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Left or Right Brain Oriented?


Brain Orientation?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Which side are you oriented to?

    • Right
    • Left
    • Whole; Slightly Left
    • Whole; Slightly Right
    • Whole

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Well of course brain activity and hemisphere orientation haven't been properly studied, and your brain is very interlinked. No one thought or function is entirely attributed to a hemisphere. Or something.

I'm not sure. If I had to choose I would say I'm more logical in my thinking, I do well at maths and I'm very interested in science. But I'm also good at art and drawing, and I write excellent essays and stories in English. So whatever.

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I thought I was more left-oriented, but recently I've discovered that I have a kickass MP3 player in my head, as well as a whole spiritual side I'd never known was there. I don't remember being bored ever since. At the same time, my logical-ness decreased somewhat, if that's a good way to put it. And my attention span.

I'm not voting yet.

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If we're discussing whether one is more logically-oriented or artistically inclined, I'd have to say that I am a bit of both, but I am more logical. I tend to pick up "right-brain" activities with ease, but then when I do other work I am very orderly and structured, which is typical of "left-brain" individuals.

I really don't want to say that I'm a Jack of all trades, because I'm seriously not, but I can think of things on both sides that I am both terrific at and suck terribly at.

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I don't get the question

Are you left handed or right handed? The left side of your brain controls the right side of your body and vice versa, so if you're right handed and your left hand isn't used for anything that doesn't require 2 hands then you're right brain oriented.

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Are you left handed or right handed? The left side of your brain controls the right side of your body and vice versa, so if you're right handed and your left hand isn't used for anything that doesn't require 2 hands then you're right brain oriented.

Ohhhhh k thanks

Then i'm left brain oriented

Although a little tiny bit right brain oriented

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Right brain also contains your imagination.

Also a reason I might be right brain oriented: I have absolutely no need of porn.

In that case, I think I may be more right brained than left brained.


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Meteor, this isn't Far From the Forest; please try to avoid using images in place of text.

In context of how Esau of Isaac described left versus right brain orientation, I believe I'm more logically oriented. I've an interest in drawing, but I'm not very good at it because I've generally pushed scholarly pursuits over artistic ones.

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My brain is entirely oriented toward the left. And a good thing, too, since it's been proven that right-brainers are all on a slippery slope toward fascism.

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I'm very artistically oriented. I can barely escape a day without some kind of music entering my head at one point or another, I love to take on creative pursuits where my mind is left to wonder (one reason why I'm a Composition major), and I still have an overactive imagination.

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Ahh, I really don't know, I am very much ruled by my emotions (alas my lovelife), but most everything I rule towards logic (ala, if 2+2 isn't equal to 4, I try and figure out where in the hell something is wrong). I also must say I don't have much artistic taste (and is thusly why I will never be rich, lmao)

So, I am mostly Left-sided. Though, I do have to say there was a point made earlier - Brain Hemispheres aren't a proven fact, and it's also not proven we always use the same hemispheres. Good topic, though.


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