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2024 Resplendent Wishlist

Magenta Fantasies

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The next Resplendent Hero is Nidavellir Seth:








I could not tell that it was Nidavellir until I read the description. While the armor has a slightly different design, the only major difference from his original design is that the clothing under his armor and his waist cape were replaced with Nidavellir's bodysuit material. I think they could have stylized the armor a bit more, like adding the rivets that are abundant on the Gullinbursti designs.


In terms of stats, Seth is still horribly outclassed. With the Resplendent bonuses, he has 44+/39/38/39/29, which is still really bad. Other than his Res, he's almost strictly worse than non-Resplendent Sigurd, who has 46-/40/37/39/22-. His default weapon also does him no favors, as it only has Triangle Adept 3 and Spd Tactic 3 on it, so he's essentially stuck running Arcane Eljudnir and still being underwhelming with it.


So we finally get our first Nidavellir outfit for this calendar year after an 8-month gap from the last one. But we still don't have a single female Nidavellir outfit or a male Alfheimr outfit either.

  1. Nifl Ilyana
  2. Askr Brave Veronica
  3. Hel Soren
  4. Embla Brave Celica
  5. Embla Selena
  6. Nifl Brave Hector
  7. Jotunheimr Hana
  8. Muspell Black Knight
  9. Muspell Male Grima
  10. Dokkalfheimr Camilla
  11. Vanaheimr Ayra
  12. Ljosalfheimr Hinoka
  13. Nifl Helpful Chrom
  14. Nidavellir Seth

On the bright side, with Seth getting a Resplendent outfit, this means every pre-CYL-1 Sacred Stones unit (other than Valter) now has a Resplendent outfit (even if that's only 6 units).

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Seth looks great. He looks exactly like he should've always looked since the beginning of the game. His armor just looks like his default FE8 appearance. What about this makes it Nidavellir?

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2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

What about this makes it Nidavellir?

He's wearing a Nidavellir bodysuit under the armor, and his waist cape is also ribbed in the same way.

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I’m glad I’m not the only one who had to read the description to tell what Seth’s theme was. Honestly, his outfit doesn’t look very different from his original.

We’re receiving a lot of sword-wielding Resplendents this year (but unfortunately none of them are characters on my list…*sigh*) So far, seven, exactly half, of the 2024 Resplendent characters wield swords. Earlier this year we had two consecutive sword infantry (Resplendent CYL Celica and Selena) and now we have two sword cavalry back to back.

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10 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

He's wearing a Nidavellir bodysuit under the armor, and his waist cape is also ribbed in the same way.

6 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

The gear emblem detail too, in the chest's cords.


I can see it now, but if you told me this was just FE8 Seth and not a resplendent I would've totally believed that.

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Seth wasn't on my list, but I'm really happy to see him getting a Resplendent. Especially since the art is so good! I don't mind when a character's new art is so similar to the previous art, especially when it's a definite improvement like this is. Seth looks fantastic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

At long last (almost a year after her Fates double Rhajat,) Resplendent Tharja is coming! Ljosalfheimr is one of the last themes I expected for her, but I like it more than I thought I would. Light pink actually looks decent on Tharja, and her dialogue is funny. 

This means that (so far) I’ve checked off three characters on my checklist this year: Soren, Camilla and Tharja. Last year I only had two, female Corrin and Shigure.

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I hate that Tharja is a fairy.

Her look-alike, Rhajat, was also a fairy.

This is almost the equivalent of giving any of the brave units the same nation as their base self.

And no, I don't think it really matters if technically Tharja and Rhajat aren't the same nation because one's dark fairy and the other is light fairy (I don't remember which fairy Rhajat is and I don't care) because aside from color palette there isn't enough of a difference for it to matter. Fairy is still fairy. They have wings and flowers and shit, which other countries don't have.

Just let some dudes be fairies so that not every other girl gets saddled with this theme.

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I guess Ljosalfheimr Tharja is next:








It's nice to have another Ljosalfheimr outfit that isn't entirely light colors and also one where you can still see the main elements of the original outfit design.


Tharja's stats are actually usable, which makes sense since she was the premier red tome unit at launch. With maximum Dragonflowers and the Resplendent boost, she has 47-/40/42/31/28. It's not the most impressive stat spread and is pretty handily beaten by Hayato and Desert Tormod, but you can at least work with it.

In particular, while her exclusive weapon is pretty outdated by current standards, it still has value in being Raudhrblade without its drawback with Atk/Spd Rein 3 as its refine effect. Since high Atk is fairly common among red tomes, her base Atk stat ends up actually being rather low in comparison, so having the Raudhrblade effect to make up for it is at least nice to have and gives her a reason to keep her exclusive weapon over switching to Arcane Eclipse, which everyone else has access to.


