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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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Just now, Shinori said:

You mean you want a summary of my notes and not the whole casing?

yes, i want a bullet list of conclusions

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3 minutes ago, Snike said:

I think the specific backup details is more specific than universal and I agreed  with prims  on the not w/w. I think the Townreading Refa wagon is Weird but I'm not interested in just lynching the other right now when 1 was flipped. I also think that Bulletproof Killing Jack flipping is probably worst case scenario for scum d1; it doesn't make sense for Weapons to bus there IMO if they're  buddies.

I am not counting out the possibility of an SK. We should not consider unproveable claims to be important

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J00 - slight chance of bus but that's like super low, probably town.
BT - hard to think this is scum - also flipped town now.
Makaze - no way this is scum vs refa yesterday.
Ichigo(possible deep wolf but maybe not) - prims vs refa was mad strong and prims scum doesn't vote refa EoD.
Myself - me

town lean
Rad - Want to read elie's last bit into thread and vote onto refa as townie, could look into this more later, feel like it wasn't fake.
Rapier - Still could be sus but i think seeing as refa pushed them im willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for now.
Sunwoo - probably not aligned with refa, could probably be in the group above really.
Bluedoom - if I was to assume there was a bus I think marth is a likely option for an early ish bus, but for now we act under the assumption that the first 4 who were on refa most of the day, and stayed there, are not a bus.

Weapons - possibly double scum up on EoD. but realistically prlly not w/w at least for now, this is still in PoE tho
Perci - Read emotion as town but play could be scum based.  Not my priority, still technically PoE

Scum lean:
BBM - Had some good comments EoD that kind of push for not buddy with bbm, so this is probably the bottom of my priorities for scum.
SB - not on either ending wagon, instead on makaze, heavily dislike this. - Awkward interactions between refa x SB
Snike - I gave snike town points for the massive post/walls that would obviously take a lot of effort and time, but if i remove those town points post refa flip then they look worse, also against the refa stuff.



A lot of people said they would consolidate onto refa and didn't, primarily the people later in the list which is something look into.

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1 minute ago, Makaze said:

There could be a lost wolf as well, if that is part of sf meta

at the risk of sounding silly, what's a lost wolf, first mafia term dropped itt i havent caught

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if I'm in the PoE would you rather I claim now and fully explain what I was trying to do yesterday or do we wanna wait on that

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A PoE of BBM, SB, Snike, Perci, Weapons, Myself should at the very least be a good starting PoE.

Remove myself from it and we have 5 people at max to really go through in my eyes with 2 dead scum on day 2 morning.  Leaving out weapons/Perci who I think are the most likely to outright be town out of them I wanna focus on the 3 I already mentioned previously.

In fact I'll start by going

##Vote: @charlie_

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Just now, Percivalé said:

if I'm in the PoE would you rather I claim now and fully explain what I was trying to do yesterday or do we wanna wait on that

I don't think a claim is needed, at least in my eyes, you aren't the biggest priority.

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2 minutes ago, RADicate said:

at the risk of sounding silly, what's a lost wolf, first mafia term dropped itt i havent caught


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I'm assuming lost wolf must be a person who is mafia but not included in scumchat?

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Just now, Percivalé said:

I'm assuming lost wolf must be a person who is mafia but not included in scumchat?

dat would makessense too, my initial assumption was "wolf who didn't know wtf was going on itt"

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Just now, Makaze said:

I am not counting out the possibility of an SK. We should not consider unproveable claims to be important

So you're saying w/SK? I could buy that; I had a thought jittering around that this could be multiball but I have no evidence.

What we have is:

1) Killing power outside the Mafia exists; double so since scum died during the night

2) maf is not out yet, so at least 3 members. Maybe a godfather?

3) Scum roles feel fairly strong? rolecop +bp/ kill modifiers.

Not sure if it's too helpful until we see more evidence of the third.

