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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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I won't be home in an hour to assess gamestate and reads properly but I'm still willing to lynch Refa. That claim is NAI and they're a scumread for me as opposed to null and townie on Weapons and Rapier respectively. 

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1 hour ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

@Snike why is my consolidation thing bad? I suppose I should emphasize that I've been townreading Makaze and still am overall, just that out of the four options I would vote there. Again, I would rather not lynch in any of these atm

Spend close to 10 hours summarizing and commenting on the ISO and get back to me on that. 

More seriously, when I read the ISO, makaze's lines, reads, and actions in advancing the gamestate have been consistent. Not going to deny the discussion about agreeability but Viewers added context: Makaze was between 1-2 days sleepless at that point and for reference I'm close to 20h right now and am having issues getting this post out. That def had an impact on LP shit and stuff around then. j00 and others fulfilling the prophecy laid out was also a frustrating note.

Idk if post went through or not or not but same vibe as uh my grandparents pairing.  

Re Marth wadr if you don't get it now you're never going to get it. Stop belittling every bloody thing I and others do. The listpost is a baseline your actions since have built on that

I just want to sleep in peace atp.

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6 minutes ago, j00 said:

I won't be home in an hour to assess gamestate and reads properly but I'm still willing to lynch Refa. That claim is NAI and they're a scumread for me as opposed to null and townie on Weapons and Rapier respectively. 

blessed presence

Weapons you will have to claim

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1 hour ago, Iris said:

Iris™ Votals: Day 1.7 (~7.5 hours left)

Rapier (4): charlie, BBM, Refa, Shinori
WeaponsofMassConstruction (4): Rapier, CT075, Prims, Makaze
Makaze (2): Elieson, Sunwoo
Refa (2):  j00
Bluedoom (1): Snike
Prims (1): WeaponsofMassConstruction
Not Voting (2): CT075, Percivale

The player with the most votes at the end of the Day phase will be Eliminated! With 16 alive, it takes 6 votes minimum to Eliminate a player and 10 votes to Hammer the phase early! Day 1 ends at 8:00 PM EDT on May 28th.

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Page 2:
Rapier votes for Prims
Snike votes for Rapier
Sunwoo votes for Snike
Shinori votes for Elieson
Prims votes for Snike
Refa votes for Makaze
Prims votes for Shinori

Page 3:
BBM votes for Makaze
Makaze votes for BBM

Page 4:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes for Prims
Shinori votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction
Rapier votes for Makaze
Sunwoo votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 5:
Shinori votes for Elieson
Bluedoom votes for Refa
Rapier votes for BBM

Page 6:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes for Sunwoo
Rapier votes for Bluedoom

Page 7:
Refa votes for Sunwoo
Bluedoom votes for Sunwoo
Sunwoo votes for Refa

Page 8:
BBM votes for Prims

Page 9:
Makaze votes for Bluedoom
Shinori votes for Prims

Page 10:
Snike votes for Bluedoom
charlie votes for Shinori
Prims votes for Snike
BBM votes for Snike
Shinori votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 11:
Percivale votes for Bluedoom
j00 votes for Refa

Page 12:
Elieson votes for Makaze

Page 13:

Sunwoo votes for Makaze
Bluedoom unvotes

Page 14:
charlie votes for Rapier

Page 15:
BT. votes for Refa
j00 votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 16:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes Rapier
Prims votes Makaze

Page 17:
BBM votes WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 18:
Bluedoom votes charlie
Refa votes Makaze

Page 19:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes Elieson
Prims votes for Refa

Page 20:
j00 votes for Refa
Percivale unvotes

Page 21:
Bluedoom votes for Refa

Page 22:
Rapier votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction
Shinori votes for Percivale
CT075 votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 23:
Refa unvotes

Page 24:
Makaze votes for Refa
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes for Prims
Prims votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 25:
Refa votes for Rapier

Page 32:
Shinori votes for Rapier

Page 35:
CT075 votes for Refa

Page 36: 
CT075 unvotes
Makaze votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 37:
Bluedoom unvotes

posted 1 hour ago, I removed BT's vote on refa because BT unvoted.  I don't think any other changes have been made.

