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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins!


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The NOCcers were getting pretty tired of gathering (and seeing multiple bodies) every night.

To no one's surprised, two bodies were strewn across the floor.

 Dear Sunwoo,

You are Spellcard Mafia (2012).  

On 10/27/2016 at 3:32 AM, Refa said:

Well, of course it sucked.

I wasn't in it.

I had a hard time finding this game because it’s not even CALLED Spellcard Mafia. It’s literally called Touhou NOCfia, shaking my head. Anyways, this game is fondly remembered by both Ria and Grace who told me I should include it, so here we are. While I didn’t get through the whole game, it seems like you played pretty decently (and perhaps, also, the town played pretty poorly in the first few phases) – you impressively survived all the way to the end, making it to Night 7 and killing the last Mafia.

See, Refa has the right idea – “I don’t remember this game/I wasn’t in this game” therefore it wasn’t good – congratulations on the Serial Killer win, though, that’s very impressive. I also see that many players have PTSD from this game.

Spellcard Mafia 2, when?


In short, you are the Doctor.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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And look, there's the other body...

Dear BBM,

You are Cuphead Mafia (2018).

You are a classic anonymous game hosted by Prims that unfortunately can’t be reread easily due to how SF’s anonymous game system works. I hope you enjoy the Waifu mafia reskin as you reminisce!

You, BBM, may think of Cuphead Mafia as your greatest failure in SF Mafia history, mislynching town in MYLO, but the greats (aka just me, SB, and Refa) remember this game and you as Orange Islands BBM. It truly is the heroic Greek tragedy of Ash “BBM” Ketchum almost winning his first title, but the stubborn Charizard (sorry eclipse!) from the Indigo league preventing his victory…

Oh well. At least you got a nice photograph out of it.




Thanks to your impending depression about this game, you have decided being town sucks, and if you can’t beat them, join them.

A dark spirit possesses you.

You are Mafia Universe.

You are a conglomerate of forum Mafia communities that successfully came together rescuing refugees from dying communities who still want to play mafia. Your history is intertwined with Serenes Forest; One of your Administrators literally comes from SF, with another basically coming from here as well (Smogon isn’t real if you ignore it). You also are the host of the Annual Mafia Championship (11+ years and counting) where. Nothing beats traumatizing our fellow community by democratically voting them in to play in the Mafia Chumps (affectionate term).

(Jokes aside, we are very thankful we were invited to this year’s Mafia Championship despite our lack of games in 4+ years – ignore any connections we may have pulled to get there!).


In short, you are the Watcher + Voyeur.

You are a member of the Off-site Traitors. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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And with that, the Off-site Traitors faction has been Eliminated!

But wait...

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There's no SK, lol. Congratulations to the SF Mafia Elitists!

Now please let me post all these Role PMs before you rejoice.

Ichigo (formerly Prims) has Survived! His Role PM is below:

Dear Prims,

You are the Choose You’re Own Role (2013-2014) series.

What the hell? This is funny because I always associated you as the father of CYOR on SF Mafia, but it looks like Elieson did it first? Well, I guess you can always be the father of CYOURE. And also EiMM, but we shouldn’t talk about evil.

CYOURE 1 was a huge banger, and I’m still sad III did not fill. I think my favorite CYOURE story is the tale of Elieson the idling Serial Killer… Or that time BBM tried to get an OP role with God, but you read right through him…

I wonder what you would do if someone submitted Vanilla Townie. While you host plenty of Role Mad games, you are also equally known for games with high amounts of VTs, which SF Mafia seems to be allergic to. Not sure if you’ve had a chance to play as  VT, but there’s always a first time for everything.

Dear Ichigo,

You are Arctic Mafia (2018).

Despite popular belief, you've actually played in a handful of games on SF mafia. You might be called Dunn, but you're Ichigo on here, since Ripple aka Chelsea aka Claire aka Mitsuru Kirijo abandoned you... but it's fine... One of the games you joined was Arctic Mafia, where you were a mafia goon and got lynched D1...

Goons that die D1 don't do anything...

You have no special abilities.

In short, you are a Vanilla Townie.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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RADicate (formerly Elieson) has survived! His Role PM is below:



 Dear Elieson,



You are Elieson the Idling Serial Killer, the Wolf. Legends speak of a Serial Killer who was hooked on Night 1 and then proceeded to shit his pants and idle for 3 nights (and then crosskilled with the mafia as soon as he started killing again).


