jonhson fan

  9. (Double I know but just noticed it) Ypu lost your friend adds...

  10. Whats with the Avatar change?

  11. I would look at the Sacred Stones board my new topic. I think you'll like it...

  12. By chance do you still have the link to my custom sig? I had lost the link and want to put it back up. Till my new one comes up.

  13. Sorry that you lost aall of your creative work...

  14. You really are the Doctor you even regenerated! *Re-adds*

  15. You are Roxas!! I added you when yuo were Ryuzaki.

  16. Annoying how we have to readd friends.

  17. Happy Birthday!!

  18. Well actualy I can kind of build the team but I don't know if the moves are good. Also I don't know the whole EVs and stuff so if thats a problem I apologize.

  19. Nice youtube battle. By any chance may you help me with my team?

  20. Thanks I was wondering. Take your time no need to rush art.

  21. Hey Mushasi I got the Pennsylvania Admin as a friend!

  22. Ah Lord Glenn you may want to check your pending approval of friends list...

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