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Status Updates posted by Gamer7625

  1. Thanks for the birthday wish!

  2. Thanks for the birthday wish!

  3. Thanks for the birthday wish!

  4. Thanks for the birthday wish!

  5. Thanks for the birthday wish!

  6. Thanks for the birthday wish!

  7. Thanks for the birthday wish!

  8. Happy Birthday!

  9. For your very much appreciated help with my playthrough... *adds*

  10. Well my activity has been speratic at beat for awhile so yeah lol

  11. Yeah I showed up to the boared and posted a bit but they didn't seem to care and their plans were just so fucked up so I just left

  12. I actually did show up and did show interest but the newbies didn't seem to care and one of them took my seat...lol

  13. How could I not remember you Killer lol. How'd you find out it was me? Oh happy belated birthday haha

  14. I gotta say my goodbyes. We may not have really talked but you were the user that joined right after me and form the posts I had read of your you were good. So goodbye Roxas...

  15. well I was bad for a large part of last year, but I'm sure you'll be fine.

  16. Quite fantastic actually. This year is starting off to be the best I've had. Wbu?

  17. Hey Musashi been awhile so I figured I'd just say hi!

  18. Seeing as he can use Charge Beam I agree with Thunderbolt. Flamethrower and Ice Beam may not make much sense with him though, plus there is always Hidden Power for them.

  19. I agree! Alakazam FTW!

  20. Alakazam is my favorite Pokemon! He was the first one i ever got to 100.

  21. Wow I read you were leaving. Hope you come back...bye till then

  22. Happy Birthday!

  23. Thanks for the compliment. I also like making new friends so I never refuse anybody that wants it or wants to talk.

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