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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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I guess, charlie, when you get on, I'd like an explanation for why you don't want to lynch the 5 people you listed. What I can understand from that list is also that you find Prims,Weapons and Snike to be unlikely mafia at this point despite their interactions. Tbh just thinking about this I really think all these points should be directing you at a makaze vote, given that Prims has a makaze read, makaze is voting me, Makaze puts these two of the 5 in the elimination pool and is considering weapons in the elimination pool. A lot of conflict in reads here between you and makaze.


I guess my problem is that your reads list on page..14 or 15? where you have 5 people you'd not want to lynch and the only two you're confident in are Rapier and Elieson. That's the kinda list I'd expect a well positioned scum to make. How do you feel about town!j00 voting Refa? Rapier/Makaze pursuits are fine in vaccuum given that they're voting me who you don't want to lynch, but it really feels like you should be voting Makaze here given your reads. What is your read on BBM? He has weapons on his scumlist and and was casing Snike,both of whom you are presumably townreading? I find it hard to believe that the biggest lead besides Rapier here is Elieson. I'm sure there's something to be seen in Boron/Refa/BBM which isn't happening here and looks off to me.




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I don't think it's fair to say that I have only focused on BBM; I have tried to focus on other things and have engaged with others directly, but everyone keeps going back and asking me to update about BBM.

@Refa I may have just found out what was bothering me. It feels like you are being uncharitable with your reads. You have consistently (I may have a bad memory) listed both good and bad points about people, and then sided with the bad. Your case about me just now was an extreme example, but it's not the only one. Pretty much every bullet point in that wall seems like you decided who was town ahead of time and then made up some arguments to justify it. i.e.When someone has a case that you disagree with you do the same thing, and ultimately you end up choosing what you were going to end up anyway, and it feels like a performance.

On top of that, our reads are almost polar opposites, and that is not what I expect from someone of your caliber

Entertain me for a bit. Who on my wagon is the most suspicious?

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Automated Votecount

Makaze (4): Refa (46), Prims (50), Sunwoo (76), Elieson (6)
Bluedoom (4): Rapier (64), Percivalé (16), Snike (34), Makaze (182)
WeaponsofMassConstruction (3): BBM (48), j00 (40), Shinori (110)
Rapier (2): WeaponsofMassConstruction (64), charlie_ (34)
charlie_ (1): Bluedoom (76)
Not voting (2): BT. (14), CT075 (14)

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Just now, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

@Makaze how would you play differently as scum (i know you hate this question lol)

I would probably be making fancier plays and hoping that even more wackiness would keep me alive

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Automated Votecount

Makaze (4): Refa (46), Prims (50), Sunwoo (76), Elieson (6)
Bluedoom (4): Rapier (64), Percivalé (16), Snike (34), Makaze (186)
WeaponsofMassConstruction (3): BBM (48), j00 (40), Shinori (110)
Rapier (2): WeaponsofMassConstruction (70), charlie_ (34)
charlie_ (1): Bluedoom (76)
Not voting (2): BT. (14), CT075 (14)


@Bluedoom @j00 I keep reading that I’m active lurking, I think you should link posts where I’m not actively pressuring people or working on a read. It should be easy to do if you’re right and there’s no reason not too! 

@Rapier You never answered my question from before. Also I never voted Shinori nor have I even scumread Shinori (Snike mentioned this too, very confusing) so not sure where you’re getting that from. I feel like you’re not really reading my posts. What makes Elieson’s Makaze read stuck in RVS compared to your Makaze read?

@Makaze I literally asked you the question right after said I don’t get it. That means I don’t understand the thought process and want an answer to determine if there’s scum intent or not. If I stop pushing someone or am satisfied with their responses, you should know where my read is at without me explicitly saying it. My problem with you is not your reads themselves but how you’re going about pursuing them. Its fine to gutread people but your interactions do not read like you pursuing those reads.

Boron, I don’t like how all of your scumreads are because people lack presence. Im fine with your town/null reads but your actual pressure this game doesn’t feel genuine to me. Itd be one thing if you were struggling to get reads but Im not getting that impression from you.

Had to do some soul searching here because I feel like most of j00s content has also been town/null reads but the actual scumreads themselves I can understand more. So I think that’s what differentiates a player who bothers me and a player who doesn’t.

Here’s where my head is at the moment:

-I’m feeling better about Bluedoom. Earlier it felt like all of his content was laser focused on a specific interaction and his other reads since then have been deece.

-Cam’s one post was fine but I really don’t like the Makaze scumread into not voting Makaze

-Makaze is sus. He has reads but he’s not pushing them or really meaningfully interacting besides explaining his reads.

