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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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I'm a vig, I crumbed this in like my second content post saying I would Name kill Prims.

Blatantly knowing I wouldn't get lynched day 1 as a vig claim.

Argued against SK day 2 because there is no SK and the obviousness that I wouldn't get lynched if I claimed.

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Makaze in what world does an SK claim vig, on day 2 when scum is already down 2 scum?

Like if this was 13/3/1 or 12/4/1 and I'm sk, two scum are already dead, never ever would I claim vig. That's asking to die in a game that town is stomping.

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Why did SF have to get rid of the old facepalm emoticon

I need it back. Every month I need it back

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1 minute ago, Makaze said:

Cam died, when they were probably town FMPOV

I suspect Shinori of being the SK, not the last scum

What kind of SK would (successfully) lead the 3rd scum lynch D2 after shooting the second scum N1?????????

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Just now, Shinori said:

He thinks I'm SK I assume, even when I said I'd claim day 2 and guaranteed I'd claim day 3.

No SK in the world would claim ever as a vig when scum are 2 dead scum on d2 LOL.

Please tell me I'm wrong.

You were in a position to lie after every other claim, but  it is pretty unlikely you would risk a CC

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Especially after I lead a lynch on scum day 2, as SK I would want the scum team to live for a LITTLE longer.

Because if all the scum team dies and I'm alive as a claimed vig, the only other source of kills happening I JUST DIE.

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Just now, j00 said:

What kind of SK would (successfully) lead the 3rd scum lynch D2 after shooting the second scum N1?????????

The kind who would use a refuge in audacity, and I have been that kind of SK and won in my past games (it was a turbo but that was the strategy)

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Just now, Makaze said:

You were in a position to lie after every other claim, but  it is pretty unlikely you would risk a CC

I guess this is fair but like it's reaching, like super heavily.  I'd like to think if I was SK I wasn't stupid enough to just keep killing scum.

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Guys, can we just

I don't know

Ignore Makaze or something

It's evident to the rest of us that Shinori is clear as fuck. Unless you guys think Makaze is scum and should be lynched, let's focus on things that will actually move the game forward

Right now, I've got nothing. I've been putting off rereads forever, sorry.

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An SK has the most fun when they like like they are town who is really good at the game, then watch town each other when they are as cleared as can be, and that is exactly how I would play if it were me

I am just saying it is not impossible

@Shinori Still waiting on that full claim

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Just now, j00 said:

Who's left to claim, Makaze, Radicate and me? Are we all claiming now or what?

Ichigo I think as well?

looks like things are covered I'll talk to you all later.


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I am the town governer, I can stop end a day early without an elimination once in the game, and doing so does not count toward our maximum no elims

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1 minute ago, Makaze said:

when they like like they are town who is really good at the game

oh my fucking god I just fukcing cant anymore

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I shot weapons last night to clear up WIFOM and they are in my PoE as well, I also felt like I could do the shot even if it missed because I feel like this is town's game to lose at this point even if I missed.

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6 minutes ago, Shinori said:

I'm a vig, I crumbed this in like my second content post saying I would Name kill Prims.

Blatantly knowing I wouldn't get lynched day 1 as a vig claim.

Argued against SK day 2 because there is no SK and the obviousness that I wouldn't get lynched if I claimed.

which kill was yours n2, and what was your reasoning?

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Just now, Shinori said:

I shot weapons last night to clear up WIFOM and they are in my PoE as well, I also felt like I could do the shot even if it missed because I feel like this is town's game to lose at this point even if I missed.

okay, you have cleared my suspicions

it can't be rad or bluedoom, so...

snike and rapier are the most likely based on the claims

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shinori I applaud your yolo n1 vig kill of cam lol I wouldn't have had the guts to do that

ok so i am quite certain that this game is just 12/4 and there is only one scum left. imo the following people are hardclear: shinori, boron, rad. shinori is obvious as town vig. i clear boron, marth clears rad

i think me and marth are pretty good here as well. i find it pretty unlikely that either of us would be the sole town investigative role. also, both of us cleared people for no reason who were in the poe pool (and both of us claimed before the people we cleared)

j00 and prims/ichigo are prolly still town. i still think makaze is town regardless of whatever he's trying to argue right now.

that just leaves rapier and snike unless I'm forgetting someone

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Marth is not scum

If Marth was scum, he would've just shot Shinori outright after tracking the Cam

He would also not out it before Shinori did

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