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Mythic Hero Battle- Veyle: Gentle Dragon


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I'd like to try this with the dragon team, but it's hard to find time to experiment these days...

I got wind Catria to +10! I need to give her a Rearmed bow, but her default bow is already good.


Managed to do it with the Lilith and Grima team when I was watching anime. Not too bad!


Edited by GuiltyLove
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This is quite an easy map. I considered using Winter Marth, but it was not needed.

@GuiltyLove Congrats on finishing Wind Catria! This month should be a good one to grab Arcane Bows, since Alcryst is in the Mythic Banner and Tana should be in one of the Remix banners. I feel like Arcane Darkbow is a better pick to someone as fast as her, but Tana also has Guidance 4 to pass to her alongside Arcane Náströnd. Although, considering the teams you use her, Soaring Guidance is the better pick.

About the clears, the Macedon team had to problem here. I thought you would be saving Catria's Deadeye to Veyle, but I can see that was not needed.
And the dragons did great as well. the warping from both Liliths were very useful!

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8 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

I would like to get the bow from Alcryst, but I don't trust my luck on these banners. I'm still saving up orbs, but I'll pull for Alcryst if he appears in a Forging Bonds rerun

Considering how strong that banner is, with 2 Rearmed Heroes, I believe it should win the Forging Bonds revival poll it appears.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@GuiltyLove Great clear, Vantage Palla is still so useful and Spring Maria tanks a bunch. And congrats on +10 Wind Catria, she looks awesome! I hope I can get at least a one off copy of her when she returns, she's the only Whitewing alt I'm missing. Her bow is also really cool so I kinda would like to give it to Rearmed Tana.

On 11/3/2023 at 12:53 PM, Diovani Bressan said:

Tana should be in one of the Remix banners.


Nice clear! Young Marth being able to dispatch that bulky armor with no trouble opened up the rest of the map. Well done!

This map wasn't too hard, but it's a little annoying when they put these insanely tanky green Near Saves in range of basically every enemy since I only have blue units that can Galeforce. The other enemies on this map are all really squishy too making it hard to get Galeforce off on them while still being strong enough to take down the boss, but luckily Veyle's C-skill actually helps me more than it helps them in this case.


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Whoops. I completely forgot to post my clear.

Damage reduction is still a annoying pain, but other then that it was a fairly easy map. I believe I needed a litle puzzling to beat the first two mages and after that it was relatively smooth sailing. This time Soren was there to play babysitter.

@BoaFerox oh nice clear. That green fridge certainly did't seem very tanky, when bombarded with fruits. Its also been a while since i've seen the flag lance.

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