So far this year, we now have:

  1. Nifl Ilyana
  2. Askr Brave Veronica
  3. Hel Soren
  4. Embla Brave Celica
  5. Embla Selena
  6. Nifl Brave Hector
  7. Jotunheimr Hana
  8. Muspell Black Knight
  9. Muspell Male Grima
  10. Dokkalfheimr Camilla
  11. Vanaheimr Ayra
  12. Ljosalfheimr Hinoka
  13. Nifl Helpful Chrom
  14. Nidavellir Seth
  15. Ljosalfheimr Tharja

I do wish we got a slightly larger gap between this one and the previous Ljosalfheimr outfit, though. Ljosalfheimr is currently right at the middle of the list, going from tied for 6th out of 10 with Dokkalfheimr to being tied for 5th with Askr. Meanwhile, Nidavellir and Vanaheimr are still sitting with less than half the number of units.

I hope we get at least one more each of Nidavellir and Vanaheimr before the end of the year.

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A post on the FEH sub-Reddit reminded me that this was an actual Tharja quote:

"May the gods strike me where I stand if they ever catch me wearing pink."
-Source: Tharja and Olivia's Summer Scramble conversation in Awakening's DLC

But hey, Tharja will do anything if she thinks it'll help her win Robin over, I guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The next Resplendent has been announced a day early, and it will be Haar. Some time ago, I said that we were due for another GHB Resplendent, and here we are.

I could copy and paste my opinion of Resplendent Seth here. I’m happy to see more Nidavellier-themed outfits, but I had to look back and forth between Haar’s original Heroes art and this art to see the differences. At least the Nidavellier theme is a little more obvious here. Seth and Haar are also both characters who many people love, but I personally don’t care about or use.

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Nidavellir Haar is next:








Now, the art is good, but once again, but once again, I couldn't tell it was Nidavellir until I read the description and then specifically looked for Nidavellir elements. Is it too much to ask for the more strongly themed outfits like the earlier Nidavellir Resplendent Heroes?


Haar is now the second-most recently released unit to receive a Resplendent outfit, which means he not only has a much better stat spread than most other Resplendent Heroes with 52/44/32/43/25 with maximum Dragonflowers, but he also has a better refined weapon, which is a Meister weapon with +5 Atk/Def, ~9 flat damage reduction based on his Def, and the Guard effect and replaces his weakness to bows with a weakness to blue tomes.

Unfortunately, he can't reliably run Wyvern Rift with his default weapon due to the fact that it grants zero net Spd+Def, putting it 10 points behind most modern weapons and 16 points behind most modern refined weapons. While most units don't run the combination of Spd/Def in the A slot, which would allow Haar to make up for some of the deficit by having his A skill contribute to both stats instead of only 1, it still puts him at a disadvantage for activating Wyvern Rift's effects and costs him valuable Atk that he's also short on due to the weapon only having 10 Mt. Wyvern Rift is viable if he switches to an Arcane weapon, though.

His default weapon granting flat damage reduction means that he's best suited for Guard Bearing 4 in the B slot, though he could also run Flow Refresh 4, Brash Assault 4, or Quick Riposte 4 for less percentage damage reduction in exchange for additional skill effects.



As mentioned, Haar is now the second-most recently released unit to receive a Resplendent outfit, after Ilyana, which means I can finally extend the range of known eligible Resplendent Hero candidates to include the first 3 Beast banners. (But I'm feeling lazy right now, so I'll do it later.)

So far this year, we now have:

  1. Nifl Ilyana
  2. Askr Brave Veronica
  3. Hel Soren
  4. Embla Brave Celica
  5. Embla Selena
  6. Nifl Brave Hector
  7. Jotunheimr Hana
  8. Muspell Black Knight
  9. Muspell Male Grima
  10. Dokkalfheimr Camilla
  11. Vanaheimr Ayra
  12. Ljosalfheimr Hinoka
  13. Nifl Helpful Chrom
  14. Nidavellir Seth
  15. Ljosalfheimr Tharja
  16. Nidavellir Haar

Still no female Nidavellir units or male Alfheimr units.

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Good art for Haar, but again not someone on my list. And he's not a recent unit by any means, but he's definitely closer to Ilyana in terms of recency, and I don't know how to feel about that. I'd have preferred Camus, Navarre, Joshua, or some other older Grail first.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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On 8/9/2024 at 9:00 PM, Fire Emblem Fan said:

And he's not a recent unit by any means, but he's definitely closer to Ilyana in terms of recency, and I don't know how to feel about that. I'd have preferred Camus, Navarre, Joshua, or some other older Grail first.

He's only 4 months more recent than the previous second-most recent unit (Aversa). And still almost a year and a half (17 months) behind Ilyana.

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19 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

He's only 4 months more recent than the previous second-most recent unit (Aversa). And still almost a year and a half (17 months) behind Ilyana.

