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Rate mah beard


26 members have voted

  1. 1. My beard's win level.

    • Ebenezer Scrooge!!
    • Grizly Adams!!
    • Crack Dealer Jones!!
    • Hiker Gatrie would like to battle!!
    • meh...
    • its ok
    • clam chowder
    • porkchops!!
    • WTH GATRIE??????

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And I wouldn't say that Lettuce is a good example of maturity, because then I would be a dirty liar and I'm honest.

Seriously, why the fuck did you post this? Lyle didn't do a damn thing to deserve an underhanded attack like this! Enjoy your official warning, bud. I better not see this sort of idiocy from you again.

No need to curse :o

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I could grow one much thicker at 15.

Yeah, some ethnic groups are just hairier than others.

As for Gatrie, you should probably wait a year or two until you can grow a bit more than a neckbeard. With your light hair, you're definitely better off to stay cleanshaven for the time being at least.

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The beard also doesn't complement the hair on top of your head very well. Looks ugly :/

That's only because there's something screwed up with his head hair in the picture. The lighting almost makes it look like he has highlights. Not to mention that he needs a haircut.

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Ahh yes... 17... when I really actually had to give a crap about whether I was shaven or not (as it was against the rules of the school to grow a beard or have any facial hair to compete with the teachers because they were insecure *cough*).

I had small growth, but it was everywhere (save up near my cheekbones, it kinda went from my sideburns, under my jaw, then back up to a goatee). You'd definitely look better shaven though probably (not an expert), not sure chicks dig the 'chops. Of course, it depends on the girl... one of my girlfriends dug the mountain man look, the other required I be clean shaven or she wouldn't even kiss me -_-;;. Most I find like the day or two after I shave, not sure why that is exactly, though, haha.

Happy facegrowth :P.


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That's only because there's something screwed up with his head hair in the picture. The lighting almost makes it look like he has highlights. Not to mention that he needs a haircut.

Yeah, it's more of the fact he needs a haircut. And his beard isn't all of the way around either :/

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