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1 minute ago, Percivalé said:

I'm assuming lost wolf must be a person who is mafia but not included in scumchat?

correct. typically they do not know who their teammates

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Just now, Makaze said:

correct. typically they do not know who their teammates

I don't think this is anything ever done on SF, I especially wouldn't expect it here.

Lost wolf in terms of SF would have to be a scum wolf who intentionally didn't look at their buddies or join a scum chat in this definition.

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18 minutes ago, Shinori said:

Boron is probably not aligned with Refa if you see some of their earlier interactions.  Very early on they kind of went head on into each other without much need to.  I don't see scum instantly going so hard into their buddy(unless they actually planned it) but considering we don't have many situations where our mafia gamers plan to fake a fight with each other I think we can put boron as probably not with Refa.

I need to dive into cam's ISO again post flip but they were on my list of scum reads of people to focus on moving into this day phase.

Yeah to be clear prio off those 3 was Rapier >>> Percivale ~ Sunwoo

What do you think about the marth waver by Rapier?

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19 minutes ago, Snike said:

This isn't a bad focus; I just know my role PM. We had a scum die overnight so we can afford a miselim if it clears the gamestate.

Of the 2 not-me, I would probably push Duskfall right now. I need to look at BBM again because I was definitely ??? yesterday.

Scum lost rolecop and kill modifiers, BBM is right we're cruising rn.

is this a scumslip? where does it say that cam or refa had a rolecop?

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1 minute ago, BBM said:

is this a scumslip? where does it say that cam or refa had a rolecop?

BBM look up Consigliere.

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Don't think Prims is scum anymore, didn't expect Cam to flip wolf, don't trust my ability to read rn. At least gamespec wise I think flavor really suggests just one mafia faction? I feel like 12/4 is more likely than 12/3/1 if vig wants to claim, but otherwise I'll assume SK

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1 minute ago, Snike said:

BBM look up Consigliere.

"The Consigliere is a mafia-aligned player who starts the game being separated from the mafia team (doesn't know who they are and aren't allowed to chat with them). If anyone investigates the Consigliere while they are still separated from the mafia team, they will view as being town-aligned. Once per game on any night, the Consigliere may choose to join the mafia team, which will result in them losing their immunity to investigations. While separated from the mafia team, the Consigliere cannot carry out the mafia faction kill, even if they are the only one left alive from the team."

this is the only thing I see anywhere about the mafia game version of consigliere and not the real life mafia consiglieres

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Just now, BBM said:

"The Consigliere is a mafia-aligned player who starts the game being separated from the mafia team (doesn't know who they are and aren't allowed to chat with them). If anyone investigates the Consigliere while they are still separated from the mafia team, they will view as being town-aligned. Once per game on any night, the Consigliere may choose to join the mafia team, which will result in them losing their immunity to investigations. While separated from the mafia team, the Consigliere cannot carry out the mafia faction kill, even if they are the only one left alive from the team."

this is the only thing I see anywhere about the mafia game version of consigliere and not the real life mafia consiglieres


It's stalker/rolecop in Town of Salem 1.

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Refa also claimed cop in his jack of all trades, which is probably safe to say that he did have a role cop shot ability.  Could be a scum slip but I think it's kind of reaching.

1 minute ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

Don't think Prims is scum anymore, didn't expect Cam to flip wolf, don't trust my ability to read rn. At least gamespec wise I think flavor really suggests just one mafia faction? I feel like 12/4 is more likely than 12/3/1 if vig wants to claim, but otherwise I'll assume SK

I don't think vig should claim if we have one, we can assume SK if we want but assuming SK makes finding scum actually a bit harder because scum would be hunting for SK which could make their In thread actions a lot different so my above PoE loses value.

I personally would just prefer to assume town X mafia for now until we are in a situation where we NEED to be hunting for an SK or if we receive something a lot more in line with an SK in game.  The cam kill lines up with town thinking, not SK thinking. No way sk kills cam in that scenario I think following a mafia lynch day 1.  SK would go for more obvious town members because they would already be behind.

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