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Ngl its getting late and I won't be here for deadline but I'm at a lost at who to vote; I don't want to vote in weapons/rapier/makaze now which leaves me pretty stranded; don't think I have time or energy to argue a different case so either I vote refa here again or I just no vote and call it a day tbh

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Snike: The Motion Picture


-His first notable reads are scumreading Marth for fabricating content and having a bad vote on me. He also has lesser suspicions on Weapons and Prims based on their meta.

-His second post where he's defending himself from Prims actually pings me more on Prims' end of things. @Prims You mentioned Marth being the one least likely to give backlash out of Prims' reads. I don't get where that's coming from, if anything I'd say it's Weapons who's the least likely to give backlash especially considering how Marth has reacted to votes on him. This part feels forced on your end. He elaborates on his Marth read (and others, but this is the most important one) here, I haven't had an issue so far.

-Noting that he mentions he can't see the Rapier case pretty early on in case it comes up later. In his next read, he says that Marth's responses to him read as scum flailing and Marth's pivot to Boron bothered him (especially because he voted with me w/similar reasoning despite complaining about how I was playing). Also mentions he doesn't understand the Prims townreads, which is consistent with his reasoning.

-Later scumreads BBM for waffling and specifically "One of the things pinging me in that post is the " I think the points on Makaze/Shinori/BBM/Snike are fakeable ya. " line where the two of us weren't really chatting at that point. By framing it as 'fakable' it's ascribing sinister intent rather than NAI, which is all the original line is." Also adds to his Marth case by mentioning that Marth calling her vote hypocritical wack. Also doesn't understand the Elie suspicions. Snike has solidly been townie so far.

-Afterwards, he mentions why he feels worse about Cam than Elie, due to Cam not voting or pressuring people. I feel like I've vibed with Snike on a lot of these reads so far. Mentions wanting to reread Makaze and Rapier here.

-Mentions he'd easily vote Weapons. This is consistent with his prior stances, but what bothers me here is that he hasn't really replied to or analyzed Weapons' posts so far. I know he's townreading me/Rapier, but I don't get why he's so comfortable voting Weapons here

-Holy shit, I did not notice the spoilered section here the first time I read this LMAO. In addition to elaborating on his previous points, he mentions that Marth backflips on Shinori, retroactively adding reasoning to his vote on me instead of initially having it (wait this bothers me too, @Bluedoom I didn't think about it before but for me, it seems like you decided to vote me and then case me rather than the other way around) to begin with, and basically Snike feels as though Marth isn't standing for his positions. I am not reading this as Marth framed it, which is that Snike is tunneling on a minor point from Page 5.

-Snike then does a fucking deep dive on Makaze which I also uh did not see initially. I uh...do not have the time to go through this but the conclusion is that Makaze is town and he feels Marth is the most suspicious.

-Wait, hold on. This post. You mentioned not getting the Rapier reads earlier, and I get that you didn't like Rapiers' most recent post, but why does that suddenly make him voteable for you? You literally said in this post that you'd be okay with voting Weapons if not Marth, so why is it bad coming from Rapier?


-I thought Snike was solidly town leaning for most of his content, and honestly it made me feel worse about Prims and Bluedoom. However, at the end it feels like...it doesn't seem consistent with his previous posts? It seemed like he had a Rapier townread, but then he kind of backtracks on it and I really don't get the reasoning here. I think what makes me feel worse is that earlier he promised a Rapier/Makaze reread but then only reread Makaze and flipped on his Rapier read without that. This bothers me and stands out in contrast from the rest of his content. I'd like to know what the thought process is here.

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Solely based on Votals to me a Rapier wagon looks better than Weapons wagon but idg why weapons was townreading refa/rapier/third wagon enough to flip to Makaze over choose top 3 options? Also not a fan of Weapons leaving thread when asked to claim.

