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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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3 hours ago, Shinori said:

Even if I double backed on my rapier read day 2 briefly.

I was really hoping weapons would roll scum so the game would end without a day 3 actually happening, but alas Rapier was #2 on my shooting target priority.  Please don't be snike.

From the way I see it, if me or Snike doesn't flip scum on a lynch, the other will be shot anyway. Others have a solid alibi confirmed by people who interacted with them.

imo D3 doesn't get more conclusive than this, so the lynch choice (whether me or Snike) doesn't seem to matter much.

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I'm going to bed soon, @Ichigo should claim when he gets back.

Update on claims:
Shinori: Vig (shot Cam N1, Weapons N2) - Role confirmed by Marth
Boron: Doc (doc'd Perci N1, Shinori N2) - Role confirmed by BBM
Marth: Tracker (tracked Shinori visiting Cam N1, Rad visiting no one N2) - Role confirmed by Shinori
BBM: Voyeur (No one visited Prims N1, Shinori was doc'd N2) - Role confirmed by Boron
Makaze: Governor
j00: Communication Inventor (Gave Neighbor to j00 N1, used on Shinori D2, activated N2, gave Radicate Announcer N2) - Role confirmed by Radicate, Shinori can confirm when he gets back
Rapier: Vanilla
Snike: Vanilla
Radicate: Vanilla

Radicate cleared by Marth (unless there's a 5th scum, very unlikely). Boron is cleared by BBM. Shinori is cleared by Marth. 

My PoE:
Marth and BBM unlikely to be scum based on outed info and actions.
Makaze, Ichigo(Prims) and j00 unlikely to be scum based on Refa push.
Snike unlikely to be scum based on Dusk push.

I prefer eliminating Rapier today, but want to wait for Ichigo to claim first.

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Automated Votecount

Snike (2): Rapier (15), Makaze (39)
Rapier (1): Shinori (48)
Not voting (7): WeaponsofMassConstruction (13), BBM (12), Bluedoom (28), Sunwoo (25), RADicate (22), Snike (22), j00 (34)



Page 73:
#1825: Shinori voted for Rapier

Page 76:
#1900: Rapier voted for Snike

Page 77:
#1902: Makaze voted for Snike

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Yeah, there's no doubt in my mind Snike is scum, although obviously from my pov it's easier since I know I'm town and Radicate's yet another VT who was cleared by j00. I also don't know how I can defend myself since it seems I'm being voted due to PoE as one of the guys who were left out. I don't mind dying since the next shot goes for the other guy who's 99% scum, so I don't care to defend myself.

gg wp boys

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1 hour ago, j00 said:

I'm going to bed soon, @Ichigo should claim when he gets back.

Update on claims:
Shinori: Vig (shot Cam N1, Weapons N2) - Role confirmed by Marth
Boron: Doc (doc'd Perci N1, Shinori N2) - Role confirmed by BBM
Marth: Tracker (tracked Shinori visiting Cam N1, Rad visiting no one N2) - Role confirmed by Shinori
BBM: Voyeur (No one visited Prims N1, Shinori was doc'd N2) - Role confirmed by Boron
Makaze: Governor
j00: Communication Inventor (Gave Neighbor to j00 N1, used on Shinori D2, activated N2, gave Radicate Announcer N2) - Role confirmed by Radicate, Shinori can confirm when he gets back
Rapier: Vanilla
Snike: Vanilla
Radicate: Vanilla

Radicate cleared by Marth (unless there's a 5th scum, very unlikely). Boron is cleared by BBM. Shinori is cleared by Marth. 

My PoE:
Marth and BBM unlikely to be scum based on outed info and actions.
Makaze, Ichigo(Prims) and j00 unlikely to be scum based on Refa push.
Snike unlikely to be scum based on Dusk push.

I prefer eliminating Rapier today, but want to wait for Ichigo to claim first.


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1 minute ago, Ichigo said:

Hey the 3 dead townies all had power roles. Is this too much power or is this normal?

SF is pretty high power role madness in my experience

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yeah i figured

##Vote: @Snike 

I think this is a bit more likely, so we do this and if the game doesn't end then shoot rapier and track ichigo for good measure

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1 hour ago, j00 said:

I'm going to bed soon, @Ichigo should claim when he gets back.