You are Weak Watcher Survivor, Mafia Self-Watcher/Jack of all Trades. Despite how ridiculous this claim is, Elieson used it not once - but twice. The second time, he even changed it to Weak Watcher Survivor 2-shot Vigilante Rogue with a 1-shot safety net against his weak modifier. And he almost won with it, somehow. He did successfully screw over my scumteam though - thanks a lot for that, Eli.

You are SFMafia's Greatest Hits (2015).

This game is less notable for the actual gameplay that took place in it, but mostly for the great hits that it references. In fact, Elieson, you are the star of two of them! How could we forget the Weak Watcher Survivor claim of Choral Mafia V fame… Or the time you were SK and idled your factional kill three times in a row after being hooked on Night 1… and then crosskilling with the mafia… world’s most effective serial killer… What you make up for in night actions and role claims is your mafia spirit, and isn’t Mafia really about the friends we made along the way…?

Well, in the spirit of Weak Watcher Survivor and Idling SK, I suppose you have no actions.

Dear RADicate,

You are Training Mafia Advanced 3.0 (2018).

You're a young un new to the SF Mafia lands, but you've proven your worth. Ignore that first game you subbed out of -- your team won, so all you, imo. In Training Mafia Advanced, you were the leader of the World Powers - the alignment cop - it would be super cool if you rolled a role like th--oh, you're just vanilla.

You have no special abilities.

In short, you are a Vanilla Townie.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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Makaze has survived! His Role PM is below:


 Dear Makaze,  

On 4/23/2018 at 4:51 PM, Makaze said:

I Have Solved the Game for the Seventh Time: A Makaze Story

You are I Don’t Need Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 5 (2018)!

IDNSFMM5 was probably the best of the knock-off SFMM5s with a banger setup (please ignore the overpowered ITP) and flavor. But all of this gets ignored due to being the longest game SF Mafia has ever produced by a large margin – 224 pages, which is probably only like, 4 Eurykins wall-posts, but still.

You, Makaze, were a great contributor to this. It’s hard work solving the game seventeen times! See, in any other game, Refa AKA Moses who parted the seas, would have been the main character. But we all know the real star was you (feat. YOLOSWAG) in the thunderdome. If you and YOLOSWAG are still trapped together, tell him I say hi, all right?

As the main character of IDNSFMM5, you were recently elected governor. During the day, you may reply to your Role PM with: “Day X: You FOOLs, you must listen to me!” You will stop this day’s elimination, making it a No Elimination. This will not count towards the game’s quota of maximum No Eliminations before Universal Loss. This will also end the Day phase immediately.

In short, you are the 1-shot Governor.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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j00 has survived! Her Role PM is below:

Dear j00,

You are Toonami Mafia (2013).

A classic Elieson game, your role was "Yu-Gi-Oh! MultiSeries: Lynchproof 3x Role Recharger Survivor" – yes, that was really your role – where you ended up scum-siding and winning with the Mafia. Could they have made you any less killable? This setup was pretty blatantly scumsided, but hey, at least you, j00 won, too. And honestly I respect an ITP that’s not just your traditional serial killer.

In your free time, you like to work on creative projects. Perhaps you can share them with the rest of the Town…?

At night, you may respond to your Role PM with “Giving <USER> <ITEM>. and select ONE of the following”. The person you target may receive the following items that they will be notified they can use during the next day/night phase.

  • 1x Network. This item allows <USER> to pick a <USER2> to be their Neighbor for the next night phase and day phase. They will be able to communicate in a shared Role PM.
  • 1x Courier: <USER> will be able to send a 200 character anonymous message to any alive player of their choice. This character limit does not include spaces.
  • 1x Insomniac: <USER> will be able to post during the next night phase.
  • 1x Announcer: <USER> will be able to send a 400 character anonymous announcement to the thread. This character limit does not include spaces.

You may self target yourself once per giving cycle. After you have sent out one of each item, you begin a new cycle.

In short, you are the Communications Inventor.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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And last but not least, Town-nori, the Town Leader...

Shinori has survived! His Role PM is below:



 Dear Shinori,


You are Kemono Friends Mafia (2017).


 I don't particularly have many great stats or impressive accolades. I once in a game as a town leader had my vig shoot a bomb. They both claimed those exact roles to me. That was funny. 

^ Banger quote from our champion.