I know Makaze is prob reading inverse and wondering why we're not lynching jack claim; I'm in boat that it would be Weird to make that claim up and specifically have Martyr and Empower as abilities

I don't like that third wagon is Makaze rn. Sunwoo when you get in pls pivot bc otherwise wagon is you and Elieson who has 1 content post. NAGL

cut by Refa

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I really should reread Marth at this point (the framing of Snike's vote on him in particular bothers me, I think that read has progressed a lot more than the Page 5 vote), but I don't know if I'll have the time today. @Snike I think what I want you to focus on is the last part, the rest is basically just me sucking your dick so it's not important to me that you read it.

2 minutes ago, Snike said:

Solely based on Votals to me a Rapier wagon looks better than Weapons wagon but idg why weapons was townreading refa/rapier/third wagon enough to flip to Makaze over choose top 3 options? Also not a fan of Weapons leaving thread when asked to claim.

Who would you expect Weapons to vote as town?


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Actually you should respond to why you were cool with voting Weapons as well.

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@RefaThat listpost is bad imo and shinori calling out the inconsistency swayed me. Makaze thinks it's messy town so my fucking tired ass is semi-ok shelving it. I want to say to be clear Makaze dive was supposed to be Makaze dive into Rapier dive but well you saw how long that shit took.

I think town!Weapons continues Prims push towards  Clown Fiesta Deadline (refuse to use original abbreviation) and would prefer consolidating on someone who scumread them at the time instead of Makaze who I would argue is low-hanging fruit due to playstyle clashes.

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Just now, Refa said:

Actually you should respond to why you were cool with voting Weapons as well.

Weapons consolidation on Makaze is an L Take. Again Go ISO the slot for a 1000 years and come back.

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Just now, Snike said:

Weapons consolidation on Makaze is an L Take. Again Go ISO the slot for a 1000 years and come back.

Maybe I'm getting the timeline wrong, but I thought this was before Weapons voted Makaze.

Yeah, I mean I'm not bothered by you not diving into Rapier immediately there, it's more weird to me that you were just fine voting him instantly despite not being bothered by him earlier.

Sure, that makes sense to me (re: what Town!Weapons would do).

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@Refa I think I clariified in my recent posts at least that my positions on Boron and Snike at least I did not continue because with boron a) I did not want to tunnel and b)I actually considered the perspective of town!snike thinking that he found something and was tunneling on me, like he had a eureka moment. So I think that part at least I've covered.

I'm confused as to the backflip on shinori part, can you quote the post/page in question?

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I already linked it I think but it's in Snike's wall here.

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3 hours ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

That's hard, probably you, mainly because I have a harder time reading you, but again I don't feel great about lynching either of you. Why do you not consider eg Makaze a viable lynch given that he only has one less vote than me?

I do want to stress again that we don't need to tunnel between us three. FWIW I don't think Shinori's recent points against you are particularly strong and you've defended them well enough.

I'd probably be more willing to consolidate on Makaze, honestly. I feel like surely scum Makaze could come up with more resonant reasons for his cases than he has so far, and I doubt he's coming in here knowingly trying to AtE (back when that was a more a thing), but out of us four, just that none of his points I feel like are good is the most suspicious thing. Still would prefer to look outside at this point.

This was the Weapons take I'm talking about Refa. If Shinori votals are right Weapons didn't move vote to Makaze so your timeline is off. 

I'm going to try and nap w/ alarm bc I'm barely capable of putting a sentence together rn had to do a favor for a sib and locked myself out of an account. bbiab

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2 minutes ago, Bluedoom said:

@Refa I think I clariified in my recent posts at least that my positions on Boron and Snike at least I did not continue because with boron a) I did not want to tunnel and b)I actually considered the perspective of town!snike thinking that he found something and was tunneling on me, like he had a eureka moment. So I think that part at least I've covered.

Yeah I don't think your read on Boron is a problem. I personally am more bothered because you're being very reductive on Snike's case.

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Just now, Snike said:

This was the Weapons take I'm talking about Refa. If Shinori votals are right Weapons didn't move vote to Makaze so your timeline is off. 

Ooooh okay, that's my bad. Lemme know your Rapier thoughts when you wake up.

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