Update on claims:
Shinori: Vig (shot Cam N1, Weapons N2) - Role confirmed by Marth
Boron: Doc (doc'd Perci N1, Shinori N2) - Role confirmed by BBM
Marth: Tracker (tracked Shinori visiting Cam N1, Rad visiting no one N2) - Role confirmed by Shinori
BBM: Voyeur (No one visited Prims N1, Shinori was doc'd N2) - Role confirmed by Boron
Makaze: Governor
j00: Communication Inventor (Gave Neighbor to j00 N1, used on Shinori D2, activated N2, gave Radicate Announcer N2) - Role confirmed by Radicate, Shinori can confirm when he gets back
Rapier: Vanilla
Snike: Vanilla
Radicate: Vanilla

Radicate cleared by Marth (unless there's a 5th scum, very unlikely). Boron is cleared by BBM. Shinori is cleared by Marth. 

My PoE:
Marth and BBM unlikely to be scum based on outed info and actions.
Makaze, Ichigo(Prims) and j00 unlikely to be scum based on Refa push.
Snike unlikely to be scum based on Dusk push.

I prefer eliminating Rapier today, but want to wait for Ichigo to claim first.

So the top 4 here seem to be town based on claims, yeah?

Marth and BBM saw their info before the other half of it was claimed?

What does Governor do?

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If Marth is clear they are going to have to shoot the doc and then the tracker in that order unless they have a way around it. And Rad would be clear

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this is honestly a relatively low-power game by SF standards

hijacker and SG just 1x, and backup isn't really a role in itself, just lets one of the PRs stick around longer. tracker and voyeur are relatively low power investigative roles, communicator is just kind of around. unlimited vig is kind of crazy but thats it

fwiw i also think in a 16p game you can only have so many vanillas cuz if you get unlucky and town loses 1-2 PRs early it becomes pretty hard

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doc on vig right? there's not that many scum left and in 9/1 we still have two misvigs + vig potentially being able to win mylo if that ever becomes a thing

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If the game isn't over after the D3 lynch, don't think it's particularly useful to tell me who to target since ... I mean, there would be one scum left who would know what we're telling people to do.

Honestly, I'm just gonna wing it if the game's not over and force the remaining scum to guess.

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If you can, the best doc options are vig, tracker in that order. Saving the tracker tonight is the best because then we get 2 results: the vig flip and the track result

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I really doubt snike is scum based on yesterday interactions.  If people are gonna vote them then so be it but I'm just gonna not move my vote off Rapier and frankly order doesn't matter so how about we all just go here so it'll be easier to hammer!

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1 hour ago, Rapier said:

Yeah, there's no doubt in my mind Snike is scum, although obviously from my pov it's easier since I know I'm town and Radicate's yet another VT who was cleared by j00. I also don't know how I can defend myself since it seems I'm being voted due to PoE as one of the guys who were left out. I don't mind dying since the next shot goes for the other guy who's 99% scum, so I don't care to defend myself.

gg wp boys

Also this post gave me the vibes of 'defeated scum'.  That could be conf-bias but it tonally reads so much different than all of snike's posts and the PoE does have other people potentially outside of rapier/snike that it has the chance to be.

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4 minutes ago, Shinori said:

Also this post gave me the vibes of 'defeated scum'.  That could be conf-bias but it tonally reads so much different than all of snike's posts and the PoE does have other people potentially outside of rapier/snike that it has the chance to be.

Defeated scum could just concede the game lol

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True, but hardly ever do our scum players actually concede.  It happened in EO3 and it happened in that other game where it was multi-ball and I 'claimed' that prims was the other scum as scum and prims surrendered there too.  I don't really remember where else this has happened.

Could say since the game HASNT ended it's not amongst snike or rapier in which case this game gets harder but.


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Lynch one of snike/rapier 

Vig the other and track ichigo

If it still isn't game over by then we talk about wifom. Alternatively the track is on makaze i guess but lol

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If this game isn't Rapier/Snike I just want to state that:

Marth/BBM are not clear based on claims, their claims are proven true but not clear, and even though I don't think their claims are scum sided, That's always there as an option come later.

We have enough misslynches though that I think it's ALMOST impossible for wolf to win the game unless it's one of like very specific people.

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Historically, scum!Snike has conceded as the last scum in a multi-ball game.

Marth and SB also once conceded as 2/4 of the remaining scum team because they couldn't get enough mislynches to win.

Junko and I've conceded as 2/3 of the remaining scum team because we didn't have enough mislynches to win and the entire scum team was too busy to contribute.

Meanwhile, Rapier has (to my knowledge) never conceded a game. Even after his entire scum team exploded within the first two days in Guitar.

Take that as you will, I guess?

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Scum!Snike also conceded in EO3 which wasn't multiball in a very similar situation where they were the last scum and the game had been cracked open like an egg there as well.

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