You are mostly Kemono Friends Mafia because I couldn’t find the game where you were Town Leader and had Vig shoot bomb. If I had a nickel for every time you were Town Leader as Town and Mafia won, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

We are in the era of Town-nori. No one can stop you, especially not the Counting Alliance and an all-newbie scum team (thank goodness for non-rigged rands). Kemono Friends was pretty funny having a whole friend group of zoomers sign up and all newbies wind up being the scum team, but no whippersnapper is going to outwit you!

Your confidence from smashing newbies has only swelled your ego, and you’re ready to beat up the scum. 

At night, you may respond to your Role PM with: “Night X - Stomping on <User>”. You will kill <User> that night phase.

In short, you are the Night Vigilante.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

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For anyone wondering what the hell a Consigiliere Goon was (no, we did not use ToS or Epicmafia, but the role spec was funny). Thanks Ria for the name - to help differentiate from Backup, as the ability gained from Refa's death was not quite a backup.

CT075 D1 End Message:

Well fuck. You weren't expecting that to happen that early. You're supposed to be the deadbeat scum buddy/the useless shit that gets carried, not the one that has to carry others!!! EiMM was like your big brother (because both your names start with E lmao). With the death of Big Brother EiMM, you've gained access to the following ability (with a use for each unused ability by your buddy). 

[THREE] COPS: You were able to salvage EiMM's guns, but they're unfortunately unloaded so you won't be able to use them for killing, but there may be other uses... For this ability, you may respond once per day/night cycle with: "Day/Night X - Inspecting <USER> with my  <MODIFIER> Gun" to receive <USER>'s Role PM with some caveats.

- "Ninja": This Cop ability is quicker than a ninja. They can't catch you if you investigate someone's role at Instant speed! This ability can be submitted during the day phase or night phase, and cannot be caught on Investigations.
- "Strong"(willed): It's pretty scarring to hear that "Strong HP Cop" is in EiMM now, and it's not what you think it is. This ability cannot fail.
- "Janitor" (Jealous): You're a pacifist, but it would be kind of RUDE if you have to share your investigative time with any other user. You will get this user's Role PM, but other investigations on this user will fail.

While you have access to your 3-shot Rolecop, you are still a Consigliere Goon and may obtain other abilities upon the deaths of your buddies.

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Hats off to Shinori and Ichigo for what obviously went down N4.

And a good game to the scum team. I do not envy any of you guys, playing mafia after years of hiatus is hard. Playing mafia as mafia is even harder.

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Props to BBM and Cam from the scum team; you guys did amazing and Cam had me completely fooled

Great job Shinori, you played perfectly as the vig

Ichigo did awesome as a sub with that insomniac


I'm sorry for being insufferable the whole game

If you guys have some actionable feedback on how to be easier to play with I would appreciate what insights you have

So far I've got "don't cry wolf on d1" and "Have an explanation" (Don't think I can make promises about that one)

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well this was one of the mafia games i've played JFAS;DKAFS


-read the game terrible

-didnt get punished for it because i got mechanically cleared

-made a refa stan modpost



this was funny fmpov, thanks for having me gamers sorry for the bad reads LOL

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Posted (edited)

It was fun playing with everyone again. The game became very non-traditional after N1 set up the rest of the game to be a sweep, with town getting complacent as a result, but it made for a funny story in the end, and that's what's most important about social games you play with your friends anyway. Shout-out to all of BT/j00/Bluedoom for being essential in getting the D1 scum lynch going and Shinori essentially locking things down N1-D2. Also thanks to Dunn for subbing in for my slot and probably helping get BBM shot at the end (by using Insomniac of all things which made me proud).

I was rough on the amount of posts but at the same time those posts were high on content, though I still think it's healthy for town to take a break and stop posting sometimes so others can catch up. Still, this game is a lot bigger of a commitment than it used to be. In the future I won't sign up unless I can be 100% sure there's nothing else I should be doing instead.  I feel like it's better to just have 48 hour days now that the pace of the game moves much faster, and also because we're all older and don't want to be stuck in a mafia game for as long

as an aside I feel like I used to be a better poster in these games and way more concise. what can you do I guess

Edited by Prims
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Makaze my general impression is that you haven't developed instincts for how the game is played yet, and made a lot of shaky assumptions or moves that go against basic mafia gameplay theory (especially I was confused when you voted Refa over Weapons despite saying you were sure Weapons was scum, but it benefited us in the end by mistake). I think what's most important is just to play more and review what does and doesn't work (both for you and for others), and be willing to work with other people as town a little more. I would also spend less time worrying about thirds until there's very certain evidence a third exists

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37 minutes ago, Prims said:

Makaze my general impression is that you haven't developed instincts for how the game is played yet, and made a lot of shaky assumptions or moves that go against basic mafia gameplay theory (especially I was confused when you voted Refa over Weapons despite saying you were sure Weapons was scum, but it benefited us in the end by mistake). I think what's most important is just to play more and review what does and doesn't work (both for you and for others), and be willing to work with other people as town a little more. I would also spend less time worrying about thirds until there's very certain evidence a third exists


what would you suggest for (fixing or using effectively) confident opinions about play that goes against conventions?

