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Nephenee = Wishblade... ALL THE TIME

Soren = Excalibur

Ilyana = Rexbolt (duh)

Always use Haar, Nephenee, Soren and Ilyana (almost always anyway)

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I usually give Boyd 3 or 4 levels in the first two chapters then I give him a speedwing in 3-2. I set him loose on the field with steel poleaxes and handaxes and just watch him destroy everyone. Boyd is a dominant force in my game. Sometimes I let Haar, Ike, and a few others join in the action but Boyd usually takes out half of the level by himself. I try to use all the GMs, Nephenee and Haar in part 3. After seeing all the destruction he brings, there is no way in hell I'm going to stop using him. He's my star character and leads the team to countless victories.

I use BOTH Rhys and Mist in part 3. Even though the GMs don't really need healing, I like having them on the field anyways. I always make sure every character is as close to max HP as possible so I got these two running around healing little scratches.

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  • Use only a few units of the Fail Brigade.
  • Recruit everyone, even Oliver.
  • Never use Laguz units, except the Herons. Or at least minimize the use of the forced ones.

Edited by Lightsworn Angel
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* I gave Mist Alondite.

* Avoid Nephenee like the plague. I dislike her for whatever reason.

* Recruit everyone, even Oliver.

* Avoid using laguz for the most part, aside from herons.

* For whatever reason, I could care less about Urvan, the Vague Katti, Balberith, or Rexcalibur. (In other words, I don't use them in Endgame.)

* Avoid using the royals in Endgame.

* Avoid using Jill. For whatever reason, I never could bring myself to like her.

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Use Nephenee even if she's not going to endgame/part of my run.

Have at least one EarthxEarth support for endgame.

Have Micaiah finish Dheginsea and Lehran.

Raise my Dawn Brigade units to be better than the Greil Mercenaries, usually four at a time. I've killed all the GM's on 3-13 once, normal mode.

Map Mist and Boyd so I can get a Spirit Dust at 3-E and look at Mist's hawtness.

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Boss abuse so all beorcs are third tier and Laguz can use their Satori Sign. ( I did that once )

Some weird supports, like Zihark x Shinon ( my 2 favorite units in FE 9 ) and Tormod x Sanaki ( the pyromaniac kids of doom )

Trying to get most paired endings.

Disarm and steal as much as possible.

My core team in Endgame remains the same: Zihark, Stefan, Volke, Shinon, Nolan, Soren, Tormod and Pelleas.

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*Always give Naesala and Leanne at least B-level support

*Recurit everyone but Oliver try to recurit Sephiran, but sometimes I simply don't mind

*Make Micaiah good in part 1, then... coughdon'tuseheranymorecough

*Always give Adept to Marcia if I am to use her during my current pt, of course

*Never trade the blessed weapons between the characters in the final endgame

*ALWAYS sulk since you never find out about when and how Tibarn forgives Naesala

Edited by xanatha
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I try to kill every member of the opposing team when facing the DB. I've killed Ike and Soren once too. There was something extremely satisfying about watching Zihark astra Soren to death, and then watch as he did the same to Edward in the next chapter.

I've even defeated Nailah once. But it took like 6 guys. And 5 of them used ranged attacks.

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*Make Micaiah good in part 1, then... coughdon'tuseheranymorecough

I gotta stop doing this too. But she has to be good enough to survive 1-9. I guess the BK could rescue her then I wouldn't need to train her.

I avoid using laguz royals as much as possible since they're broken and don't gain much exp.

Don't use laguz cause they gain little to no exp, have transformation issues, and can't counter ranged attacks (howl, quickclaw, and maelstrom don't activate enough, shriek sucks)

Don't use any of the forced characters except Ike, Elincia, Geoffrey and Micaiah ONLY for healing, Reyson in endgame

Only train a few DB members cause I don't care about them much as characters

On defeat boss chapters, I don't kill the boss until all other enemies have been killed (Dheginsea, Sephiran, and the boss of 3-2 are exceptions)

I send the allies in 3-13 down to battle the GMs and watch their asses get kicked

Never send the DB to battle the GMs cause I don't have the patience to make them as high and I like the GMs more

Sell all skills and weapons that I won't be using in endgame

Max out my characters' inventories

Avoid forging until endgame

Avoid bexp until part 4

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You can't rescue Micaiah with the BK in 1-9. She won't let him.

Damn, that sucks. Now I have to make sure she's strong enough to survive that chapter. I usually get her to 20 in part 1 then use her as a healer for the rest of the game. Why does she have to be so slow (35 speed growth)? She's supposed to be leading her team to victory.

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Damn, that sucks. Now I have to make sure she's strong enough to survive that chapter. I usually get her to 20 in part 1 then use her as a healer for the rest of the game. Why does she have to be so slow (35 speed growth)? She's supposed to be leading her team to victory.

I've only done this on easy mode, but at least it works there:

Simply place Micaiah in the bottom right hand corner and the black knight one or tow spaces over her.

That stratergy has never failed me.

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Damn, that sucks. Now I have to make sure she's strong enough to survive that chapter. I usually get her to 20 in part 1 then use her as a healer for the rest of the game. Why does she have to be so slow (35 speed growth)? She's supposed to be leading her team to victory.

You can try replicating this. It's 1-9 without Micaiah seeing any battle action because she's level 2 or 3.

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Killing the BK with Urvan. Using the weapon that his dad used to fight him just seems so awesome and makes the whole revenge aspect of it much more satisfying. To do this, I gave Ike the discipline skill in 4-4 and he got to SS right towards the end (I didn't know that I can use Urvan in my first playthrough, so this was on my hard playthrough. Helps when there's no weapon triangle when fighting the BK too.)


Oh and using Brom's disarm+Heather's theivery skills to steal a Venin Lance in Part 2. Only way to get a Venin weapon!

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