-Shinori I get the cases on but I am not reading scum intent there? It feels like his earlier actions are scummy but not his thought process. I like his Rapier case honestly. I probably have to reread Rapier because of it though so thanks for nothing Shinori. Wouldn’t vote.

-I don’t think Snike is scum. The things people are calling him out for are things like three other people have done in this thread and everyone is fine with those. I’d like to know the difference between these reads and what makes Snike look worse.

-I’m not bothered by Boron not voting me initially, I think that’s a weak point.

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Automated Votecount

Makaze (4): Refa (46), Prims (50), Sunwoo (76), Elieson (6)
Bluedoom (4): Rapier (64), Percivalé (16), Snike (34), Makaze (186)
WeaponsofMassConstruction (3): BBM (48), j00 (40), Shinori (110)
Rapier (2): WeaponsofMassConstruction (70), charlie_ (34)
charlie_ (1): Bluedoom (76)
Not voting (2): BT. (14), CT075 (14)



Page 2:
#28: Rapier voted for Prims
#29: Rapier voted for Prims
#32: Snike voted for Rapier
#36: Sunwoo voted for Snike
#41: Shinori voted for Elieson
#47: Refa voted for Makaze
#49: Prims voted for Shinori

Page 3:
#56: BBM voted for Makaze
#62: Makaze voted for BBM

Page 4:
#78: WeaponsofMassConstruction voted for Prims
#80: Shinori voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction
#82: Rapier voted for Makaze
#90: Sunwoo voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 5:
#109: Shinori voted for Elieson
#120: Bluedoom voted for Refa
#123: Rapier voted for BBM

Page 6:
#127: WeaponsofMassConstruction voted for Sunwoo
#135: Rapier voted for Bluedoom

Page 7:
#161: Refa voted for Sunwoo
#171: Bluedoom voted for Sunwoo
#173: Sunwoo voted for Refa

Page 8:
#182: BBM voted for Prims
#192: Makaze voted for BBM

Page 9:
#222: Makaze voted for Bluedoom
#223: Shinori voted for Prims

Page 10:
#230: Snike voted for Bluedoom
#234: charlie_ voted for Shinori
#245: Prims voted for Snike
#248: BBM voted for Snike
#250: Shinori voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 11:
#251: Percivalé voted for Bluedoom
#263: j00 voted for Refa
#266: Rapier voted for Bluedoom

Page 12:
#289: Elieson voted for Makaze

Page 13:
#312: Sunwoo voted for Makaze

Page 14:
#349: charlie_ voted for Rapier

Page 15:
#365: j00 voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 16:
#387: WeaponsofMassConstruction voted for Rapier
#391: Prims voted for Makaze

Page 17:
#424: BBM voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 18:
#441: Bluedoom voted for charlie_
#448: Refa voted for Makaze

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Posting this from work in case I catch some people before they dip, but I skimmed a lot of posts.

@votecount: j00 is voting weapons and I should be voting Refa. Not sure what else is wrong there.

@Snike I see what you're saying about Marth at face value but avoiding confrontation is not the move for scum already on the chopping block. His posts gave off a frustrated vibe, he was already in a fight with another player, it just struck me as an out of place move for scum. 

I went back to find your bit on Refa and we're both seeing the same things, just that I think the questioning/reasoning can come from scum as well. The reason I voted there is because I didn't like the end result, and felt there wasn't a real gamestate read behind the curtains, just scum looking for targets. I don't fault you for the town lean there - I just reread some posts and found myself nodding along so it can be hard, I'll need to see what I think about other people's new posts as well and see how it fits in the puzzle.

@Refa Why should I be reading you charitably? That's how your post felt to me, sure it's not a good look as scum, but am I supposed to give that a pass because you could've done better in theory? Whole thing seemed very weak to me. You've done a 180 on it now; what's your read on gamestate in a world where Makaze is town?

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@Refa tbh some of your reads strike me as padding or disconnected:
- Putting Cam down as an actual scumread comes off purely as a mafia 101 "he is not voting" thing which is like, yeah I want Cam to vote too, but when you've never had anything bad to say about his content itself it feels superficial given personally I've been under the impression Cam hasn't been voting in part due to irl circumstances (drunk and forgot first time, then still behind on thread the next). It's like the easiest prod you could make in the current gamestate and in fact I had already questioned Cam so it's almost redundant or something. (Though Cam is purely a ? read for me.)
- The reads list doesn't include every player so I have to conclude putting a player in null must be for a specific reason, in which case why is Elie there? I have the impression Elie isn't a common suspect so much as people didn't really like his one post and are waiting for more. But you doesn't really have anything unique to add about him either. This remark feels weird? Like it's some kind of obligatory read made out of a perception of game state that doesn't seem accurate to me.
- This is lesser but I'm curious how you basically following Shinori on the Rapier read relates to your opinion of Shinori, if at all.