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Oh it's really over

I'd repeat the classic Mafia Sucks etc. but I genuinely had a good time playing a game with the old gang again, thanks for hosting Iris!

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@Makaze You struggle to convince people about your reads because you're not good at putting yourself into a random other town's shoes, I think.

You act like your gut instincts should be obvious to anyone else and that they should be followed without any other reasons or explanations. But you have to remember that all the info pther townies has is their own role and the fact that they're town themselves. You need to give a reason or argument for them to start trusting you.

Throwing around gut reads and being stubborn about them D1 just makes people annoyed or makes them dismiss you. There is no argument for them to fight or defend themselves over, so at best it's just a waste of time to engage. You should also question yourself why you feel off about those players, and try to explain if this can come off scum motivation. Try to think what kind of gamestate scum would prefer and push, and likewise try to see if it makes sense for "bad" play to have town motivation too. Reconsider your reads occasionally with new information, posts and flips instead of trying to stick to them with your preconceived feelings no matter what.

I also think you sometimes overcomplicate things by assuming scum might do some completely off the walls bold plays for idk, town cred? when in reality as scum you are much more likely to play it safe, and if you do crazy bold plays it's often to benefit a team member or you can afford to take a chance. Things like Shinori being SK after shooting scum N1 and helping lead a lynch on scum D2 makes no sense. SK has a tough wincon because they need to eliminate both town and scum. Thus they will want a balance so scum isn't eliminated too early. Shinori had a lot of town cred due to his actions yes, but if he was SK it still wouldn't be worth it because people would question why he was still alive if the game went on for too long, and he would eventually be lynched in PoE.

To sum it up, think about what town/scum would gain in different situations and remember that town players literally have no idea what's going on D1, so they won't blindly trust or listen to other players. All they know is that they themselves are town so they will be sceptical to anyone who attacks them, especially if there are no attached reasons but "gut instinct".

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5 hours ago, j00 said:

@Makaze You struggle to convince people about your reads because you're not good at putting yourself into a random other town's shoes, I think.

You act like your gut instincts should be obvious to anyone else and that they should be followed without any other reasons or explanations. But you have to remember that all the info pther townies has is their own role and the fact that they're town themselves. You need to give a reason or argument for them to start trusting you.

Throwing around gut reads and being stubborn about them D1 just makes people annoyed or makes them dismiss you. There is no argument for them to fight or defend themselves over, so at best it's just a waste of time to engage. You should also question yourself why you feel off about those players, and try to explain if this can come off scum motivation. Try to think what kind of gamestate scum would prefer and push, and likewise try to see if it makes sense for "bad" play to have town motivation too. Reconsider your reads occasionally with new information, posts and flips instead of trying to stick to them with your preconceived feelings no matter what.

I also think you sometimes overcomplicate things by assuming scum might do some completely off the walls bold plays for idk, town cred? when in reality as scum you are much more likely to play it safe, and if you do crazy bold plays it's often to benefit a team member or you can afford to take a chance. Things like Shinori being SK after shooting scum N1 and helping lead a lynch on scum D2 makes no sense. SK has a tough wincon because they need to eliminate both town and scum. Thus they will want a balance so scum isn't eliminated too early. Shinori had a lot of town cred due to his actions yes, but if he was SK it still wouldn't be worth it because people would question why he was still alive if the game went on for too long, and he would eventually be lynched in PoE.

To sum it up, think about what town/scum would gain in different situations and remember that town players literally have no idea what's going on D1, so they won't blindly trust or listen to other players. All they know is that they themselves are town so they will be sceptical to anyone who attacks them, especially if there are no attached reasons but "gut instinct".

Thank you

I think the only way I can handle that situation is to keep my gut reads from single Post in RVs to myself and try to build cases based on them for later.

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  • Iris changed the title to (Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins!

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