Right, so like I said, he's close to Ilyana. Our first Book III unit (Haar is the first Book III, to be clear, not Ilyana).

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6 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Right, so like I said, he's close to Ilyana. Our first Book III unit (Haar is the first Book III, to be clear, not Ilyana).

I have no idea how Haar is at all "close" to Ilyana.

The distance between release and Haar is 26 months. The distance between Haar and Ilyana is 17 months.

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3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I have no idea how Haar is at all "close" to Ilyana.

The distance between release and Haar is 26 months. The distance between Haar and Ilyana is 17 months.

Haar is the second-newest unit to get a Resplendent, behind only Ilyana. Compared to someone like Leo, who was here at launch and is STILL waiting. He's closer to Ilyana in that regard. That's all I was saying, nothing else, it's not that deep.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was pleasantly surprised to see another early Resplendent announcement. This time, it’s Rebecca. I’m lukewarm about her, but still happy to see her get a Resplendent. Rebecca has been in Heroes since shortly after it launched, and her Resplendent art is both cute and a definite improvement.

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What's this? I can finally scratch someone else from my list? Huzzah!

I'm extremely happy to see Rebecca finally get a Resplendent. She's needed it for ages now. She looks great! Definite art improvement.

1. Hector: Brave Warrior
2. Joshua: Tempest King
3. Finn: Lance of Legend
4. Lyon: Shadow Prince
5. Nino: Pale Flower
6. Kaze: Easygoing Ninja
7. Camus: Sable Knight
8. Lewyn: Guiding Breeze
9. Nanna: Nordion Princess
10. Mist: Helpful Sister
11. Catria: Middle Whitewing
12. Klein: Silver Nobleman
13. Lissa: Sprightly Cleric
14. Cherche: Wyvern Friend
15. Tobin: The Clueless One
16. Clair: Highborn Flier
17. Gray: Wry Comrade
18. Ayra: Astra's Wielder
19. Canas: Widsom Seeker
20. Leo: Sorcerous Prince
21. Stahl: Viridian Knight
22. Boey: Skillful Survivor
23. Rebecca: Wildflower
24. Bartre: Fearless Warrior

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I wish they didn't keep doing these early so that I can better set aside time to do these posts. Next is Jotunheimr Rebecca:








I'm probably the only person that actually liked her original shoujo-manga-esque art, and I'm a bit sad to switch it out, but I do like the design of the Jotun outfit. I think my only real complaint is that the orange on the bandana kind of looks out of place because of how bright it is, and the other orange parts with the same color are easy to miss due to their proximity to the red sash. I think making the other orange parts a bit more conspicuous would make it feel a bit more balanced.


Rebecca is pretty outdated at this point, even with her Resplendent boosts, having 45+/37-/42/29/35- with maximum Dragonflowers, as this puts her pretty handily behind Leonardo, who has a similar 41-/45+/43-/27-/37 that gives up a few points of HP and Def for higher Spd and Res and much higher Atk. She also falls much farther behind the strictly offensive Dorothy in the 4-star pool with her 48/45+ offenses and Groom Alcryst from the Grail shop with his 45-/47+ offenses.

Her default weapon also does her no favors, as its effect is strictly worse than an Arcane weapon, granting only the Slaying effect and +4 to all stats, meaning she's at best only even with any other infantry bow in terms of skills.


Regardless, I'm glad we have another Jotunheimr outfit. This is only the second one this year, with the last one being Hana back in April:

  1. Nifl Ilyana
  2. Askr Brave Veronica
  3. Hel Soren
  4. Embla Brave Celica
  5. Embla Selena
  6. Nifl Brave Hector
  7. Jotunheimr Hana
  8. Muspell Black Knight
  9. Muspell Male Grima
  10. Dokkalfheimr Camilla
  11. Vanaheimr Ayra
  12. Ljosalfheimr Hinoka
  13. Nifl Helpful Chrom
  14. Nidavellir Seth
  15. Ljosalfheimr Tharja
  16. Nidavellir Haar
  17. Jotunheimr Rebecca

Jotunheimr is still stuck as the third least-used outfit type at 2 units behind Dokkalfheimr of all things and is only trailed by Nidavellir and Vanaheimr.

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At first I thought she looked younger or something. Now I just think she kinda looks like regular Nino.

Too bad Rebecca's stats are still pretty bad.

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2 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Given the original design was made really ugly due to the presence of bizarre bug eyes Rebecca certainly needed the update. But so do Mae and Raigh who are in no less need of an upgrade and are still left waiting. 

I'd say Mae's art is far better than Rebecca's, though, she hasn't been in as much of a need as Rebecca in that department.

And IS just seems to dislike SoV for some reason, which stinks. I'd love to see more SoV content.

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