Gamestate is weird right now because Makaze feels like a near-guaranteed consolidation lynch because way more people consider him their secondary read over Bluedoom or Weapons. At the same time, two of the other people voting him are slots I haven't felt great about recently. I don't oppose an Elie wagon, it's just like, who actually wants to lynch the single post lurker right now? I don't know. I was heavily considering returning for the sake of switching to Refa before going to bed but then realized I misinterpreted something in their Cam read which made me feel less confident about my case, so I'm going to sleep on it.

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Just now, Prims said:

It's like the easiest prod you could make in the current gamestate and in fact I had already questioned Cam so it's almost redundant or something.

This referring to Refa's questioning of Cam, not the read placement itself.

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As for Weapons I'm not really feeling it as much now that it looks like he's trying to direct game state more based on his own opinions even though they feel sort of contrary to thread atmosphere. He's still a weird slot but I think I'd sooner lynch Elie over him even.

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 Iris™ Votals: Day 1.3 (~38.25 hours left)

Bluedoom (4): Makaze, Percivale, Rapier, Snike
Makaze (4): Elieson, Prims, Refa, Sunwoo
WeaponsofMassConstruction (3): BBM, j00, Shinori
charlie (1): Bluedoom
Elieson (1): WeaponsofMassConstruction
Rapier (1): charlie
Refa (1): BT.
Not Voting (1): CT075

* Votals are listed by largest wagon and then alphabetically; votes are also listed alphabetically. You can see the full voting history below. DM me if there are any errors.

The player with the most votes at the end of the Day phase will be Eliminated! With 16 alive, it takes 6 votes minimum to Eliminate a player and 10 votes to Hammer the phase early! Day 1 ends at 8:00 PM EDT on May 28th.

As a FYI, I will probably be manual votaling throuhg the end of Day 1 (to preserve accurate voting history/not penalize everyone for not being used to this sytem), but will look to use the script during future phases. Please continue to vote in the proper format. Sorry, I know our forum software sucks.



Page 2:
Rapier votes for Prims
Snike votes for Rapier
Sunwoo votes for Snike
Shinori votes for Elieson
Prims votes for Snike
Refa votes for Makaze
Prims votes for Shinori

Page 3:
BBM votes for Makaze
Makaze votes for BBM

Page 4:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes for Prims
Shinori votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction
Rapier votes for Makaze
Sunwoo votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 5:
Shinori votes for Elieson
Bluedoom votes for Refa
Rapier votes for BBM

Page 6:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes for Sunwoo
Rapier votes for Bluedoom

Page 7:
Refa votes for Sunwoo
Bluedoom votes for Sunwoo
Sunwoo votes for Refa

Page 8:
BBM votes for Prims

Page 9:
Makaze votes for Bluedoom
Shinori votes for Prims

Page 10:
Snike votes for Bluedoom
charlie votes for Shinori
Prims votes for Snike
BBM votes for Snike
Shinori votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 11:
Percivale votes for Bluedoom
j00 votes for Refa

Page 12:
Elieson votes for Makaze

Page 13:

Sunwoo votes for Makaze
Bluedoom unvotes

Page 14:
charlie votes for Rapier

Page 15:
BT. votes for Refa
j00 votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 16:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes Rapier
Prims votes Makaze

Page 17:
BBM votes WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 18:
Bluedoom votes charlie
Refa votes Makaze

Page 19:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes Elieson

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FWIW there is literally a reply from me in my role PM saying "I can't say this in thread but if Makaze isn't scum he's probably a PR unfortunately". I will say that if this turns out to be a lynchproof/gov type situation I will be insanely suspicious though because in the context of him opening the game with SK spec that would scream to me informed non-town with a powerful defensive role to make up for low numbers.

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also mods gotta start ordering the votals in order from earliest vote to last vote for player convenience at a glance, the mod votals are alphabetical and the bot votals are I think in reverse order? this baffles me because when I read the champs game it seemed like the votals were the way I'm used to so I don't figure everyone decided on a new system or something

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9 minutes ago, Prims said:

also mods gotta start ordering the votals in order from earliest vote to last vote for player convenience at a glance, the mod votals are alphabetical and the bot votals are I think in reverse order? this baffles me because when I read the champs game it seemed like the votals were the way I'm used to so I don't figure everyone decided on a new system or something

You'll have to be clearer about your expectation. If you mean the most recent vote is to the right, I can make that happen. It's currently the opposite.

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wait hold on why does makaze say he pleads the third. thats literally not a thing. you plead the fifth. bro is constantly thinking about thirds?.?>?>>?

i got back up to post this

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